
Friday, 30 October 2015

Recordings of The Crucifixion by Contemporary Historians. By Dr Richard Kent.

 Cornelius Tacitus

The Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth was noted by Cornelius Tacitus who was a Roman historian, born in 52-54 A.D. Tacitus stated that Jesus had been crucified by Pontius Pilate.

Flavius Josephus

Josephus was born in 37A.D. and was a Jewish Pharisee. He wrote: "Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works ..... Pilate ... condemned him to the Cross ... he appeared to them alive again on the third day."

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ was widely accepted and discussed by a great many ancient writers

The fact is that the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ was accepted as fact by a great number of ancient writers. The Crucifixion was widely discussed as a fact by both Christian and secular writers, many of whom wanted to discuss the three hour period of darkness during the Crucifixion, which obviously greatly alarmed the ancient world.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Watch, See, and Believe, The Evidence of God’s Yearning, Divine Love.

I believe this establishes scientific and historical proof of the reliability of the Bible and also perhaps-just for the sceptics' and doubting Thomas's the supernatural evidence of God's Holy love for humans recorded in the extraordinary image on the Shroud.

I believe this to be a good defensive piece of evidence to prove to the atheists, scoffers, sceptics and those misinformed at universities in academia that Father God so loved the world that He indeed sent His only begotten son, that we who were not alive 2000 years ago, can still see the physical evidence today and come to the resurrected Jesus Christ of Nazareth and be saved.

Give your life to Jesus.

The Shroud of Turin Speaks for Itself Paperback By Simon Brown.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

The Little Wild Bird Who Became Simon's Friend.

The Little Wild Bird Who Became Simon's Friend.

Voice over By Emma Brown. http://www.realdiscoveries.info/

It was one summer's afternoon while I was soaking up the sunshine, when I heard  a thump only 10 foot away from me. I looked to see what it was; I could see a little finch lying on the floor. The little wild bird looked like it had broken it's legs, and couldn't move.

I immediately called my husband, and he came and picked up the little cute bird. I asked him to kill it and put it out of pain. He said, "no" and carried the injured bird into his office, and cared for it by putting the bird in a little box.  We could see the little bird could not walk, and its legs kept splitting apart. Simon told me that he prayed to God for its recovery. After 3 hours Simon left it in his office.

On return, we found the little bird had not only recovered, but had flown onto the door window ledge.

Simon called us, and told us the cute little wild bird had recovered; and it was time to watch Simon let the bird fly off in the garden. 

However, what happened was lovely, and amazed us.  The little wild bird became Simon's  friend. The bird would fly off, then hop back onto Simon's finger. We had never seen a wild bird become so friendly, even letting Simon stroke it

The little wild bird seemed to be enjoying a tour around the garden.

As born again believers, we felt God was showing us what all his wild animals will be like when He restores the world back to Paradise; and where there will never again be any more suffering or pain, dying or killing.

We look forward to seeing the day when, "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them." Isaiah 11:6.

Dear friends, WILL YOU BE THERE? 

Written and produced by Simon Brown.
Surrender Your Life To Jesus.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

A Quantum Hologram of Christ's Resurrection? By Dame Piczek and Chuck Missler.

A Quantum Hologram of Christ's Resurrection? By Dame Piczek and Chuck Missler.

Watch here

Also read
A Quantum Hologram of Christ's Resurrection?
A Quantum Hologram of Christ's Resurrection?
By Chuck Missler.