
Friday 30 January 2015

ABRAHAM'S WELL Genesis 13:18.

Genesis 13:18.

So Abram moved his tents and went to live near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron, where he built an altar to the LORD. Genesis 13:18.

Still in the area of the great oaks of Mamre, where Abraham had his tents and flocks, the well still remains. Herod the Great built a wall around the entire area with the well in the corner and in 325 AD Christians built a church on the site. The group are standing in the ruins of the church, with Herod’s 2metre thick wall and Abraham’s well still in evidence. It may have been used as a place of worship and was re-consecrated by Constantine. All present felt somewhat moved, being so close to a civilization from 3,900 years ago. The name Mamre is taken from a Canaanite chieftain, who together with Abraham, pursued Chedorlaomer to save Lot. The story is told in Genesis 14 v13. 

ABRAHAM'S WELL Genesis 13:18.

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