Part 2
Part 3
John Fullerton MacArthur Jr. is an American pastor and author known for his internationally syndicated Christian teaching radio program Grace to You, SAYS: American pastor SAYS:
You need to believe that Jesus is God.
(Assurance of Victory--1 John 5, Moody Press, p.12).
According to Trinitarian teachers, THEY SAY: Unless Jesus is GOD, He is NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO DIE FOR OUR SINS.
Which is why GOD is called THE ALMIGHTY GOD.
From the beginning of GOD’s CREATION, GOD declared one divine truth.
And that divine truth always was, that He is ONE person, who is THE ONLY ONE who is, THE TRUE GOD.
However, the MAIN doctrine of the Catholic church teach on the contrary and teach the ONE TRUE GOD is a TRINITY,
which means the ONE TRUE GOD, IS NOT THE ONE TRUE GOD or a single person, as GOD and His Son has always declared but according to that Catholic doctrine, GOD IS THREE persons who is a “tritheism” (three Gods).
Just as we see in the Catholic diagram below.

More SHOCKING is how MOST of the Christian population, in MOST churches today have adopted and made the MAIN doctrine of the Catholic church, the foundations of their own faith, which teaches the ONE TRUE GOD is NOT the ONE TRUE GOD, if He is THREE called the TRINITY.
And yet there is not a single word in the Bible teaching the ONE TRUE GOD equals THREE persons.
Or the ONE TRUE GOD is THREE persons.
GOD declared hundreds of times, there is none like me, and He is NOT THREE persons, but ONE.
Was GOD wrong when He said: there is none like me. Isaiah 46:9.
If the Catholic church are correct, and GOD is a “tritheism” (three Gods) called the TRINITY, then the Catholic church would prove GOD Almighty was wrong.
Because what we find is the IDENTICAL SAME TRINITY God, as the concept of the “tritheism” (three Gods), goes right back to Babylon and Egypt and other PAGANS and the pagan god is the SAME and is the IDENTICAL concept of the Catholic TRINITY.
Is the ONE TRUE GOD, the same as the PAGANS gods from Babylon and Egypt.
How is it possible that the ONE TRUE GOD is the same as the PAGAN gods from Babylon and Egypt, when GOD said: I am God, and there is none like me. Isaiah 46:9.
The shocking truth is the concept of the TRINITY (one god as three) was worshiped by PAGANS from Babylon and Egypt and other PAGANS which was CONDEMNED, prohibited and forbidden, by THE ONE TRUE GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The shocking truth is, what God CONDEMNED and prohibited which was and still is the worship of any gods, including the concept of the Babylon TRINITY (one god as three) by PAGANS from Babylon and Egypt is NOW believed and taught as the MAIN foundation of most Christians today.
WHY have MOST of the CHRISTIAN population replaced, The ONE TRUE GOD with the Catholic TRINITY PAGAN THREE gods from Babylon and Egypt?
And that divine truth always was, that He is ONE person, who is THE ONLY ONE who is, THE TRUE GOD.
And one of the scribes, came up and heard them disputing, with one another, and seeing that, he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” 8. Jesus answered,
“The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one (PERSON).
Mark 12:28,29.
However, the MAIN doctrine of the Catholic church teach on the contrary and teach the ONE TRUE GOD is a TRINITY,
which means the ONE TRUE GOD, IS NOT THE ONE TRUE GOD or a single person, as GOD and His Son has always declared but according to that Catholic doctrine, GOD IS THREE persons who is a “tritheism” (three Gods).
Just as we see in the Catholic diagram below.

More SHOCKING is how MOST of the Christian population, in MOST churches today have adopted and made the MAIN doctrine of the Catholic church, the foundations of their own faith, which teaches the ONE TRUE GOD is NOT the ONE TRUE GOD, if He is THREE called the TRINITY.
Click on image to enlarge
And yet there is not a single word in the Bible teaching the ONE TRUE GOD equals THREE persons.
Or the ONE TRUE GOD is THREE persons.
GOD declared hundreds of times, there is none like me, and He is NOT THREE persons, but ONE.
remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.
Isaiah 46:9.
Was GOD wrong when He said: there is none like me. Isaiah 46:9.
If the Catholic church are correct, and GOD is a “tritheism” (three Gods) called the TRINITY, then the Catholic church would prove GOD Almighty was wrong.
Because what we find is the IDENTICAL SAME TRINITY God, as the concept of the “tritheism” (three Gods), goes right back to Babylon and Egypt and other PAGANS and the pagan god is the SAME and is the IDENTICAL concept of the Catholic TRINITY.
Is the ONE TRUE GOD, the same as the PAGANS gods from Babylon and Egypt. The Triple Goddess The Original Holy Trinity NOTICE THE TRIPLE (THREE DEITY’) IS IDENTICAL WITH THE TRINITY WHICH MOST CHRISTIANS WORSHIP TODAY.
How is it possible that the ONE TRUE GOD is the same as the PAGAN gods from Babylon and Egypt, when GOD said: I am God, and there is none like me. Isaiah 46:9.
The shocking truth is the concept of the TRINITY (one god as three) was worshiped by PAGANS from Babylon and Egypt and other PAGANS which was CONDEMNED, prohibited and forbidden, by THE ONE TRUE GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The shocking truth is, what God CONDEMNED and prohibited which was and still is the worship of any gods, including the concept of the Babylon TRINITY (one god as three) by PAGANS from Babylon and Egypt is NOW believed and taught as the MAIN foundation of most Christians today.
It is the LORD your God you shall fear. Him you shall serve, and by his name you shall swear. You shall not go after other gods, the gods of the peoples who are around you for the LORD your God in your midst is a jealous God, lest, the anger of the LORD your God, be kindled against you, and he destroy you from off the face of the earth.
Deuteronomy 6:13-15.
WHY have MOST of the CHRISTIAN population replaced, The ONE TRUE GOD with the Catholic TRINITY PAGAN THREE gods from Babylon and Egypt?
The Catholic TRINITY.
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