
Monday, 8 March 2021

According To Jesus Who Should The True Worshippers Worship As GOD?

Will The True Worshippers Worship Jesus or The Father?

Here is something that may get your brains rattling.

The Trinity faith correctly believe the Father is NOT the SON, as we see in their Catholic Trinity diagram confession of faith.

The doctrine of the Trinity faith.

But the Trinity faith also believe GOD is the SON, while also understanding and believing the Father is GOD.

While the Oneness Pentecostal faith do not believe GOD is three called the Trinity, but instead believe the Father is the SON.

the Oneness Pentecostal faith.

Are your brains rattling yet?

If not please keep reading!

How is this possible, Trinitarians say GOD is the same being as the SON, and the Father is not the SON, and yet GOD is the same being as the Father?

The only logical way I could possibly understand how GOD is the SON, and yet the Father who is the same being as GOD, and yet is not the SON, would be that GOD the Father divided Himself in half.

Yes, I agree, that's not Biblical, and I only believe what the Bible teaches.

We do know Trinitarians believe there is ONE GOD who is divided in to three persons called the TRINITY.

But if GOD is the SON, and if the Father is not the SON, that would mean GOD is not a TRINITY but is instead a Quadrality.

Well, nothing is impossible with GOD.

But WHERE in the Bible do we read GOD and the Father are split into two, or that GOD is three persons called the Trinity.

So we have both the Trinity faith, and the Oneness Pentecostal faith, all worship Jesus as GOD, because as we see they both believe Jesus is GOD.


Watch video: WHO can UNDERSTAND the TRINITY?

But what did Jesus say? 

Here is a very important question.

According To Jesus Who Should The True Worshippers Worship As GOD?

If Jesus were to say the true worshippers will worship Himself as GOD, then we would know for sure Jesus is GOD.

So lets look in John 4:23, and see who Jesus says the true worshipers will worship as GOD?

But an hour is coming and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father also seeks such who worship Him.

Notice these incredible words by Jesus, how He does not mention anything about the two other members of the TRINITY, which is according to the Trinity, Himself, and the Holy Spirit.

If the Trinity were the true faith, according to their belief, that there are three persons in the Trinity God head, who are all each GOD, who are all equal, as the Trinity faith teach, then how is this possible, to only worship one person as GOD alone, who Jesus said would be the Father alone?

As we have seen in how the Trinity faith do NOT believe the Father is the SON, as we see in their Catholic Trinity diagram confession of faith.

The Trinity faith.

If the Trinity were true, then this would be impossible to do the will of the Father, and only worship the Father as GOD, as Jesus said the true believers would do, simply because as the Trinity faith teach, there are three persons in the Godhead, who are one, and who are all equal, as the Trinity faith do not believe the Father is the Son.

So if the Trinity faith were true, Jesus should be saying: the true worshippers will worship the Father, and (ME), or the SON, and The Holy Spirit, for the Father also seeks such who worship (US).

The truth is, there is not a single word in the whole Bible, saying or teaching we should worship Jesus as GOD, or the Holy Spirit as a single person as do the Trinity faith.

Or should we worship all three as separate beings as though they are one GOD.

The correct words and statement alone, by Jesus alone, proves Jesus is not GOD, and the Trinity, and the Oneness Pentecostal faith is false, because Jesus identifies the Father ALONE who is to be worshiped as GOD alone,

The SHOCKING truth.

Both the Trinity faith and the Oneness Pentecostal faith worship Jesus as GOD.

And GOD the Father said in Deuteronomy 5:7 "You shall have no other gods before me.

So not only have the Trinity faith and the Oneness Pentecostal faith put the SON OF GOD before Yahweh the One True GOD, or have made the SON OF GOD EQUAL WITH GOD, but the Trinity faith also BREAK the first commandment in Deuteronomy 6:4, and Mark 12:29 by believing and teaching GOD is THREE PERSONS instead of ONE PERSON.

Notice Jesus said: the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father also seeks such who worship Him.

According to what Jesus said: The true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, must prove the Trinity faith and the Oneness Pentecostal faith have been deceived, simply because they worship the SON of GOD as GOD, when instead Jesus said the true worshippers will worship the Father as GOD alone, which are Christians who do not believe Jesus is GOD, or three called the TRINITY, but Instead believe and worship Jesus as the SON of His One True GOD, as this is written that the true Christians should do in just some of many scriptures like John 10:36, Mark 12:29, John 3:15, John 3:16, John 5:24, John 20:31, Matthew 16:16.

Could History's greatest scientists Sir Isaac Newton (described in his own day as a "natural philosopher") who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution, be correct, 

Sir Isaac Newton believed the Roman Catholic Church was misguided in its interpretation of Christianity, and had returned to idolatry.

Newton felt that belief in the holy trinity was a flagrant violation of the First of the Ten Commandments.

Sir Isaac Newton was certainly correct about one thing, when he said Trinitarians had altered scriptures to make us believe Trinitarianism was the true faith, which is clearly seen in the countless false Trinitarian Bible translations.

Jesus said we must follow Him as the Christ and as the Begotten Son of GOD, and that we must go through him to worship his Father as the One True GOD alone.

Here are some questions I often ask my Trinitarian and Oneness Pentecostal friends.

John 3:16 tells us, GOD so loved the world that (HE GAVE HIS SON).

However the Trinity faith and the Oneness Pentecostal faith believe GOD is the SON, which would mean, (GOD GAVE HIMSELF), so why doesn't John 3:16 instead say, (GOD GAVE HIMSELF)? Which surely would be the case if GOD were the SON.

Surely, If we believe GOD is the SON, how are we not DENYING that GOD gave His SON?

And as GOD is the Father of the SON, and if we believe GOD is the SON, how are we not DENYING the Father and the SON?

WHY do most of Christianity refuse to believe what Jesus said, when He said His Father is the only One True GOD Alone John 17:3?

In fact there are so many questions, which I often ask my Trinitarian and Oneness Pentecostal friends, I wrote them down in an article below.

Over 100 Questions, If you believe Jesus Is GOD?

Related articles:
False Trinitarian teachings.

Was Jesus WORSHIPED, and if so, would this prove Jesus is GOD?

Question? DID GOD Yahweh, the Father of creation, send & sacrifice Himself or His SON?

Did GOD become flesh as the MAN Jesus?

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