Simon Brown.

Proverbs 8:34-36 Blessed is the man who hears me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at my door posts. For whoever finds me finds life, and will obtain favor from Yahweh. But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul. All those who hate me love death.” Psalm 84: 11 For Yahweh God is a sun and a shield. Yahweh will give grace and glory. He withholds no good thing from those who walk blamelessly. 12 Yahweh of Armies, blessed is the man who trusts in you. 1 John 5:5 Now who is the one overcoming the world, except the one believing that Jesus is the Son of God?

Tuesday 22 October 2019

WHY would the authors of Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, and John 20:28 FORGET to mention “Yahweh" The GOD and Father of Creation?

Titus 2-13, 2 Peter 1-1, and John 20-28.

For my previous articles on Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, and John 20:28, you are welcome to read my research, where I have already addressed these scriptures individually where you can find the links at the end of this article.

There are verses like Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, and John 20:28, that have been sent to me literally hundreds of times by those who teach Jesus is GOD ALMIGHTY.

This is because they believe the verses only refer to Jesus Christ alone.

Lets see what the scriptures of Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, and John 20:28 say:

Titus 2:13:
English Standard Version
waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,

2 Peter 1:1
Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:

John 20:28
Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” 

AS we have seen, because all these verses say: our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,Titus 2:13.

the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ: 2 Peter 1:1.

Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” John 20:28.
People who believe Jesus is GOD, therefore conclude these verses prove Jesus is GOD.

But WHY would the authors of Titus 2: 13, 2 Peter 1:1, and John 20:28 FORGET to mention “Yahweh” The GOD and Father of Creation? 

Notice how we read in Deuteronomy 6:12, how Moses was commend by Yahweh the one God and Father of Creation to tell his people, to NEVER, EVER forget “Yahweh: the one God and Father of Creation:
then beware lest you forget Yahweh, who brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Deuteronomy 6:12.

The name of Yahweh is the name of “the one God”, used to signify a monotheistic or ultimate Supreme Being who created the world, and is all-powerful and intervenes in the world.

YHWH (יהוה) is the proper name of God in Judaism, and Jesus spoke of GOD Yahweh the one God and Father of Creation, as being His Father John 8:19, John 14:7, and never ever said He was the same GOD as His Father, or that He was GOD Himself, or that GOD was THREE persons.

And yet “Yahweh” The GOD and Father of Creation, the MOST important person who created this magnificent universe, and who created us in His image, and who SENT, and GAVE the world His only Begotten Son to save us, is according to MANY who believe Jesus is GOD, and yet on their other hand Trinitarians understand the the Father is NOT the Son, and yet Yahweh the one God and Father of Creation is MISSING from the authors of Titus 2: 13, 2 Peter 1:1, and John 20:28 believing they FORGET to mention “Yahweh” The GOD and Father of Creation. 

I maintain that the authors of Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, and John 20:28, NEVER, EVER break GODS command in Deuteronomy 6:12 then beware lest you forget Yahweh, who brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

When GOD and Jesus are in the same verse, the authors ALWAYS referred to “Yahweh” The GOD and Father of Creation, and the Son Jesus Christ, in verses like above and below, which is why we have BOTH: the glory of our great God (Father) and Savior Jesus Christ, in Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, and John 20:28.

Just as we see in Ephesians 5:5, For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.

Just as Peter did and said in 2 Peter 1:1, righteousness of our God (Father) and Savior Jesus Christ.

Just as we read in Titus 1:4.

To Titus, my true child in a common faith: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.

Just as we read in Romans 1:7
To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Just as we read in Romans 8:39

nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Just as we read in Philippians 3:3

For we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh—

These verses that refer to BOTH God (Father) and Savior Jesus Christ, is IDENTICAL to what Thomas said in John 20:28 
My Lord (Jesus) and my GOD (the Father).

Notice how Romans 6:23, tells us that GOD gives us eternal life in (MEANING THROUGH) Christ Jesus our Lord.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We see a clear distinction, difference, and dissimilarity, between GOD the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

If Jesus were GOD we would read Paul saying: but the free gift of God Christ Jesus our Lord is eternal life.

WHY are Trinitarians acting as IF GOD the Father does NOT EXIST, in Titus 2: 13. 2 Peter 1:1, John 20:28, and DELETE Yahweh” The GOD and Father of Creation, from the true meanings of the Bible in verses like Titus 2: 13. 2 Peter 1:1, John 20:28.

WHY are Trinitarians DELETING GOD the Father, and seem to think verses like Titus 2: 13. 2 Peter 1:1, John 20:28 are NOTHING to do with “Yahweh” The GOD and Father of Creation, who is the MOST important person who created this magnificent universe?

It was “Yahweh” The GOD and Father of Creation, who’s GREAT PLAN it was to SEND and SACRIFICE His only begotten SON to save us. John 3:16.

I believe Trinitarians are an insult to act as IF ‘’Yahweh” The GOD and Father of Creation, does NOT exist in the authors of Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, and John 20:28,  who DELETE GOD the Father from these scriptures. 


Jesus NEVER, EVER FORGOT or left out His Father, but ALWAYS gave glory to His GOD “Yahweh” The Father of Creation, and always consistently told us His Father was WITH Him and IN HIM, and that simply adds up to ONE GOD the Father IN His SON, making TWO beings together as a literal Father and SON who would NOT be a literal Father and SON if they were one and the same GOD.

My research proves yet again these scriptures of Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, and John 20:28 are misunderstood by people who teach the Son is the SAME GOD he was born from.

Related articles:
Titus 2:13. Yet again ANOTHER Trinitarian deception.

2 Peter 1:1 Yet AGAIN Another Trinitarian misunderstanding.

Did Thomas BELIEVE Jesus is GO, when Thomas said “My Lord and my God!” John 20_28

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