
Tuesday 17 March 2015

Join me Simon Brown as we walk through the Bible.

Our Search for Real Discoveries Near The Dead Sea film.

We unlock the most glorious past of the Holy Land, secrets of the most famous people in the world, Gods prophets, their habitations and dwelling places, their graves and final resting places of the town where Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their wives now rest. There we visit their tombs. 

We then go to Abraham's oak and Abraham's well.
ABRAHAMS OAK Genesis 13:18.

ABRAHAM'S WELL Genesis 13:18.

We also search for Admah and Zoar the surrounding towns. 
We then return to Sodom and Gomorrah for a closer look. 

Sodom and Gomorrah

We then discovered pits that look similar to what is told about some of the men from Sodom and Gomorrah fell into, as the Bible says.
SLIME PITS. Genesis 14 v 10.

After seeing this amazing evidence they visit Engedi, where King David hid from King Saul.
ENGEDI 1 Samuel 23 v29.

The team go on to search for Lot's cave. 
Lot's cave Genesis 19:30.


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