Bible Facts, Bible Proof, Evidence of the Bible, Bible Archaeology, Is the Bible Reliable?, Is Jesus God? , Is the Trinity false?, False Bible translations , False Christ's, False teachers!, False faiths, - Ephesians 5:11 And do not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even expose them.
By Dr. Howard Davis. I don't know if this will go through as I got a 404 at their other site. But, the passage in Mark 16:4 says in Greek which I have read since ' 3 "having looked up": this shows in Greek the two women(who were prob.5 ft.) had to 'look upwards' to view the stone implying it was very tall. It says about "the stone" "for" gar.Gk., which was missed in English, but it means here "INDEED!" Then Mark uses 'megas' Gk. we get our word mega- ton, etc., meaning something of very great size. And finally he says in Greek "extremely" or to the uttermost. So there are four Greek words to describe just how massive that stone was! So I translate;: And having looked upwards they are viewing that the stone has been rolled away, YES, INDEED it was extremely great in size!" So looked upwards-this stone was very tall in height -"rolled away" showing it was round - not a square plug stone as is being taught today in some quarters- great in size or megas Gk. massive-and to add to the picture Mark is painting for us this massive stone was 'extremely' large. Going back in time then Mark is saying this stone was much larger than the stones that covered tomb doorways! up to the time he was writing his narrative!!! Mark is known as a 'detailed writer.' He certainly shows us this trait here! I always wondered what happened to this massive round stone and Simon led by the spirit of God found it in these last days when as Daniel says 'knowledge will be increased.' In Hebrew increased means to 'shoot an arrow.'It is increasing fast! I feel a team of Byzantines- hauled the large stone by oxen(?)as possibly then it was in danger of being destroyed by ------- or some other unfriendly forces and took it to Mt.Nebo -Moses area, and this it where it was later found maybe in a cave and then erected into a display only for Simon to find!!! These same men may have covered over the tomb with dirt,etc., to further protect the site. Then later Gen. Gordon discovered it and had his men remove the debris and uncover the tomb and general area. Of interest the boyhood home of Jesus may have been discovered in Nazareth. Inside stone doorway has a round stone next to it to roll in front of the room!
The Great Stone at Mount Nebo, overlooking the Promised Land, is a testimony by God Almighty, reminding all mankind that Jesus Christ (Yeshua) was crucified, died, and buried in the Tomb, conquered death by being raised by creator God Almighty, testifying God sent from heaven an angel to roll away the stone; this signified that the debt was fully paid, and Yeshua is now legally discharged, and so are those who believe and follow Him. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16. King James Bible.
87% of all people who voted equalling to148, agree this is: The GREAT STONE Owned By Joseph of Arimathaea from the Garden Tomb. Watch video and leave your comment here.
Here is an expanded
translation based on the Greek in Mark 16:4:
"And [the two
women] having gazed upwards in surprise at the [great] height of the [circular]
stone they were viewingthat this very
heavy [implied in the Gk.-it was large but also very weighty] extremely
gigantic in magnitude stone was [actually] rolled away."
Or "As the two women were walking [up to the tomb] they
had to really stretch to look up very high to even see the height of the
ponderous extremely massive in magnitude stone to see that it was actually
rolled away."(Hyper expanded
based on Greek)
The idea presented by Mark -the writer of particular
"details" as some called him -was this round stone was like no other
stone covering the door to a memorial tomb at that time-it was extremely
gigantic in magnitude (megas) circumference and very heavy.
Where it says rolled away from is from the Greek "cut
out"from the bottom of the incline
or track for the large stone just as Simon shows us in his epic video!So two hidden features or details from Mark
again-it was easier to close than to open due to an incline or constructed
trough or slot and it was "cut out" fromstone at the bottom where the huge stone
would roll.
He had to use certain Greek words to convey this. The word I
translate as "extremely"(spodra) is also "vehement "in
Greek conveying very forceful emotion; here the word in contextrefers to the over sized stone! He pulled out
all stops under inspiration to show the reader just how heavy and large in
circumference this stone was.
I noted something else. Megas or great in the English Bible
in our verse can mean enormous in height ! Rich and influential Joseph wanted
to really secure his tomb, with a magnificent massive stone and perhaps to
display his great wealth in those days. This was common. He was a 'good man'
and 'waiting for the kingdom of God.' He was as we know mentioned in prophecy
Isa.53:9. It's a rich[man-Joseph ] in Hebrew.
The word 'laid' is "appoint in Heb."Joseph 'appointed' Jesus to his own tomb and
Isaiah tells us why hundreds of years before this event- "Because He
[Jesus] had done no violence,Nor was any deceit in His mouth."
After all Joseph of Armimatheahad created and planned as well as maintained
with his own gardener a spacious beautiful garden too! That alone was expansive
as well as the funds to create and maintain the garden.
The symbolism in all this is not missed. Adam fell in a
garden. Jesus was buried because of the fall in a garden area. He probably
prayed and restorted to this same garden in the days of His ministry!
Jesus is called the "Stone" that the builders
rejected. The stone in the garden tomb was massive and great as He is-with His
height reaching into the heavens! He was rich while in heaven ,but as it says
He became poor for our sakes. Joseph was rich and prominent, but gave up his
spacious tomb that had cost him so much in time, money and labor, including
hand chiseled by craftsmen a huge round stone such as was not done up until
The stone was circular not a square plug push in/out stone
as some were at that time with round stones covering very prominent peoples
tombs then. Who is more prominent than Jesus? A circle was symbolic of eternity
and also with no beginning or end as we see in Jesus!
Again, congratulations on your massive discovery Simon!!! I have
always wondered where that gigantic (megas) stone went and God led you in these
last days to it! A very great blessing was bestowed on you from our Lord!
Again, if I can help with my knowledge of Hebrew and Greek
or in any way please ask. It would be a great honor!
Dame Isabel Piczek-a Hungarian trained particle physicist and internationally renowned monumental artist-has apparently uncovered hard, scientific evidence that Jesus Christ did, in fact, rise from the dead.
The object of her study is a simple piece of ancient fabric known as the Shroud of Turin.
The Shroud of Turin is arguably the single most studied artifact in human history. It is a piece of ancient linen measuring 14 feet 3 inches long by 3 feet 7 inches wide. The bloodstained surface of the Shroud is marked with a negative image of the undistorted front and back sides of a naked man who appears to have been severely beaten and crucified-an ancient Roman form of torture and execution.
For centuries, based on the Gospel accounts, many Christians have believed that Christ's body was wrapped in the Shroud when He was placed in a borrowed tomb in Jerusalem 2000 years ago.
In 2004, Dame Piczek became fascinated by the total absence of distortion of the Shroud image, a physical impossibility if the body had been lying on solid rock. Piczek's work strongly suggests that the image of Jesus was projected as a quantum hologram onto the cloth as His body underwent the process of Resurrection.
"The entire Resurrection process is akin to the Big Bang creation of the universe when something was created from nothing," explains Piczek. "You can read the science of the Shroud, such as total lack of gravity, lack of entropy (without gravitational collapse), no time, no space-it conforms to no known law of physics."
Dame Piczek created a one-fourth size sculpture of the man in the Shroud. When viewed from the side, it appears as if the man is suspended in mid air (see graphic, below), indicating that the image defies previously accepted science. The phenomenon of the image brings us to a true event horizon, a moment when all of the laws of physics change drastically.
Dame Piczek contends that the image was created in an infinitesimally small fraction of a second and its formation was absent of the effects of gravity.
The Physics Behind the Holographic Image
Dame Piczek explains the complicated physics behind the image on the Shroud: "As quantum time collapses to absolute zero (time stopped moving) in the tomb of Christ, the two event horizons (one stopping events from above and the other stop-ping the events from below at the moment of the zero time col-lapse) going through the body get infinitely close to each other and eliminate each other (causing the image to print itself on the two sides of the Shroud).
In general relativity, an event horizon is a boundary in space-time, most often an area surrounding a black hole, beyond which events cannot affect an outside observer. Light emitted from beyond the horizon can never reach the observer, and anything that passes through the horizon from the ob-server's side appears to freeze in place.
Attempting to make an object approaching the horizon re-main stationary with respect to an observer requires applying a force whose magnitude becomes unbounded (becoming infinite) the closer it gets.
The description of black holes given by general relativity is known to be only an approximation, and it is expected that quantum gravity effects become significant near the vicinity of the event horizon.1 It is this apparent suspension of gravity that underlies Dame Piczek's analysis.
"According to the nature of event horizons the dead body must have left its image on the two surfaces of the event horizons. At the time of the explosion (when time stopped) of the event horizons these images were ejected onto both sides of the Shroud, with the body hovering parallel to the event horizons. This explains why the image shows a dead man, not the risen body, and also explains why the image is negative (went from a positive body image to the negative image like a camera film negative). This indicates how the image got onto the cloth."
Three-Dimensional Hologram
If confirmed, this discovery is expected to yield a totally new perspective on the very "singularity" attributed to the Creation of the universe in the first place. Piczek's discovery-and those of other scientists and re-searchers who have studied the Shroud-is presented in The Fabric of Time, a television documentary and DVD from Grizzly Adams® Productions.
Also featured in the film, The Fabric of Time, is a three-dimensional, anatomically accurate hologram of a crucified man. Working independently of Piczek, a team of Dutch scientists led by Dr. Petrus Soons used laser technology to convert two-dimensional photographic negatives of the image on the Shroud. Among the several discoveries from the holographic image was the identification of the two coins placed over the eyes. These appear to be "widow's mites," minted in 29 A.D. in the reign of Tiberius (and which, due to their diminutive value, were not circulated outside of Israel.) The DVD copies of The Fabric of Time include 3-D glasses to better view and appreciate the holographic images. This documentary film is based in part on the following books: The Shroud of Turin by Ian Wilson (Doubleday); The Blood and the Shroud by Ian Wilson (Orion Publishing Group); and, the Shroud of Turin: An Adventure of Discovery by Mary and Alan Whanger, M.D. (Providence House). This DVD is certain to stimulate a great deal of discussion as we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ during this coming Passover season!
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Matthew
24:14 Just as Barrie is doing here.
Barrie Schwortz meets World Muslim Leader Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. by Simon Brown.
And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. Mark 12:31.
Who Is Jesus to the Muslims?
Photo of Simon and Barrie Schwortz of at the Jalsa Salana UK 2015 conference
Barrie Schwortz Interview By the Muslims on The Shroud of Turin
Photo of Simon and Barrie Schwortz of at the Jalsa Salana UK 2015 conference with the full size copy of the Shroud of Jesus.
Barrie Schwortz Presentation on the Shroud of Turin to the Muslim faith part 1.
David Rolfe, Arif Khan, Barrie Schwortz, opposite Amer Safir, Hugh Farey, and Simon Brown.
Muslim lady believes the Shroud of Turin is genuine Part 3.
Muslim woman looking at the Shroud of Turin.
Barrie Schwortz part 2 Q&A
Barrie Schwortz andArif Khan who is an amazing gentleman, who helped organise Barrie’s Shroud prevention and made it possible for me to film the whole event and was our hosts, who treated us like kings and provided us with free food and accommodation.
Crown of thorns like Jesus wore on his head.
crucifixion nails.
Dear friend’s I would like to share this article by Barrie Schwortz.
I was blessed by God who made it possible for me to meet Barrie Schwortz for the first time ever and Arif Khan, who gave me the permission to film most of Barrie’s techings on the Shroud of Turin, at the Jalsa Salana Convention.
Simon Brown and Barrie Schwortz.
It was also a delightful pleasure to also meet: Pam Moon, David Rolfe, Hugh Farey, and many Muslims, Amer Safir, where I was able to talk and share my faith in Jesus death and most important, His ultimate triumph, His miracle resurrection.
David Rolfe, Arif Khan, Barrie Schwortz, opposite Amer Safir, Hugh Farey, and Simon Brown.
By Barrie Schwortz.
I have to admit that I knew very little (if anything) about Islam when I first received the invitation from my friend Arif Khan to attend and speak at the Jalsa Salana Convention. That, in part, was what caused me to have some reservations about attending. I discussed this with Pam Moon via Skype and we both agreed that we needed more information about the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. I mentioned this to Arif, a staff writer for The Review of Religions magazine, who I had worked with since 2002, and he quickly sent me a series of links to provide us with some important background information about their community, which we published online in our August 16, 2015 update. These were essential for Pam and me to gain a better understanding of who the Ahmadiyya community was and what we were going to participate in and are definitely worth repeating, so I am including them again. PLEASE READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON BARRIES SITE HERE.
You can watch the videos below by clicking on the Image.
Barrie Schwortz Presentation on the Shroud of Turin to the Muslim faith part 1
Muslim lady believes the Shroud of Turin is genuine Part 3.
The only Shroud pocket booklet in the world, revealing the missing link and archaeological find with real evidence proving the true tomb of Jesus. With around 90% of peoples votes who watched Simon’s research: DISCOVERED: The GREAT STONE Owned By Joseph of Arimathaea from the Garden Tomb. Voted, agreeing this is the GREAT stone as told in the gospels. This book confirms the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin.
Come along on an adventure as you follow Simon through his
research, to see that Jesus in fact has left us proof to hold and see.
Many need proof, well, here it is. This pocket booklet
includes an offering for a FREE DVD documentary aired on Sky TV on page 92.
Just pay shipping costs. Said by Barrie Schwortz, to be excellent, who is
perhaps the world’s greatest expert on the Shroud of Turin.
This booklet has Become Our Most Effective And Popular Life
Changing, life saving item we have. NOW ordered and delivered to homes
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The Shroud of Turin is a subject that certain believers dare
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biblical and latest scientific evidence that brings in the absolute proof of
the Shroud's extraordinary validity. The glorious name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
is raised, and inviting or enticing all souls to be saved. Amen. John 3:15 -
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Less
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Shroud of Turin [Paperback] NO 1 Out of 1,047 On
Our latest book is far more detailed.
Click on book to order. NOW REVISED 30/11/2015.
What and who is in this book?
Nothing But, Facts, Proof, evidence, and links to Peer Reviewed scientific papers& 100’s of articles, by the best researchers in the
I have added research by Ray Rogers, America’s finest Scientist. Department of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board with the equivalent rank of Lt. General and received a Distinguished Service Award, who was against the Shroud, until his new research converted him.
A Jewish man who has now become the greatest expert on the
Shroud of Turin: BARRIE SCHWORTZ of
Raymond J. Schneider P.E., Ph.D. Associate Professor
Emeritus of Mathematics and Information Technology at Bridgewater College.
RUSS BREAULTwho has been researching and lecturing on the
Shroud of Turin for over 25 years. His presentation makes use of over 150
superb images and unfolds like a CSI investigation. Mr. Breault delivers a
dynamic, fast-paced experience. His highly acclaimed presentation is called THE
MYSTERY OF THE SHROUD: A Multi-Media Encounter or simply... Shroud Encounter!
Ancient languages translator and historian Mark Guscin, B.A.
M.Phil., Expert on the ''SUDARIUM'' OF JESUS. (Face cloth).
This book Includes research by Peter Schumacher, on the VP-8 Image Analyser.
Joe Marino and Sue Benford, who made an amazing discovery by
finding the corner from which the radiocarbon sample had been taken was in fact
a re-woven, patched, or repaired corner.
The vital evidence, and detailed research by Dr. Nitowski, and by Kohlbeck from the
Biblical Archaeological Review Glass slides holding the tape Shroud samples
given by Dr. Ray Rogers.
And the vast research by David RobertsShroud researcher.
Plus research by a group of 26 scientists who performed an
in-depth examination, with the most advanced technology in human history.
And of course our main and popular FREE film now made into a
readable chapter.
The Evidence and The True Face of The Shroud film
Let the whole world see, the physical, visible love of God.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting
life. John 3:16.
Wonderfully Edited and Published by: Life Application
Ministries Publishing (LAMP)
About This Book
Join me on a journey going 2000 years into the ancient past to examine one of
the most controversial and talked about relics: the Shroud of Turin. The Shroud is an artefact that has been
tested and examined more than anything else on Earth. Extremely hated by some,
whilst passionately loved by others, the
Shroud of Turin has controversially divided opinions over its authenticity and
many, I was sceptical of this scrap of cloth being the one brought by Mary’s
uncle, Joseph of Arimathaea, but I approached the topic with my eyes and heart
open to any possibility. Whilst many still need to believe and understand God’s
divine love, it is my belief that the Shroud of Turin was left to assist those
whose faith is still uncertain. It was during the making of my second film,
entitled Our Search for the Tomb of Jesus,
that a thought struck me: when we had visited the Garden Tomb, believed to be
the true tomb of Jesus, why hadn’t we measured the length of the tomb where
Jesus had supposedly lain? Through my research, I had ten different sources
which indicated that the person who had been represented on the shroud was
around 5 feet 11 inches tall. When we returned to the Garden Tomb, my friend,
Peter, and I measured the sepulchre. We were amazed to discover that the
measurements between the Shroud of Turin and the sepulchre were an exact match.
For the first time, I was determined to discover all that I could to inform
myself of the truth about this artefact.
On our return to
the UK I contacted a fellow expert, Barrie Schwortz. Barrie gives lectures
around the world and has appeared both on television and in various magazine
and newspaper articles as a Shroud expert, as well as running and maintaining
one of the most authoritative websites ( on the Shroud of
Turin. I queried Barrie on the burial chamber and the dimensions of the Shroud,
and asked for his professional opinion. Barrie was exceptionally helpful and
provided me with a short video not only explaining the burial space in the
Garden Tomb, but also summarising the recent research and 1988 radiocarbon
dating placing the shroud in the mediaeval era. I also sent Barrie’s video,
along with a lot of my own research, to Matthew Tulloch, who wrote the script
for my next documentary, The Evidence and
the True Face of the Shroud. Due to the success that this documentary has
had on social media platform YouTube, I felt that the time was right to convert
it into a book for its distribution to those who cannot, by choice or other
reasoning, access such social media.
Through the research that I have gathered, it is my
expectation that you, the reader, will be able to draw your own conclusions over whether this cloth proves the death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ. By having an
open heart and mind you will, I hope, find
this magnificent artefact as fascinating as
I do. Was this truly the cloth that had been hidden in a cave, out of the way,
by the disciples? Or was it, as some claim,
put there by Jesus Himself to preserve and prove the evidence of the gospels
for the doubters of today?
this work, the origins of one of the greatest relics discovered in world
history, the Shroud of Turin, left behind in Joseph of Arimathaea’s donated
tomb, will be critically examined through the collation of the evidence and
facts compiled in articles written by dedicated
researchers, for you to study and decide for
yourself what the truth may be.
scriptures say in John 20:1-8:
1The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early,
when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from
the sepulchre. 2Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter,
and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have
taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid
him. 3Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, and
came to the sepulchre. 4So they ran both together: and the
other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre. 5And
he stooping down, and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying; yet went he not
in. 6Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the
sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, 7And the napkin,
that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together
in a place by itself. 8Then went in also that other disciple, which
came first to the sepulchre, and he saw, and believed.
Through the discussion of the evidence surrounding
this biblical scene, we will examine the science that has been applied to the
Shroud in order to test its origins, and hear from scientists and experts who have presented what appears to be a full three-dimensional
image of Jesus taken from the staining on
the Shroud itself.
We will investigate whether a cloth impregnated with our
blood and preserved for
2000 years can be re-produced by modern technology, or whether the Shroud of
Turin is inimitable. Could this cloth truly be the overwhelming evidence of
Jesus’s death, burial and interment in the tomb before His Resurrection? Or is
it simply another example of false hope created by modern science?