
Monday, 5 June 2017

Acts 7:59, Yet Again Another One of Many TRINITARIAN FORGERIES.

Acts 7:59, yet again another one of many TRINITARIAN FORGERIES.
Click image to enlarge.

GOD is amazing how he reveals the truth to those who are seeking Him for the absolute truth.

Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart. Psalm 119:2

The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge. Proverbs 14:18.

Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth;
 unite my heart to fear your name. Psalm 86:11

This week I met an old Trinitarian friend, who believes I have gone of the rails for leaving the Trinity faith.

We got talking after bumping in to each other in the shopping centre, and of course, we starting talking about the Trinity.

The next day he sent me some scriptures supporting the Trinity.
As I was reading his Trinitarian scriptures, I came to Acts 7:59, which says:
And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
Acts 7:59, yet again another one of many TRINITARIAN FORGERIES.
Did you see what I just saw?
(calling upon God).

After seeing: calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, I was shocked, thinking to myself, ha, finally someone has proved me wrong, and has found the Trinitarian Golden verse, by finely sending me a scripture proving Jesus is GOD, and it is now time for me to repent.

But not so fast, I said to myself, did my Trinitarian friend use a Trinitarian King James Bible translation? As he did not say.

So I decided to check out Acts 7:59, and look in a better translation.
Acts 7:59, Yet Again Another One of Many TRINITARIAN FORGERIES.

Notice there is NO mention of: calling upon, (God)

Notice instead we read: 
And as they were stoning Stephen, he was calling out and saying, Lord Jesus, receive the spirit. of me.

Thanks to my old Trinitarian friend, he had just done me a GREAT favour. With his own hands, he sent me a scripture that did not prove Jesus was GOD, but instead He had just proved and pointed out yet again another one of many TRINITARIAN FORGERIES, and a new one I had not yet seen in Acts 7:59, until now.

Lets have a look?
King James Bible
And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
And in:
Acts 7:59, Yet Again Another One of Many TRINITARIAN FORGERIES.

Now lets look in the interlinear translation?
Acts 7:59, Yet Again Another One of Many TRINITARIAN FORGERIES.
Click image to enlarge

We clearly SEE again, NO mention of:
 calling upon, (GOD)

WHY has the word (GOD) been added in to the Trinitarian translations?
The simple answer.

To DECEIVE people into believing Jesus is GOD.

As we have seen yet again, there are countless forgeries like this in the Trinitarian translations like the King James Bibles, which are DECEIVING millions.

As I told my Trinitarian friend, that we must always look in the better translations, and never, ever look in the Trinitarian translations like the KJB, otherwise we will be deceived, which is why MILLIONS are still deceived.

How many more TRINITARIAN FORGERIES will we find? I now believe this is just the tip of the iceberg. The odd thing is - the fact I was not even looking for them, these  TRINITARIAN FORGERIES keep coming to me by accident. But am I wrong to say this is all by accident, I ask myself?

These Trinitarian translators are proving with their own hands to be SHOCKINGLY dishonest people.

No one can deny the Biblical facts, and yet oddly they do, when the biblical facts are presented and right there in front of us for everyone to SEE, how yet again dishonest Trinitarian translations are perfect examples of how the Trinitarians themselves are revealing – with their own hands – their false teachings by making GOD’s own Son into GOD Himself.

Therefore, they are deceiving people into believing that Jesus is GOD and the same GOD in order to support the Trinity, or for the false Pentecostals, saying that Jesus is His own Father, GOD.

And yet again, it is simple to SEE, how Trinitarians and false Pentecostals, are exposing the truth of their own faith.

Over and over again, Trinitarians are revealing with their own works deliberate forgeries, deliberate distortions, and deliberate mistranslations, while also proving their desperation to prove a pagan false Trinity doctrine, or that Jesus is GOD, which in return disproves what they themselves teach and believe and contradict the teachings in the Bible.

It is of no surprise that so many Trinitarians still don’t know the truth, as they live solely by the many false Trinitarian translations such as those found in the King James Bible, and do not do any research into the better translations in order to educate themselves further. Therefore, they remain deceived.

In my debate last year with a dedicated Trinitarian teacher: Mr Dan Corner, he told me some porkies, by saying: ALL the scriptures on God point to the Trinity. I am now starting to discover, WHY, He believes as most deceived Trinitarians that ALL the scriptures on God point to the Trinity. 
Because their own Trinitarian Translators are very dishonest people who are altering the scriptures on Jesus proving a very serious Trinity deception and conspiracy.

However, dedicated Trinitarian teacher: Mr Dan Corner was correct about something else he has on his web site, that we are not to trust the Kings James Bible, because it was edited by a Catholic priest. And yet on the other hand, that sounds quite odd coming from a person who has added the MAIN Catholic TRINITY doctrine as the FOUNDATIONS of his own faith.
Mr Dan Corner articles:
Thirteen Facts About KJV Onlyism.  https://www.evangelicaloutreach.org/kjvonly.htm
ERRORS In The King James Version  https://www.evangelicaloutreach.org/kjvo.htm

The truth has surfaced, Trinitarian teacher: Mr Dan Corner seems to be very confused like most Trinitarians, He teaches rightly not to trust the Trinitarian Translations, but contradicts his teachings, as most Trinitarians do, by teaching a very SERIOUS false doctrine, deceiving many teaching the Trinity is Biblical.

We clearly need to pray for Trinitarians like Mr Dan Corner and the millions of other deceived Trinitarians, before they deceive and create more Trinitarians and we lose more poor souls, to the greatest Christian deception in history.

Acts 7:59, Yet Again Another One of Many TRINITARIAN FORGERIES.

Click image to enlarge.

GOD Almighty is working day and night to show people the truth, so they will repent, and believe what He has always taught, that He is GOD ALONE, and His Son is truly His literal Son, but most have closed their eyes and ears and are not interested in the truth of GOD and His Literal Son, but instead worship and follow their deceived Pastors who follow their spiritual fathers, from the First Council of Nicaea.


Join me again while I wait to SEE what God shows me, which I will share with you many more SHOCKING Trinitarian FORGERIES.

Trinitarians will often say Lord is the same name for GOD, and proves Jesus is GOD.
I have therefor added in an article below that clearly demonstrates that claim is false.
Lords and the LORD FAQ: If God is called “Lord” in the Old Testament and Jesus is called “Lord” in the New Testament, then doesn’t that mean that Jesus is God?
Lords and the LORD FAQ: If God is called “Lord” in the Old Testament and Jesus is called “Lord” in the New Testament, then doesn’t that mean that Jesus is God?
Lords and the LORD FAQ: If God is called “Lord” in the Old Testament and Jesus is called “Lord” in the New Testament, then doesn’t that mean that Jesus is God?
Lords and the LORD FAQ: If God is called “Lord” in the Old Testament and Jesus is called “Lord” in the New Testament, then doesn’t that mean that Jesus is God?

Lords and the LORD FAQ: If God is called “Lord” in the Old Testament and Jesus is called “Lord” in the New Testament, then doesn’t that mean that Jesus is God?

Lords and the LORD FAQ: If God is called “Lord” in the Old Testament and Jesus is called “Lord” in the New Testament, then doesn’t that mean that Jesus is God?
Lords and the LORD FAQ: If God is called “Lord” in the Old Testament and Jesus is called “Lord” in the New Testament, then doesn’t that mean that Jesus is God?
Lords and the LORD FAQ: If God is called “Lord” in the Old Testament and Jesus is called “Lord” in the New Testament, then doesn’t that mean that Jesus is God?
Lords and the LORD FAQ: If God is called “Lord” in the Old Testament and Jesus is called “Lord” in the New Testament, then doesn’t that mean that Jesus is God?

A simple Biblical fact that proves Jesus is not GOD.

A simple Biblical fact that proves Jesus is not GOD.

I am Simon Brown, may GOD bless you for seeking the truth of Him and His Literal Son, Jesus.

To you it was shown,
 that you might know that the LORD is God;
 there is no other besides him.
Deuteronomy 4:35.
To you it was shown,  that you might know that the LORD is God;  there is no other besides him. Deuteronomy 4:35.

It is very interesting to read history’s greatest scientists, Greek and Hebrew Bible scholar, Sir Isaac Newton, also said and believed the scriptures had been altered by Trinitarians, in which his research is lining up perfectly with the countless Trinitarian FORGERIES.
Isaac Newton

In an article called What Is Messiah? Jewish Messiah or Christian God by Rick Richardson, he writes:
In his article Cosmic Codebreaker, Pious Heretic, about Sir Isaac Newton (for Christian History Magazine), Karl Giberson writes: "Newton began a sustained reflection on the Christian doctrines and decided that the Anglican status quo was a thorough corruption of the true, original Christianity.
These considerations led him to write over a million words on theology and biblical studies—more than he wrote on any other subject. 

Neil Degrasse Tyson on Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton

What did history’s greatest scientists, Greek and Hebrew Bible scholar, Sir Isaac Newton believe, FIND OUT HERE and be shocked to the core.
Whenever it is said in the scriptures that there is but one God, it is meant the Father.

Watch my new video: The Alpha and the Omega, in Revelation 1:11. ANOTHER MASSIVE TRINITARIAN DECEPTION.

David Pawson ADMITS in his video teaching on the TRINITY there are THREE GODS, contradicting the word of GOD.


John 17:3.


  1. In what position does belief in the Trinity put those who cling to it?
    It puts them in a very dangerous position. The evidence is indisputable that the dogma of the Trinity is not found in the Bible, nor is it in harmony with what the Bible teaches. (See the preceding pages.) It grossly misrepresents the true God. Yet, Jesus Christ said: “The hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:23, 24, RS) Thus Jesus made it clear that those whose worship is not ‘in truth,’ not in harmony with the truth set out in God’s own Word, are not “true worshipers.” To Jewish religious leaders of the first century, Jesus said: “For the sake of your tradition, you have made void the word of God. You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.’” (Matt. 15:6-9, RS) That applies with equal force to those in Christendom today who advocate human traditions in preference to the clear truths of the Bible.
    Regarding the Trinity, the Athanasian Creed (in English) says that its members are “incomprehensible.” Teachers of the doctrine often state that it is a “mystery.” Obviously such a Trinitarian God is not the one that Jesus had in mind when he said: “We worship what we know.” (John 4:22, RS) Do you really know the God you worship?
    Serious questions confront each one of us: Do we sincerely love the truth? Do we really want an approved relationship with God? Not everyone genuinely loves the truth. Many have put having the approval of their relatives and associates above love of the truth and of God. (2 Thess. 2:9-12; John 5:39-44) But, as Jesus said in earnest prayer to his heavenly Father: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3, NW) And Psalm 144:15 truthfully states: “Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah!”—NW.

  2. Though these men lived some years after the first-century Christians, we can see how they understood the position of a Christian in these matters. They shunned such debased amusements. They could see the inconsistency for those who had been elevated out of darkness, who had removed obscene talk, violence and immorality from their lives, deliberately to sit and watch such things as entertainment. For the most part those Christians heeded Paul’s counsel to “quit sharing with them in the unfruitful works that belong to darkness, but, rather, even be reproving them.” Their daily lives of purity in the midst of a debased world were a constant ‘reproof’ to the people of the nations. No wonder these were labeled by the ungodly world as “enemies of mankind.” Those disciples gladly showed that they were under a better influence than their carnal-minded neighbors. They demonstrated that they had been “made new in the force actuating [their] mind.” And what a different “force” it was! Others could not help noticing. Are not these the kind of persons we want to be? Regardless of our profession, we either show the “fruitage of the light” or walk as the nations do.—Eph. 4:23; 5:9, 11.
