
Friday, 5 March 2021

Was Jesus WORSHIPED, and if so, would this prove Jesus is GOD?

Was Jesus WORSHIPED, and if so, would this prove Jesus is GOD?

Most of Christianity who believe Jesus is the One True GOD, say, believe and teach, because Jesus was worshiped, this proves Jesus is the same One True GOD.

The problem is that Bible Scholars debate IF people were actually worshiping Jesus as GOD, or IF they were instead simply honouring Jesus with love and respect.

What ever the case may be, in my research, I discovered in ONE single verse ALONE, Jesus makes this clear WHO we MUST worship:

Matthew 4:10

Then Jesus says to him, "Get you away, Satan! For it has been written: 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him alone shall you serve.'"

Did you see that: 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him alone.

If Jesus was the ONE TRUE GOD, why did Jesus NOT say to Satan: 'You shall worship (ME) the Lord your God?

If Jesus was GOD, why did Satan NOT know He was GOD, but instead said to Jesus in Matthew 4:3 If You are the Son of God.

Whether or not Jesus was WORSHIPPED, Jesus made this absolutely clear. saying who we MUST WORSHIP, (You shall worship the Lord your God).

WHERE did Jesus say: 'You shall worship the Lord your God, (US) alone?

WHERE did Jesus say: 'You shall worship (ME) the Lord your God, (ME) alone?

WHERE did Jesus say: 'You shall worship the Lord your God, (WE THREE) alone?

The obvious reason WHY Jesus did NOT SAY: 'You shall worship (ME) the Lord your God, (ME) alone, was simply because Jesus is NOT GOD, and that His Father is GOD ALONE.

In John 4:23 Jesus also makes this very clear that the true worshipers will worship the Father, and says NOTHING about worshiping Himself as GOD.

But an hour is coming and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father also seeks such who worship Him.

WHERE did Jesus say: the true worshipers will worship (ME Jesus), for the Father also seeks such who worship (Jesus as GOD)?

And yet we find MOST of Christianity worship Jesus as GOD, and yet Jesus said: the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father also seeks such who worship Him.

Deuteronomy 4:35

It was shown to you so that you might know that Yahweh is God. There is no one else besides him. By Simon Brown an ordinary man off the street.

Here is an email from Sir Anthony Buzzard:

The question he has raised is a language trap. In the Hebrew Bible and NT “worship” does not mean that the object is GOD! Humans are “worshiped” and King David was worshiped! (1 Chron. 29:20). There is much at our site on this. 

In hope,

Anthony  www.focusonthekingdom.org

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