
Tuesday 17 February 2015

Quick Read and Fast Facts To Bible Discoveries. Page 1.

100's of Bible Discoveries, written by Simon Brown


 Quick Read and Fast Facts To Bible Discoveries and Information, Collected, Produced and Compiled By Simon Brown.


Seek and you will find, 

said Jesus.
Matthew 7:7.

Seek and you will find, said Jesus. ​Matthew 7:7. The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser,

The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser, 825 BC, now at the British Museum above, is a significant Biblical artefact, because one of the panels depicts the Biblical Jehu, king of Israel. 
Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet. 1 Kings 19:16.
Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III
Photo by Simon Brown


1. Cyrus Cylinder.
2. Medieval Re weaving on the Shroud of Turin.
3. Sudarium of Oviedo.
5. Tomb of St Philip.
6.  Herod the Great.
7. Coins of Biblical Joseph.
Cyrus Cylinder Many scholars have linked one particular passage from this Cylinder to the Old Testament account. Click image to read more
Click on the image for the full article.

 Medieval Re weaving the Shroud of Turin

Click on the image for the full article.

Inside the Roman ark at the Cathedral in Oviedo is a piece of cloth known as the Sudarium of Oviedo. Sudarium means shroud. It is said to be the cloth that was wrapped around Jesus’ head when he was buried, as described in the Gospel of John.

Click on the image for the full article.

St Paul's tomb unearthed in Rome By Christian Fraser BBC News, Rome St Paul's Outside the Walls is one of the largest churches in Rome Archaeologists working for the Vatican have unearthed a sarcophagus containing what they believe are the remains of St Paul the Apostle.

Click on the image for the full article.

A leading archaeologist professor Francesco D'andria has clamed he has discovered the Tomb of St Philip.

King Herod was a complex paranoid insecure obsessive cruel mad bad murderous king, WHY did they call him Herod the Great? I would call him Herod the Disgrace. Let me tell you why. By Simon Brown

Click on the image for the full article.

Archeologists have discovered ancient Egyptian coins bearing the name and image of the biblical Joseph, Cairo's Al Ahram newspaper recently reported. Excerpts provided by MEMRI show that the coins were discovered among a multitude of unsorted artifacts stored at the Museum of Egypt.

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