
Sunday, 18 January 2015

Sir Isaac Newton And Albert Einstein Faith in God.

 Portrait of Isaac Newton (1642-1727). /Photographer http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/art/portrait.html. Artist Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646–1723)

Was one of history’s greatest scientists, Sir Isaac Newton correct in saying; Trinitarians were mistaken and misguided in its true interpretation of Christianity?

Did you know one of the history's greatest scientists Sir Isaac Newton (described in his own day as a "natural philosopher") who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution, was a Arian who believed God the Father and the Son of God did not always exist together eternally, and Jesus was the first ever created by God.
He sited Proverbs 8:23 and John 14:28 confirming his faith of Jesus being the firstborn, and Jesus Father was greater then He.

He has many sayings like:
The word God is nowhere in the scriptures used to signify more than one of the three persons at once.

I just read Sir Isaac Newton believed the Roman Catholic Church was misguided in its interpretation of Christianity, and had returned to idolatry. Reff Newton’s Arian beliefs 

Newton felt that belief in the holy trinity was a flagrant violation of the First of the Ten Commandments.

Dr. Thomas G. Barnes, in his book "Science and Biblical Faith," 1993, (distributed by CRS Books) has two chapters on Newton. He says, on p. 44, "Newton was perhaps the greatest biblical scholar of his age."

Barnes explains,

In 1669 Newton became Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Trinity College, Cambridge, one of the most honored professorships in the scientific world. In 1673 he was told that he must take Holy Orders (be an ordained minister of the Church of England) to remain at Trinity. That was in Trinity College's charter granted by the King of England. Newton would not take those Holy Orders. ... Some of the church's thirty-nine articles of faith were not in accord with his interpretation of the New Testament. He was so important to Trinity that an appeal was finally granted by the King to delete that requirement for Newton.
 As I understand it, Newton's position on the doctrine of the "trinity" was, that he would not endorse what he could not understand. (Douglas Cox) http://www.ldolphin.org/newton.html

Here is Newton's list:-
The word God is nowhere in the scriptures used to signify more than one of the three persons at once.
The word God put absolutely without restriction to the Son or Holy Ghost doth always signify the Father from one end of the scriptures to the other.
Whenever it is said in the scriptures that there is but one God, it is meant the Father.

When, after some heretics had taken Christ for a mere man and others for the supreme God, St John in his Gospel endeavoured to state his nature so that men might have from thence a right apprehension of him and avoid those heresies and to that end calls him the word or logos: we must suppose that he intended that term in the sense that it was taken in the world before he used it when in like manner applied to an intelligent being. For if the Apostles had not used words as they found them how could they expect to have been rightly understood. Now the term logos before St John wrote, was generally used in the sense of the Platonists, when applied to an intelligent being and the Arians understood it in the same sense, and therefore theirs is the true sense of St John.
The Son in several places confesseth his dependence on the will of the Father.
The Son confesseth the Father greater, then calls him his God etc.
The Son acknowledgeth the original prescience of all future things to be in the Father only.
There is nowhere mention of a human soul in our Saviour besides the word, by the meditation of which the word should be incarnate. But the word itself was made flesh and took upon him the form of a servant.

Jude 1:4, is a perfect scripture that seems to make this point very clear.

For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Jude 1:4.
In an article called What Is Messiah? Jewish Messiah or Christian God by Rick Richardson, he writes:
In his article Cosmic Codebreaker, Pious Heretic, about Sir Isaac Newton (for Christian History Magazine), Karl Giberson writes: “Newton began a sustained reflection on the Christian doctrines and decided that the Anglican status quo was a thorough corruption of the true, original Christianity.
These considerations led him to write over a million words on theology and biblical studies—more than he wrote on any other subject. “Newton's theological investigations convinced him that the doctrine of the Trinity was bogus, a successful deception by St. Athanasius in the fourth century.
Newton argued that the Scriptures had been altered and early Christian writers had been misquoted to make it appear that Trinitarianism had been
the original faith.
Isaac Newton’s theological investigations convinced him that the doctrine of the Trinity was bogus, a successful deception by St. Athanasius in the fourth century.

The history's greatest scientists mainly believed in creation by God.
     Credit to Philip Moore's book, Messiah Conspiracy for the Isaac Newton content
This article is presented with Special Thanks to Tony Galli who is a graduate of the University of Toronto, department of Civil Engineering. He has been studying the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith for over 20 years, and has written 1 book: "The Last Days: Revealing The Greatest Secrets Of The Bible".
The history's greatest scientists mainly believed in creation by God. English physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton (described in his own day as a "natural philosopher") who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. Although the laws of motion and universal gravitation became Newton's best-known discoveries, he warned against using them to view the Universe as a mere machine, as if akin to a great clock. He said, "Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Sir Isaac Newton
 PRS MP (/ˈnjtən/;[8] 25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/7[1]) was an English physicist and mathematician (described in his own day as a "natural philosopher") who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica ("Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"), first published in 1687, laid the foundations for classical mechanics. Newton also made seminal contributions to optics and shares credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the invention of calculus.
Newton's Principia formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation, which dominated scientists' view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. By deriving Kepler's laws of planetary motion from his mathematical description of gravity, and then using the same principles to account for the trajectories of comets, the tides, the precession of the equinoxes, and other phenomena, Newton removed the last doubts about the validity of the heliocentric model of the cosmos. This work also demonstrated that the motion of objects on Earth and of celestial bodies could be described by the same principles. His prediction that the Earth should be shaped as an oblate spheroid was later vindicated by the measurements of MaupertuisLa Condamine, and others, which helped convince most Continental European scientists of the superiority of Newtonian mechanics over the earlier system of Descartes.

Newton also built the first practical reflecting telescope and developed a theory of colour based on the observation that a prism decomposes white light into the many colours of the visible spectrum. He formulated anempirical law of cooling, studied the speed of sound, and introduced the notion of a Newtonian fluid. In addition to his work on calculus, as a mathematician Newton contributed to the study of power series, generalised thebinomial theorem to non-integer exponents, developed Newton's method for approximating the roots of a function, and classified most of the cubic plane curves.
Newton was a fellow of Trinity College and the second Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge. He was a devout but unorthodox Christian and, unusually for a member of the Cambridge faculty of the day, he refused to take holy orders in the Church of England, perhaps because he privately rejected the doctrine of the Trinity. Beyond his work on the mathematical sciences, Newton dedicated much of his time to the study of biblical chronology and alchemy, but most of his work in those areas remained unpublished until long after his death. In his later life, Newton became president of the Royal Society. He also served the British government as Warden and Master of the Royal Mint. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Newton

Neil Degrasse Tyson on Isaac Newton
Dear friends. I Simon Brown have little knowledge of Sir Isaac Newton's writings. However I have been kindly sent this email below from a good Christian brother Tony who has sent me lots of very interesting information regarding the work and writings of Sir Isaac Newton.

Please do send your comments on what you know or believe regarding Sir Isaac Newton.

Tony states:
Isaac Newton's own writings clear up all of the confusion about him. The problem is, most of his manuscripts are not available to the public. This is all explained in the book, Messiah Conspiracy by Philip Moore, which aims to prove that a deliberate conspiracy has existed from day 1 to cover-up the truth about Jesus. Isaac Newton, it turns out, was one of the greatest Christians who ever lived. He loved and studied the Bible more than anything else in his life, and his research yielded shocking results. So shocking, that Newton himself never released most of it to the public. Even after his death, there exists a strong motivation to hide this material from the public eye, as Albert Einstein was made aware of. The powers that be do not want anyone looking into his writings, because they reveal shocking information. Newton fully understood and believed Jesus to be God in the flesh. See highlighted paragraphs attached. Regards, - Tony.

English: Albert Einstein, official 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics 
Français : Albert Einstein, photographie officielle du Prix Nobel
 de Physique 1921.
SourceOfficial 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics photograph
The following is an excerpt from an interview printed in The Saturday
Evening Post, Oct. 26, 1929 entitled, “What Life Means to Einstein”…
Q. To what extent are you influenced by Christianity?

A. As a child I received instruction both in the Bible and in the Talmud. I
am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene.
Q. Have you read Emil Ludwig’s book of Jesus?

A. Emil Ludwig’s Jesus is shallow. Jesus is too colossal for the pen of
phrasemongers, however artful. No man can dispose of Christianity
with a bon mot.

Q. Do you accept the historical existence of Jesus?
A. Unquestionably! No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual
presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is
filled with such life.

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

World-renowned mathematician and philosopher ranked in the same class
as Sir Isaac Newton. Introduced the first calculating machine, forerunner
of the modern computer. The metric unit of measuring pressure, the
Pascal, is named after him.

The following is an excerpt from an interview printed in Great Books of
the Western World, No. 33:
Pascal left on record that he had come to know “the God of Abraham, God
of Isaac and God of Jacob”, and that he “resolved total submission to Jesus the Messiah”.

Pascal reached the conclusion that the only serious quest here on Earth
was for God, and that the path to Him was charted in the Old Testament,
the sign was posted in the New Testament, and the light that illuminated
the path was his faith.

This is the conclusion of the entire matter: Fear God and keep His
Commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring
every deed into His judgment, together with every secret thing, whether

it is good, or whether it is evil. 
[Eccl 12:13-14]


Isaac Newton in old age in 1712, portrait by Sir James Thornhill
“About the Time of theGalileo, Newton and Einstein, not only believed in the Bible, but also held 
to quite literal fundamental positions. The greatest of history’s scientists
believed in the Bible and Creation. The facts are that most of the greatest
scientists believed in the Bible. Dr. Norman Geisler, in his book “Is Man
The Measure? An Evaluation of Contemporary Humanism”, (Grand Rapids,
MI: Baker Book House 1983) lists the scientists who accepted the Bible
in total. Geisler writes: Most of the famous people in the early years of
modern science were Creationists. They believed in the supernatural
origin of the universe and of life. Included among them are:

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) Celestial mechanics, physical astronomy;
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) Hydrostatics;
Robert Boyle (1627-1691) Chemistry, gas dynamics;
Nicolaus Steno (1638-1687) Stratigraphy;
Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Calculus, dynamics;
Michael Faraday (1791-1867) Magnetic Theory;
Charles Babbage (1792-1871) Computer Science;
Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) Glacial geology, ichthyology;
James Young Simpson (1811-1870) Gynecology;
Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) Genetics;
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) Bacteriology;
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) Energetics, thermodynamics;
Joseph Lister (1827-1912) Antiseptic surgery;
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) Electrodynamics, statistical
William Ramsay (1852-1916) Isotopic chemistry.
Sir Isaac Newton’s statement about the origin of the universe is typical: 
“This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only 
proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful 
Being. And if the fixed stars are the centers of other like systems, these, 
being formed by the like wise counsel, must be all subject to the dominion 
of One”.

Perhaps the greatest of all scientists, Sir Isaac Newton, also believed and 
wrote about Jesus as the Messiah (the Christ) and espoused Creation by 
His preincarnate Deity, as is recorded in the first chapter of the Gospel 
of John. We note that Harvard University, once a conservative Christian 
school, refused to accept Sir Isaac Newton’s Biblical writings, which are 
now housed at the National Jewish Library at the Hebrew University 
in Jerusalem. Professor Richard Popkin (UCLA), who revealed this 
fact, states: “In 1940, Yahuda became a refugee in the United States. He 
transported his vast manuscript collection with him to America where 
he tried, with the assistance of his close friend, Albert Einstein, to get 
Harvard, Yale, or Princeton to take over his very large collection of 
Newton’s papers. All three institutions refused, even though Einstein 
tried to make them realize the importance of the papers for understanding 
how Newton’s creative intelligence worked”. A London professor told 
Popkin: “Newton’s writings on the Bible should be ‘burnt’, because they 
are harmful to science”.

Isaac Newton said that he regarded his writings on the Bible as much 
more important than his scientific works and discoveries. Newton 
stated: “He that without better grounds than his private opinion or in the 
opinion of any human authority whatsoever shall turn Scripture from the 
plain meaning to an allegory or to any other less natural sense declares 
thereby that he reposes more trust in his own imaginations or in that 
human authority than in the Scripture (and by consequence that he is 
no true believer). And therefore the opinion of such men how numerous 
soever they be, is not to be regarded. Hence is it, and not from any real 
uncertainty in the Scripture, that commentators have so distorted it; And 
this has been the door through which all heresies have crept in and turned 
out the ancient faith”.


“…He [Newton] was much more solicitous in his inquiries into the 
Bible than into Natural Philosophy [science]…he had written a long 
explication of remarkable parts of the Old and New Testament, while his 
understanding was in its greatest perfection… That he would not publish 
these writings in his own time because they showed that his thoughts 
were sometimes different from those which are commonly received, which
would engage him in disputes, and this was a thing which he avoided as 
much as possible. But now it is hoped that the worthy and ingenious Mr. 
Conduit will take care that they be published so that the world may see 
that Sir Isaac Newton was as good a Christian as he was a Mathmatician 
and Philosopher”. – Letter from Newton’s friend, John Craig, to John 
Conduit, days after Newton’s death, April 27, 1727.
“Newton was convinced that God had presented mankind in Scripture 
with certain most important clues about the future history of humanity. 
Newton’s explorations of the problems involved in uncovering the text 
and discovering the true meaning of the text was carried on in private in 
the vast amount of unpublished manuscripts that he drafted for almost 60 
years”. – Professor Richard H. Popkin, UCLA, 1994.

“…Since the Commandment to return precedes the Messiah…it may 
perhaps come forth not from the Jews themselves, but from some other 
kingdom friendly to them, and precede their return from captivity and 
give occasion to it; and, lastly, that the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the 
waste places is predicted in Micah 7:11; Amos 9:11,14; Ezek 36:33-38; Isa 
54:3,11-12; 55:12; 61:4; 65:18,21-22…and thus the return from captivity and 
coming of the Messiah and His kingdom are described in Daniel 7; Rev 
19; Acts 1; Mal 24; Joel 3; Ezek 36-37; Isa 60; 62; 63; 65; 66, and many other 
places of Scripture. The manner I know not. Let time be the interpreter”.
Newton also noted that few Christians of his day realized the truth of the 
prophets’ claims of the return of the Jews to the land of Israel: “So then the 
mystery of this restitution of all things is to be found in all the Prophets: 
which makes me wonder with great admiration that so few Christians of 
our age can find it there. For they understand not that the Jews will make 
a final return from captivity…”
Newton stated that there would be a great many unbelieving Jews who 
would become believers in Jesus during the same era that Judah would 
achieve national status, which would culminate in the whole nation of 
Judah (all Jews) believing in Jesus upon His Second Coming. He notes: 
“Hence I observe these things, first that the restoration of the Jewish 
nation so much spoken of by the old Prophets respects not the few Jews 
who were converted in the Apostles days, but the dispersed nation of 
the unbelieving Jews to be converted in the End when the fullness of the 
Gentiles shall enter, that is, when the Gospel shall begin to be preached 
to all nations. Secondly that the prophecies of Isaiah described above by 
being here cited by the Apostle is limited to respect the time of the future 
conversion and restitution of the Jewish nation…”
One of the major considerations pointed out by Albert Einstein and 
Abraham Shalom Yahuda, while urging that Newton’s religious writings 
be released to the public, was that they were against the Catholic church, 
and thus of interest to both Protestants and Jews. Newton’s writings were 
donated at Yahuda’s death to the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Frank E. Manuel, in “The Religion of Isaac Newton”, notes that Newton 
referred to the institution of the papacy as the “Whore of Babylon”. 
Newton gives further definition to the church: “…before the end of the 
second century corruption had slowly crept into the Latin churches, first 
by the addition of new articles crouched in the language of Scripture, 
thus setting a precedent for a ‘creed-making authority’, and then by 
the introduction of metaphysical terminology nowhere to be found in 
Scripture. All was brought into confusion, and the drama of apostasy in 
the church had begun”.


Newton explained that one could have a personal relationship with God 
through Jesus the Messiah. Frank E. Manuel comments on and quotes 
Newton regarding this issue: “…one of the constants of his [Newton’s] 
religious and scientific outlook was embodied in the argument that God 
is a Creator, a Master, that men have a personal relationship to…” Manuel 
goes on to quote Newton as follows: “…I, Isaac Newton, the lad from 
Lincolnshire, have a plain religious faith based on my personal obedience 
to the Lord…”
In Newton’s writings, he clearly draws a line between the true Church 
of believers and the false church of history. The false church, due to its 
corrupt leaders’ wrongly contrived creeds and bizarre traditions, shows 
itself to be counterfeit in accordance with the words of Jesus: “You shall 
know them by their fruits…” (Matt 7:16). Newton has also inscribed 
the following interesting and beautiful words concerning the prophetic 
Scriptures and the true Church for us: “Having searched (and by the 
grace of God obtained) after knowledge in the prophetic Scriptures, I have 
thought myself bound to communicate it for the benefit of others…for 
it was revealed to Daniel that the prophecies concerning the Last Times 
should be closed up and sealed until the Time of the End: but then the wise 
should understand, and knowledge should be increased (Dan 12:4, 9-10). 
If they [the prophetic Scriptures] are never to be understood, to what end 
did God reveal them? Certainly He did it for the edification of the Church; 
and if so, then it is as certain that the Church shall at length attain to the 
understanding thereof. I mean not all that call themselves Christians, but
a remnant, a few scattered persons which God has chosen…”


Today, many in the organized religious world attempt to dissuade us from 
reading and interpreting the Bible literally for ourselves! We should note 
that Isaac Newton encourages us, that is you and me, not to accept the 
opinion of others concerning the Bible, but to adventurously search these 
treasures (literal interpretation of the Scriptures) out for ourselves.
In Newton’s own words: “Let me therefore beg of you NOT to trust 
the opinion of any man concerning these things…search the Scriptures 
yourself…if you desire to find the truth. Which, if you shall at length 
attain, you will value above all other treasures…search into these 
Scriptures which God has given to be a guide…and be not discouraged 
by the gainsaying which these things will meet with the world! They will 
call you a hot-headed fellow, a bigot, a fanatic, a heretic, etc: and tell you of 
the uncertainty of these interpretations, and vanity of attending to them: 
Not considering that the prophecies concerning our Savior’s first Coming
were of more difficult interpretation, and yet God rejected the Jews for not 
attending better to them. And whether they will believe it or not, there are 
greater judgments that hang over the Christians for their remissness than 
ever the Jews yet felt. But the world loves to be deceived, they will not 
understand, they never consider equally, but are wholly led by prejudice, 
interest, the praise of men, and authority of the church they live in: as is 
plain because all parties keep close to the religion they have been brought 
up in, and yet in all parties there are wise and learned as well as fools 
and ignorant. There are but few that seek to understand the religion they 
profess, and those that study for understanding therein, do it rather for 
worldly ends, or that they may defend it, than…to examine whether it be 
true with a resolution to choose and profess that religion which in their 
judgment appears the truest. And as is their faith so is their practice…
And when you are convinced, be not ashamed to profess the truth. For 
otherwise you may become a stumblingblock to others, and inherit the lot 
of those Rulers of the Jews who believed in the Messiah but yet were afraid 
to confess Him lest they should be put out of the Synagogue. Therefore 
when you are convinced, be not ashamed of the truth but profess it openly 
and endeavor to convince your brother also, that you may inherit at the 
resurrection the promise made in Daniel 12:3, that they who turn many to 
righteousness shall shine as the stars for ever and ever. And rejoice if you 
are counted worthy to suffer in your reputation or in any other way for the 
sake of the Gospel, for then great is your reward”.
“We must believe that there is One God… We must believe that He is 
the Father of Whom are all things, and that He loves His people as His 
children… We must believe that He is Lord of all things with an irresistible 
and boundless power and dominion… We must believe that He is the God 
of the Jews who created the Heaven and earth and all things therein as 
is expressed in the Ten Commandments that we may thank Him for our 
being and for all of the blessings of this life…yet to us there is but One 
God…One Lord Jesus the Messiah…”
Newton believed that Jesus dominates both the Old and the New 
Testament. All appearances of YHVH (God) in the Bible are in fact, 
appearances of Jesus the Messiah. It was Jesus who walked in the Garden 
of Eden, who gave Moses the Ten Commandments, who appeared 
to Abraham as ‘Melchizedek’, who fought with Jacob, who gave the 
prophecies to the Prophets. He (Newton interpreted) is the Prince Michael 
mentioned by Daniel, and He will return to judge the living and the dead. 
Jesus the Messiah in an absolute monarchy rules the chosen people of 
God, the Israelites, and He is their Lord (whether they understand it or 
We should also note that Newton intensely studied Jewish history and 
ideas, including the Hebrew language, and especially the writings of 
Maimonides. Newton studied Hebrew so that he could read the Old 
Testament in the original; he studied the laws of the Temple in Jerusalem 
so he could better understand the vision of the future Temple in the 

In the original Hebrew language, every letter in the Bible has a special 
meaning and numerical value. Frank Manuel stated: “Into a few terse 
phrases from the Apocalypse, Newton compressed a wealth of scriptural 
evidence for his belief that the world was moving inexorably toward a 
cataclysm, a great conflagration, to be followed by a yet undefined form of 
renewal. His explication is in one of the normative exegetical traditions of 
the Talmudic rabbis and Puritan divines, whose underlying assumption 
was that Scriptures do not contain a single superfluous phrase, or 
even a letter that does not have significant meaning – a sort of law of 
In truth I say to you, until Heaven and Earth disappear, not even the
smallest letter or the least stroke of the pen shall by any means disappear 
from the Torah, till all is accomplished. 
[Matt 5:18]
In his interpretation of prophecy, Newton made use of numerous 
mathematical calculations which were among the standard techniques; 
one known as ‘gematria’, involved the translation of a name or a noun 
into its numerical equivalent in order to prognosticate a future date, 
the Coming of the Messiah, for example. While Newton made accurate 
mathematical calculations based on his Biblical studies, which may have 
seemed similar to those used by mystics who engaged in Kabbala, he 
clearly spoke against this and all other forms of mysticism in keeping with 
Moses and the Scripture. Manuel mentions of Newton: “The emotional 
outbursts against Catholicism that punctuated Newton’s ecclesiastical 
history do not obscure…its basically rational framework. Newton laid 
down the thesis that ‘the true understanding of things Christian depends 
upon Church history’. Only through a circumstantial account of the 
degradation of the Church in a series of stages and its doctrinal deviation 
from the primitive creed could Christianity be stripped of its spurious 
accumulations. The original Christian faith was plain, but ‘men skilled 
in the learning of heathens, Kabbalists, and Schoolmen corrupted it with 
metaphysics, straining the Scriptures from a moral to metaphysical sense 
and thereby making it unintelligible’.”

As the historian of apostasy in the first centuries of the Church, Newton
distinguished three principal agents in the propagation of the metaphysical
evil: the Jewish Kabbalists, the philosophers, among whom Plato were the
worst offenders, and the Gnostics, of whom Simon Magus was the archculprit
(Acts 8:9-10; 22-23)…the Kabbalists were not contemporary Jewish
mystics but ancients who lived in the early ages of Christianity. “The
Kabbalist Jews, through contact with pagan Babylonian seers, Egyptian
priests and Greek philosophers in Alexandria, had exposed their pure
Mosaic monotheism to contamination”.

Albert Einstein had more than a passing interest in Newton and his faith.
One example of this, and his great reverence for Newton, is seen in the
fact that he had a portrait of Newton in his bedroom, which was removed
when Einstein died. Einstein praised Newton and encouraged, through
many formal written correspondences, that the Newton manuscripts were
made public.

Most of Newton’s manuscripts on the Bible were long concealed from
the world…suppressed…lest “the image of the perfect scientific genius
would be tarnished”. More importantly, his writings were of a Christian
fundamentalist nature, and thus those opposed to Christianity would
naturally delay or suppress the release of this material to the public, or try
to deny it all together, without giving a clear reason as to why.

Newton’s writings have been kept from the public for over two hundred
and fifty years. Professor Albert Einstein said that his own work… “would
have been impossible without Newton’s discoveries [concepts] …are even
today still guiding our thinking in physics”.
Einstein also made several impressive comments to Professor Yahuda
and Professor Winternitz on this handwritten collection of Newton’s
Biblical interpretations. For example, he wrote: “My Dear Yahuda,
Newton’s writings on Biblical topics seem to me especially interesting
because they reveal a deep insight into the spiritual character and the
working method of this significant man. For Newton, the Divine origin
of the Bible is unconditionally certain…From this belief arises the firm
conviction that the parts of the Bible that appear obscure must contain
important revelations, which require only the decoding of the symbolic
language used in them in order to be illuminated. Newton attempts this
decoding or interpretation by means of his acute, systematic thinking, in
which he carefully makes use of all the sources available to him…in this
area of works on the Bible, we do possess his sketches and their repeated
revisions. These writings, mostly unpublished, thus provide a highly
interesting insight into the spiritual workshop of this unique thinker.
Signed: A. Einstein, September 1940, Lake Saranac. P.S. I consider it very
desirable that the writings of Newton mentioned here to be collected in
one place and there made available for research”.
In a second letter written in December 1940, Einstein wrote: “Dear
Professor Winternitz: Permit me to introduce to you herewith my learned
old friend Professor A.S. Yahuda, in regard to a matter which will
certainly awaken your interest. He has in his possession a great part of
Newton’s non-mathematical writings…I am convinced that these works
are of the greatest significance for a historical library. Anyone who permits
the scattering of this unique treasure, and thus helps to make these works
available for research, will be doing a great service. Most respectfully
yours, Professor Albert Einstein”.

One of Newton’s little-known revolutionary innovations was the use
of astronomy to scientifically verify the time-frame of Biblical events.
Professor Richard Popkin of UCLA notes of Sir Isaac Newton: “Newton,
using astronomical discoveries, constructed a chronology based upon the
positions of the stars described in Scripture and in other ancient writings…
Using his astronomical method of dating, Newton came to the conclusion
that the Bible was historically accurate and was the oldest historical record
that we have. Scriptural history is more accurate than Greek, Phoenician,

Babylonian… The procession of various stars in these constellations was
measurable and followed a uniform law. From present observations, we
could calculate backward to where these stars were historically described
as being, and date back when the stars were in the positions described in
early Greek history.
For Newton, the dramatic result of using this astronomical method to
calculate the date of previous events was that it showed that the earliest
events described in the Bible took place before the earliest events in Greek
history. Newton calculated that Jason’s voyage took place in 937 B.C.
The earliest known events in Egyptian history also postdated the earliest
Biblical events. Therefore, our earliest historical knowledge came from the
Bible. All cultures and kingdoms, Newton declared, were derivative from
the original Hebrew one.
Newton’s elaborate astronomical argument and his debunking of pagan
chronological and historical claims aimed to prove that the Bible was
accurate as history… and, assumed Newton, the message in the Bible was
still of the greatest importance to mankind. The fact that the Bible was
accurate historically meant that God had presented His message from
the very beginning of the world through the history of the Hebrews and
through the prophetic insights given to them”.
Popkin further notes; “Newton did a great deal of original research to
discern the events in world history which constituted the fulfillment of
the prophecies. Some of his interpretations have been accepted by later
Bible interpreters, especially among the fundamentalists. Newton studied
the history of the Roman Empire, the European Middle Ages, and the rise
of Islam in the Middle East, in order to identify what actually happened
in history with what was predicted in prophecy… Newton broke new
interpretive ground both in the application of modern scientific techniques
to the understanding of the Bible and in the historical interpretation of
“Newton’s historical research into the interpretation of historically fulfilled
prophecies was taken over by many 19th century fundamentalists who
regarded him as one of the very best in this field. When the various
components of Newton’s Bible scholarship are examined and evaluated,
he can indeed be seen to be in the forefront of the critical scholarship of his
time, in the forefront in applying modern science to understanding the Bible,
and in the forefront of those offering new historical data for interpreting
prophecies… Perhaps, when his Biblical manuscripts are published, we will
be able to assess more accurately his entire theory and see his originality and
his stature as a commentator on the Scriptures. We will then be able to see if
he was as great a thinker in this area as he was in the sciences”.


“…It is our duty to search with all diligence into these prophecies. And
if God was so angry with the Jews for not searching more diligently into
the prophecies which He had given them to know Jesus the Messiah by,
why should we think He will excuse us for not searching into the (End-
Time) prophecies which He has given us to know the antichrist by? …The
antichrist was to seduce the whole world and therefore, he may easily
seduce you if you are not well prepared to discern him. But if he (the
antichrist) should not be yet come into the world, yet amidst so many
religions, of which there can (only) be but one true, and perhaps none
of those religions that you are acquainted with, it is great odds but you
may be deceived and therefore it concerns you to be very circumspect
(cautious, watchful)”.End, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist on their literal interpretation in the midst of much clamor and opposition”. - Sir Isaac Newton.

 End of History Messiah Conspiracy: Messiah Conspiracy Paperback – 1 Aug 1996 by Philip N. Moore (Author) ORDER HERE

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