There is more evidence of the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus then there is of Elvis Presley, the King of Rock and Roll. Who also believed in Jesus and was found with a book in his hands on the Shroud of Turin, when he was found dead in his bathroom.
If you are saying to yourself as some have been telling me: how can there be more evidence of Jesus Christ then Elvis Presley, because we know Elvis Presley lived? Then click on to read why I believe this HERE
Lets now look at the ‘’visible’’ evidence of the King of King’s and Lord of Lord’s. The Hidden Treasure, who is to come. Do you know Him?
Read the extremely, astonishing Scientific Papers, evidence and Articles confirming and evaluating the scientific, academic and professional work confirming Jesus (Yeshua) below, with an open heart.
Believe, follow and be saved, because thats why (Yeshua) came.
Read 100's of peer reviewed, scientific, visible and physical evidences of the crucifixion, death, and the ultimate Resurrection of Jesus (Yeshua) meaning Salvation.
Researched by the best researchers, experts and scientists in the world, proving the facts of God's love for ALL humans, by sending Jesus who suffered severe pain and punishment by being whipped and nailed to a cross. NOT to condemn us. NO. But to save us.
HERE is The peer reviewed info referring and validating the Shroud. The two peer reviewed papers that challenge the 1988 c14 dating of the Shroud are: ROGERS, Raymond N. - “
Studies on the radiocarbon sample from the shroud of turin
Studies on the Radiocarbon Sample from the Shroud of Turin” [January 20, 2005] Thermochimica Acta 425 (2005) pp.189-194. BENFORD, M. Sue and MARINO, Joseph G. - [PDF]
Discrepancies in the Radiocarbon Dating Area of the Turin Shroud
Discrepancies in the radiocarbon dating area of the Turin shroud Chemistry Today, vol 26 n 4, [July-August 2008]
I hope this is helpful.
Scientific Papers & Articles Compiled by Barrie M. Schwortz of
This Gateway Page provides a brief description of each scientific paper or article and some background on its author. It also includes a link to the "Submission Requirements" page of the site, where contributors will find detailed instructions for the preparation and submission of papers and articles.
Click on the title above to go directly to the page. On the page itself, the papers and articles are listed alphabetically, by TITLE. Secondary links below take you directly to each specific paper or article, bypassing the Gateway Page. They are listed here alphabetically, by AUTHOR. Note that some of the secondary links are to other websites. When visiting these links, you will need to use your browser's "back" button to return to this website.
- "Submission Requirements" Page - Detailed instructions for preparing and submitting papers and articles to this website
- ACCETTA, August D., M.D.- "Nuclear Medicine and Its Relevance to the Shroud of Turin" (.pdf format) [326k] [August 2000] (From the Sindone 2000 Shroud Conference in Orvieto, Italy) (15 photos) An earlier version of this paper titled, "Experiments with Radiation as an Image Formation Mechanism," was first presented at the June 1999 Richmond Conference.
- ADLER, Alan D. and SCHWALBE, Larry A. - Conservation of the Shroud of Turin [December 1993]
- ADLER, Alan D. and WHANGER, Alan & Mary - Concerning the Side Strip on the Shroud of Turin [1997] (3 photos)
- ADLER, Alan D. - "The Nature of the Body Images on the Shroud of Turin" (.pdf format) [34k] [June 1999] (From the 1999 Richmond Conference)
- AGEMIAN-RALEY, Annig - Ariel Agemian Biography [July 2011] (Biography compiled by the artist's daughter)
- AGEMIAN-RALEY, Annig - More On Ariel Agemian [Nov 2011] (Further insights into the fascinating life of her father)
- ALLEN, Nicholas P.L. - Verification of the Nature and Causes of the Photo-negative Images on the Shroud of Lirey-Chambery-Turin [1995] (Illustrated) NOTE: This link is to a text only version of this paper. The original link is no longer available. Link updated 24 OCT 2013.
- ALONSO, Marcel - Role of Capillarity in the Image Formation Process (.pdf format) [293k] [September 2005] (From the 3rd International Dallas Conference) (13 color photos)
- ANTONACCI, Mark - Mark Antonacci's Reply To Ray Rogers' Review of His Book (.pdf format) [85k] [2002] (3 photos)
- BARBERIS, Bruno and SAVARINO, Piero - “Ten Years of Important Events in the History of the Holy Shroud” (.pdf format) [26k] [September 2005] (From the 3rd International Dallas Conference) (Editor's Note: This link is to a text-only reprint of the article from the BSTS Newsletter No. 62 and does not include illustrations)
- BARBERIS, Bruno - The Shroud "Make Over," Science or Marketing? [October 9, 2009 - English Version] (Response published on website challenging claims made by Prof. Luigi Garlaschelli)
- BARRETT, Jim - Science and the Shroud* [1996] (Illustrated)
- BAZANT-HEGEMARK, Prof. Dr. Leo - Report on the Czechia Shroud Copy [June 1999] (5 photos)
- BELYAKOV, Alexander - Prospects of Research of the Turin Shroud in Russia [1996]
- BENFORD, M. Sue, R.N., M.A. - Negativity and the Shroud [1997]
- BENFORD, M. Sue and MARINO, Joseph G. - "Finding the Shroud in the 21st Century" [December 2001]
- BENFORD, M. Sue and MARINO, Joseph G. - "Textile Evidence Supports Skewed Radiocarbon Date of Shroud of Turin." (.pdf format) [73k] [August 2002] (Includes 2 color photos)
- BENFORD, M. Sue and MARINO, Joseph G. - "Historical Support of a 16th Century Restoration in the Shroud C-14 Sample Area." (.pdf format) [92k] [August 2002] (Includes 4 illustrations)
- BENFORD, M. Sue and MARINO, Joseph G. - "New Historical Evidence Explaining the ‘Invisible Patch’ in the 1988 C-14 Sample Area of the Turin Shroud" (.pdf format) [44k] [September 2005] (From the 3rd International Dallas Conference)
- BENFORD, M. Sue and MARINO, Joseph G. - Discrepancies in the radiocarbon dating area of the Turin shroud Chemistry Today, vol 26 n 4, [July-August 2008] (Full Paper Available).
- BERGERON, Joseph W., M.D. - The Crucifixion of Jesus: review of hypothesized mechanisms of death and implications of shock and trauma-induced coagulopathy - Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine [July 2011]
- BEVILACQUA, M. - FANTI, G. - D'ARIENZO, M. - DE CARO, R. - Do we really need new medical information about the Turin Shroud? - Injury, Volume 45, Issue 2, Pages 460-464, February 2014, published by Elsevier [Added Dec 2013]
- BRANDÃO, Antônio Jackson de Souza - O Sudário de Turim: Entre a história da arte e a Datação do Carbono 14 (The Shroud of Turin: Between Art History and Carbon 14 Dating) Portuguese language article published in the online Brazilian journal Lumen et Virtus, nº 10, vol. v, March 2014.
- BROWN, John L. - "Microscopical Investigation of Selected Raes Threads from the Shroud of Turin." (.pdf format) [190k] [January 2005] (Includes 7 photomicrographs and SEM views)
- BUCKLIN, Robert, M.D., J.D. - The Legal and Medical Aspects of the Trial and Death of Christ [1970]
- BUCKLIN, Robert, M.D., J.D. - An Autopsy on the Man of the Shroud (in English) or Autopsia sobre el Hombre de la Sábana Santa (En Español) [1997]
- CAMPBELL, Donna, M.A., Thomas Ferguson Irish Linen - Consideration to the Uniformity and Effects of the Fabric in the Shroud of Turin published by Pam Moon on her Shroud of Turin Exhibition website in September 2014 [5 October 2014]
- CARR, Peter - Dating and Formation of the Shroud (.pdf format) [73k] [March 1999]
- CARR, Peter - The Imprint (.pdf format) [63k] [March 2001]
- CASABIANCA, Tristan - The Shroud of Turin: A Historiographical Approach - The Heythrop Journal, Volume 54, Issue 3, pages 414–423 (Abstract Only) [June 2013]. The full text of the article is now available in pdf format. [June 2014]
- CHRISTEN, J. A. - Summarizing a Set of Radiocarbon Determinations: A Robust Approach (.pdf format) Applied Statistics, Vol. 43, No. 3. (1994), pp. 489-503. [1994]
- CLÉMENT, Yannick - Raymond N. Rogers’ observations and conclusions concerning the body image that is visible on the Shroud of Turin - With complete references. [21 January 2013]
- CRAIG, Emily A. and BRESEE, Randall R. - Image Formation and the Shroud of Turin (.pdf format) [315k] [February 1994] Reprinted from the Journal of Imaging Science & Technology
- CRISPINO, Dorothy - The Fathers of American Sindonology [1996]
- CURCIARELLO, F. - DE LEO, V. - FAZIO, G. - MANDAGLIO, G. - Abrupt Changes in the Yellowed Fibril Density in the Linen of Turin, The - Radiation Effects & Defects In Solids, Volume 167, Issue 3, 2012 [Dec 2013]
- DAMON, P. E., et al - Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin [February 1989] Reprinted from Nature
- DANIN, Avinoam - Pressed Flowers: Where Did the Shroud of Turin Originate? A Botanical Quest (in English) or Flores Prensadas: ¿Dónde tuvo su origen la Sábana Santa de Turín? Una Investigación Botánica (En Español) [November 1997] (1 photo)
- DANIN, Avinoam - The Origin of the Shroud of Turin From the Near East as Evidenced by Plant Images And By Pollen Grains [June 1998] (Abstract only - from the 1998 Turin Symposium)
- DANIN, Avinoam and BARUCH, Uri -(From the 1998 Turin Symposium) Floristic Indicators for the Origin of the Shroud of Turin (Full paper) (.pdf format) [25k] [June 1998]
- DE CECCO, M. - FANTI, G. - Color and b&w illustrations. (From the 1998 Turin Symposium) Paper is available in both Italian and English versions:
Studio di un sistema di visione per la mappatura colorimetrica della Sindone di Torino (.pdf format) [192k] [June 1998]
Study of a vision system for the colorimetric mapping of the Turin Shroud (.pdf format) [197k] [June 1998] - DIANA, Dr. Silvio and MARINELLI, Prof. Emanuela Paolicchi - Natural Textile Fibres - Optical Activity, Racemization and Epimerization [1997]
- DI LAZZARO, P. - BALDACCHINI, G. - FANTI, G. - MURRA, D. - SANTONI, A.- Colouring fabrics with Excimer lasers to simulate encoded images: the case of the Shroud of Turin, Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, [2008] (No issue # available) (Abstract Only)
- DI LAZZARO, P. - MURRA, D. - SANTONI, A. - FANTI, G. - Deep Ultraviolet Radiation Simulates the Turin Shroud Image Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, [July/August 2010] Volume 54, Issue 4, pp. 040302-(6) (Abstract Only)
- DI LAZZARO, P. - MURRA, D. - SANTONI, A.- NICHELATTI, E. - The Conservation of the Shroud of Turin: Optical Studies, ENEA Report 2012 [21 January 2013]
- DI LAZZARO, P. - MURRA, D. - NICHELATTI, E. - SANTONI, A.- BALDACCHINI, G. - Shroud-like Coloration of Linen by Nanosecond Laser Pulses in the Vacuum Ultraviolet, ENEA Report 2012. Editor's Note: A similar paper by the same authors also appeared in the peer reviewed journal Applied Optics, Vol. 51, Issue 36, pp. 8567-8578 (2012), titled Superficial and Shroud-like coloration of linen by short laser pulses in the vacuum ultraviolet. [21 January 2013]
- DI LAZZARO, P. - MURRA, D. - SCHWORTZ, B. - Pattern recognition after image processing of low-contrast images, the case of the Shroud of Turin, Pattern Recognition - December 31, 2012 (Abstract and Illustrations Only) [21 January 2013]
- EVARISTO, Carlos - SCHWORTZ, Barrie (Editors) - The 2011 Fátima – Rome Holy Shroud Conference / Pilgrimage - Article includes information and photographs about several Shroud replicas/relics kept in the Lisbon Museum in Portugal [1 November 2011]
- FALCINELLI, Roberto - “The Veil of Manoppello: Work of Art or Authentic Relic?” (.pdf format) [349k] [September 2005] (From the 3rd International Dallas Conference) (Includes 30 photographs and illustrations)
- FALCINELLI, Roberto - Two unpublished letters of Secondo Pia about the 1898 Shroud photography [May 2010] (From the Proceedings of the 2010 Frascati Conference)
- FANTI, Giulio - A Proposal for High Resolution Colorimetric Mapping of the Turin Shroud: Analysis of Metrological Problems [June 1998] (6 illustrations)
- FANTI, G. - MARINELLI, E. - (From the 1998 Turin Symposium) Papers are available in both Italian and English versions:
(1) - Un modello probabilistico per quantificare i risultati delle ricerche sulla Sindone di Torino (.pdf format) [63k] [June 1998]
(1) - A probabilistic model to quantify the results of the research on the Turin Shroud (.pdf format) [68k] [June 1998]
(2) - Risultati di un modello probabilistico applicato alle ricerche eseguite sulla Sindone di Torino (.pdf format) [172k] [June 1998]
(2) - Results of a probabilistic model applied to the research carried out on the Turin Shroud (.pdf format) [165k] [June 1998] - FANTI, G. - WINKLER, U. - (From the 1998 Turin Symposium) Papers are available in both Italian and English versions:
Analisi di fattibilità di indagini sul lino della Sindone di Torino mediante risonanza magnetica nucleare (.pdf format) [57k] [June 1998]
A feasibility analysis of studies on linen from the Shroud of Turin using nuclear magnetic resonance (.pdf format) [54k] [June 1998] - FANTI, Giulio - LATTARULO, F. - SCHEUERMANN, O. “Body Image Formation Hypothesis based on Corona Discharge” (.pdf format) [September 2005] (From the 3rd International Dallas Conference) Link to Giulio's Presentation Slides:
- FANTI, G. et al - “Evidences for Testing Hypotheses About the Body Image Formation of the Turin Shroud” (.pdf format) [113k] [September 2005] (From the 3rd International Dallas Conference) (24 Co-authors)
- FANTI, G. - Can a Corona Discharge Explain the Body Image of the Turin Shroud?, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, [March/April 2010] Volume 54, Issue 2, pp. 020508-(11) (Abstract Only)
- FANTI, G. - BOTELLA, J.A. - DI LAZZARO, P. - HEIMBURGER, T. - SCHNEIDER, R. - SVENSSON, N. - Microscopic and Macroscopic Characteristics of the Shroud of Turin Image Superficiality, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, [July/August 2010] Volume 54, Issue 4, pp. 040201-(8) (Abstract Only)
- FANTI, G. - BASSO, R. - BIANCHINI, G. - Turin Shroud: Compatibility Between a Digitized Body Image and a Computerized Anthropomorphous Manikin, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, [Sep/Oct 2010] Volume 54, Issue 5, pp 050503-1-(8) (Abstract Only)
- FANTI, G. - BARALDI, P. - BASSO, R. - TINTI, A. - Non-destructive dating of ancient flax textiles by means of vibrational spectroscopy, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Volume 67, July 2013, Pages 61–70. (Abstract Only) [June 2013]
- FANTI, G. - MALFI, P. - Multi-parametric micro-mechanical dating of single fibers coming from ancient flax textiles, Textile Research Journal, November 21, 2013. Abstract free. Full article available for purchase. [21 January 2014]
- FAZIO, G. - MANDAGLIO, G. - Can a latent image explain the characteristics of the Shroud body image? (2011) Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, DOI:10.1080/10420150.2011.595413 (Abstract Only without Subscription) [Jan 2012]
- FAZIO, G. - MANDAGLIO, G. - Stochastic distribution of the fibrils that yielded the Shroud of Turin body image Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 166: 7, 476 — 479, First published on: 13 April 2011 (iFirst) (Abstract Only without Subscription) [Jan 2012]
- FAZIO, G. - A Stochastic Process to Explain the Turin Shroud Body Image Formation - Journal of Modern Mathematics Frontier (JMMF), Volume 2 Issue 3, September 2013 (Full paper available for download) [Dec 2013]
- FAZIO, G. - CLEMENT, Y. - MANDAGLIO, G. - The Mysterious Coexistence of Bloodstains and Body Image on the Shroud of Turin Explained by a Stochastic Process - Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry journal Vol.14, No. 2 - June 2014 [5 October 2014].
- FAZIO, G. - DE LEO, V. - CURCIARELLO, F. - MANDAGLIO, G. - Comparison among the Shroud body image formation mechanisms by the linen fibrils distributions - The Journal of The Textile Institute, June 2014 [5 October 2014].
- FERNANDEZ, Jose Luis - “A Systematic Approach for Understanding the Image Formation on the Shroud of Turin” (.pdf format) [45k] [September 2005] (From the 3rd International Dallas Conference)
- FLURY-LEMBERG, Mechthild - The Invisible Mending of the Shroud in Theory and Reality (.pdf format) [26k] (from the II International Congress on the Sudarium of Oviedo held in Oviedo, Spain, on April 13 - 15, 2007) (Editor's Note: The illustrations for this paper can now be viewed
- FORD, David - "The Shroud of Turin's 'Blood' Images: Blood, or Paint? History of Science Inquiry" (.pdf format) [118k] [January 2001]
- FOSSATI, Luigi - Photographing the Holy Shroud at the 1898 Exhibition From "Collegamento pro Sindone" [September/ October 1994]
- FOSSATI, Luigi - Remembrance of the 1898 Exhibition From "Collegamento pro Sindone" [November/ December 1994]
- FREER-WATERS, Rachel A. - JULL, A. J. Timothy - Investigating a Dated Piece of the Shroud of Turin Radiocarbon Vol 52, No.4, p. 1521-1527, December 2010 (Added 21 JAN 2011) (Note: Link is to a Subscriber Only page and only the abstract is accessible to the public).
- FULBRIGHT, Diana - “‘A Clean Cloth’ - What Greek Word Usage Tells Us About the Death and Burial of Jesus” (.pdf format) [584k] [September 2005] (From the 3rd International Dallas Conference) (Editor's Note: This link is to a reprint of the article from the BSTS Newsletter No. 62)
- FULBRIGHT, Diana - Review of "Botany of the Shroud: The Story of Floral Images on the Shroud of Turin" By Avinoam Danin (.pdf format) [112k] [September 2010] (Written exclusively for
- GARLASCHELLI, Luigi - Life-size Reproduction of the Shroud of Turin and its Image Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, [July/August 2010] Volume 54, Issue 4, pp. 040301-(14) (Abstract Only).
- GARZA-VALDES, Leoncio A., M.D. - Scientific Analysis of the Shroud of Turin (Abstract) No longer available. Sorry. [September 1993]
- GRUNDFEST, Warren S. - Imaging Spectroscopy, A New Non-Destructive Method for Materials Analysis (.pdf format) [235k] [September 1998] (From The Dallas Meeting of American Sindonology)
- GUERRESCHI, Aldo - The Turin Shroud: from the photo to the three-dimensional (.pdf format) [277k] (From the May 2000 Shroud Imaging Conference in San Felice Circeo, Italy) (illustrated with 9 photographs)
- GUERRESCHI, Aldo - The Turin Shroud and Photo-Relief Technique (.pdf format) [261k] (From the May 2000 Shroud Imaging Conference in San Felice Circeo (8 photographs)
- GUERRESCHI, Aldo and SALCITO, Michele - Photographic & Computer Studies Concerning the Burn & Water Stains Visible on the Shroud (.pdf format) [536k] [April 2002] (From the IV Symposium Scientifique International du CIELT, Paris, France) (49 photographs and illustrations)
- GUERRESCHI, Aldo and SALCITO, Michele - Further Studies on the Scorches and the Watermarks (.pdf format) [437k] [September 2005] (From the 3rd International Dallas Conference) (40 photographs and illustrations)
- GUSCIN, Mark - The Sudarium of Oviedo by Mark Guscin [1997] (5 photos)
- GUSCIN, Mark - Recent Historical Investigations on the Sudarium of Oviedo (.pdf format) [50k] [June 1999] (From the 1999 Richmond Conference)
- GUSCIN, Mark - The 'Inscriptions' on the Shroud (.pdf format) [15k] [November 1999] (Reprinted from the BSTS Newsletter, No. 50, November 1999)
- GUSCIN, Mark - The Sermon of Gregory Referendarius (.pdf format) [110k] [January 2004] (Includes photograph of original manuscript)
- GUSCIN, Mark - Addendum to Translation of Sermon by Gregory Referendarius (.pdf format) [18k] [January 2008] (Update to his earlier paper)
- HEIMBURGER, Thibault - A Detailed Critical Review of the Chemical Studies on the Turin Shroud: Facts and Interpretations. (.pdf format) [569k] [January 2008]
- HEIMBURGER, Thibault - Cotton In Raes/Radiocarbon Threads: The Example of Raes #7 Parts 1, 2, 3 (.pdf format) [234k], [601k], [417k] [May 2009]
- HEIMBURGER, Thibault - Comments About the Recent Experiment of Professor Luigi Garlaschelli (.pdf format) [516k] [November 2009] (12 Color Photomicrographs & Illustrations)
- HEIMBURGER, Thibault - The Turin Shroud Body Image: The Scorch Hypothesis Revisited - originally posted on Dan Porter's blog in October 2012 [21 January 2013]
- HEIMBURGER, Thibault - The Scorch Hypothesis: New Experiments - originally posted on Dan Porter's blog in April 2014 [5 October 2014]
- HERAS, G. and VILLALAIN, D. - (From the 1998 Turin Symposium) Paper is available in both Spanish and English versions:
Comparative Study of the Sudarium of Oviedo and the Shroud of Turin [June 1998] (English)
Estudio comparativo entre al Sudario de Oviedo y la Sindone de Turin [June 1998] (Spanish) - HOLSTEN, Gwyneth - From Dark to Light - The Life and Art of Ariel Agemian Reprinted from The Latin Mass Magazine, Summer 2013 [August 31, 2013]
- IANNONE, John - Floral Images and Pollen Grains on the Shroud of Turin: An Interview with Dr. Alan Whanger and Dr. Avinoam Danin (.pdf format) [15k] [July 1999]
- IANNONE, John - The Veil of Veronica: Fact or Fiction? (.pdf format) [61k] [December 2009]
- IANNONE, John - The Image on the Shroud of Turin is not the result of Earthquake Activity - Comments to dated February 19, 2014 [7 June 2014]
- IMABALZANO, Giovanni - Duplicità del volto Sindonico [June 1998] Link to Italian text of this and other works by the author.
- JACKSON, John and PROPP, Keith - Comments on Rogers' "Testing the Jackson 'Theory' of Image Formation" (.pdf format) [21k] [July 2004]
- JACKSON, John - A New Radiocarbon Hypothesis by John Jackson (.pdf format) [11k] [May 2008] This theory was featured in David Rolfe's 2008 BBC documentary.
- JAWORSKI, Jan S. and FANTI, Giulio - 3-D Processing to Evidence Characteristics Represented in Manoppello Veil (.pdf format) [273k] [January 2008]
- KEARSE, Kelly - Blood on the Shroud of Turin: An Immunological Review [August 2012]
- KEARSE, Kelly - Empirical evidence that the blood on the Shroud of Turin is of human origin: Is the current data sufficient? [21 January 2013]
- KEARSE, Kelly - DNA on the Shroud of Turin: Distinguishing endogenous versus exogenous DNA [21 January 2013]
- KEARSE, Kelly - DNA Analysis and the Shroud of Turin: Development of a Shroud CODIS [21 January 2014]
- KEARSE, Kelly and HEIMBURGER, Thibault - The Shroud Blood Science of Dr. Pierluigi Baima Bollone: Another look at potassium, among other things [21 January 2014]
- KILMON, Jack - The Shroud of Turin: Genuine Artifact or Manufactured Relic? [1997-98] (With closeup photos of Shroud and Pray Manuscript Illustration)
- LA STAMPA - Gli scatti proibiti della Sindone (The Prohibited Photographs of the Shroud) La Stampa September 12, 2013 (in Italian) [21 January 2014]
- LATENDRESSE, Mario - “Evidence that the Shroud was not Completely Flat during the Image Formation” (.pdf format) [September 2005] (From the 3rd International Dallas Conference)
Link to Mario's Presentation Slides: - LOMBATTI, Antonio and WHANGER, Alan - Doubts Concerning the Coins Over the Eyes [1997-98] Online Debate
- LOPEZ, Dr. Julio - A History of the Centro Mexicano de Sindonologia (CMS) or en español, Historia del Centro Mexicano de Sindonología (CMS) [December 2014]
- LYNN, Donald J. - Comments on Shroud Research (.pdf format) [7k] [November 1998] (From The Dallas Meeting of American Sindonology)
- MALONEY, Paul C. - Walter C. McCrone and the Max Frei Sticky Tapes of 1978: A Background Study [July 2014]
- MARINELLI, E. - FANTI, G. - CAGNAZZO, Alessandro - Computerized anthropometric analysis of the Man of the Turin Shroud (.pdf format) [228k] [June 1999] (From the 1999 Richmond Conference)
- MARINELLI, Emanuela - “The Geography of the Shroud” (.pdf format) [September 2005] (From the 3rd International Dallas Conference)
- MARINO, Joseph G. and BENFORD, M. Sue - "Evidence for the Skewing of the C-14 Dating of the Shroud of Turin Due to Repairs." (.pdf format) [235k] [August 2000] (From the "Sindone 2000" Orvieto Worldwide Congress) (Includes 8 illustrations)
- MARINO, Joseph G. and PRIOR, Edwin J. - "Chronological History of the Evidence for the Anomalous Nature of the C-14 Sample Area of the Shroud of Turin." (.pdf format) [145k] [November 2008]
- MARINO, Joseph G. and PRIOR, Edwin J. - "ADDENDUM to Chronological History of the Evidence for the Anomalous Nature of the C-14 Sample Area of the Shroud of Turin." (.pdf format) [74k] [January 2009]
- MARINO, Joseph G. - Bibliography of Major Sources Pertaining to the Events of the 1988 C-14 Dating of the Shroud of Turin - [August 2012]
- MARKWARDT, Jack - Was The Shroud In Languedoc During The Missing Years? [1997]
- MARKWARDT, Jack - The Fire and the Portrait [June 1998] (From the 1998 Turin Symposium) - Czech Translation by professional translator Daniela Milton [21 January 2014]
- MARKWARDT, Jack - "Antioch and the Shroud," a new theory of the cloth's history prior to the 6th century, illustrated with color transparencies. (.pdf format) [78k] [June 1999] (From the 1999 Richmond Conference)
- MARKWARDT, Jack - The Cathar Crucifix: New Evidence of the Shroud's Missing History (.pdf format) [50k] [2000]
- MEACHAM, William - The Authentication of the Turin Shroud: An Issue in Archaeological Epistemology [June 1983] (11 photos)
- MEACHAM, William - Radiocarbon Measurement and the Age of the Turin Shroud: Possibilities and Uncertainties [March 1986]
- MEACHAM, William - The “Restoration” of the Turin Shroud: A Conservation And Scientific Disaster, e-conservation magazine, No. 13 pp. 28-42. [February 2010] (Full Article Online - Includes 8 photos/illustrations)
- MEACHAM, William - Ancient Bleaching Citations (.pdf format) [47k] Provides references to Pliny the Elder and ancient bleaching techniques. Originally posted to the Online Shroud Science Group [October 2010]
- MOON, Pamela - Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) contamination, mould damage, biocides and the carbon-14 dating of the Shroud of Turin (Fully Illustrated) [June 2013]
- MOON, Pamela - The Lier Shroud and Lucas Cranach the Elder - Fully Illustrated and recently published on Pam's Shroud of Turin Exhibition website [7 June 2014]
- MOON, Pamela - The Missing Corners and the Radiocarbon date of the Shroud of Turin - Recently published on Pam's Shroud of Turin Exhibition website [7 June 2014]
- MORAN, Kevin E. - Optically Terminated Image Pixels Observed on Frei 1978 Samples (.pdf format) [228k] [June 1999] (From the 1999 Richmond Conference)
- MORONI, Mario and VAN HAELST, Remi - Natural Factors Affecting the Apparent Radiocarbon Age of Textiles [February 1997]
- MOURAVIEV, Serge N. - Reprinted from Applied Optics. Paper is available in both English and French versions:
The Image Formation Mechanism on the Shroud of Turin: A Solar Reflex Radiation Model (the Optical Aspect) (.pdf format) [66k] [December 1997]
La Formation de l’Image sur le Suaire de Turin: Projection optique (et Fixation photochimique) de l’Image réflexe renvoyée par le Corps exposé au Soleil (.pdf format) [65k] [December 1997] - MURRA, Daniele - Sight and brain: an introduction to the visually misleading images [May 2010] (From the Proceedings of the 2010 Frascati Conference)
- OXLEY, Mark - Evidence Is Not Proof: A Response to Prof. Timothy Jull - This article was written in response to a paper titled Investigating a Dated Piece of the Shroud of Turin by the University of Arizona's Rachel Freer-Waters and Prof. Timothy Jull that was published in the December 2010 issue of their peer reviewed journal, Radiocarbon. [21 January 2011]
- PICZEK, Isabel - Is the Shroud of Turin a Painting? [1995] (19 Illustrations)
- PICZEK, Isabel - Alice In Wonderland and the Shroud of Turin [1996] (54 Illustrations) - Alicia en el País de las Maravillas y la Sábana Santa de Turín (En Español) - Spanish translation by Pedro Vázquez
- PICZEK, Isabel - The Concept of Negativity Through the Ages vs. The Negative Image on the Shroud [1997] (40 Illustrations)
- PICZEK, Isabel - The Professional Arts and the Principle and Practice of Conservation - Restoration Versus the Turin Shroud [June 1998] (From the 1998 Turin Symposium) (33 Illustrations)
- ROGERS, Raymond N. - Ray Rogers 1988 Letter to Giovanni Fazio commenting on experiments using modern linen and making an observation that lignin "gradually changes its chemical composition with time." Dated 16 February 1988. [7 June 2014]
- ROGERS, Raymond N. - Comments on 'The Resurrection of the Shroud' by Mark Antonacci (.pdf format) [119k] [2001] (Book review with 2 color photographs)
- ROGERS, Raymond N. - An Alternate Hypothesis for the Image Color [Written September 11, 2001, Published August 31, 2013] (Illustrated)
- ROGERS, Raymond N. and ARNOLDI, Anna - "Scientific Method Applied to the Shroud of Turin: A Review," (.pdf format) [564k] [August 2002] (Includes 27 color illustrations)
- ROGERS, Raymond N. - "The Chemistry of Autocatalytic Processes in the Context of the Shroud of Turin" (.pdf format) [37k] [October 2002]
- ROGERS, Raymond N. - "Pyrolysis/Mass Spectrometry Applied to the Shroud of Turin" (.pdf format) [156k] [January 2004] (Includes 4 illustrations)
- ROGERS, Raymond N. - "Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)" [July 2004] (Includes 9 color and b&w illustrations) Questions Fréquemment Posées (FAQ) (en français)
- ROGERS, Raymond N. - "Testing the Jackson Theory of Image Formation" (.pdf format) [127k] [July 2004] (Includes 8 color and b&w illustrations)
- ROGERS, Raymond N. and ARNOLDI, Anna - "The Shroud of Turin: An Amino-Carbonyl Reaction (Maillard Reaction) May Explain The Image Formation," (.pdf format) [196k] [July 2004] (Includes 4 color illustrations). This paper originally appeared in Melanoidins vol 4, Ames J.M., ed., Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 2003, pp.106-113.
- ROGERS, Raymond N. - “Studies on the Radiocarbon Sample from the Shroud of Turin” [January 20, 2005] Link to Thermochimica Acta 425 (2005) pp.189-194. (Includes 5 illustrations) (Abstract Only).
- ROGERS, Raymond N. - “Studies on the Radiocarbon Sample from the Shroud of Turin” [January 20, 2005] Thermochimica Acta 425 (2005) pp.189-194. (Includes 5 illustrations) (Full Paper Now Available) [Sept 2010].
- ROGERS, Raymond N. - "Ghiberti's pronouncement on my analyses" [January 23, 2005] Rogers' response to criticism of his work by Msgr. Giuseppe Ghiberti. [June 2011]
- ROGERS, Raymond N - The Shroud of Turin: Radiation Effects, Aging & Image Formation (.pdf format) [198k] [June 2005] (Includes 12 color and b&w photomicrographs)
- ROGERS, Raymond N - The Sudarium of Oviedo: A Study of Fiber Structures (.pdf format) [219k] [Written 2004, Published 2008] (Includes 7 color photomicrographs) First read publicly at the 2008 Ohio Shroud Conference.
- ROUVILLOIS, Gildas - A Point of Nuclear Physics About the Shroud of Turin [1998]
- SAM, Agnes - The Language and Sensibility of Research Papers in Sindonology by Agnes Sam (.pdf format) [33k] [December 1999]
- SCAVONE, Professor Daniel - Objections to the Shroud's Authenticity: The Radiocarbon Date (.pdf format) [13k] [1993]
- SCAVONE, Professor Daniel - Review of the Picknett/Prince book: "The Turin Shroud: In Whose Image" [1996]
- SCAVONE, Professor Daniel - Joseph of Arimathea, the Holy Grail and the Turin Shroud (Abstract) [1996] The full version of this paper is currently available online to website subscribers of Arthuriana, The Journal of Arthurian Studies, Vol 9. No. 4. You will be able to view the table of contents of the issue, but will not be able to download the file without a subscription. An annual subscription is $25.00.
- SCAVONE, Professor Daniel - Greek Epitaphioi and Other Evidence for the Shroud in Constantinople up to 1204 (.pdf format) [32k] [June 1999] (From the 1999 Richmond Conference)
- SCAVONE, Professor Daniel - "Did Geoffroy I de Charny Obtain the Present Turin Shroud on the Smyrna Campaign of 1346" (.pdf format) [74k] [2005]
- SCHUMACHER, Peter M. - "Photometric Responses from the Shroud" (.pdf format) [24k] [June 1999] (From the 1999 Richmond Conference)
- SCHWALBE, Larry A. - Scientific Issues and Shroud Research in the 1990's [1990]
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - Mapping of Research Test Point Areas on the Shroud of Turin [October 1982] (8 photo maps of 1978 experiments)
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - The Role of the Internet in the Future of Shroud Research [June 1998] (From the 1998 Turin Symposium)
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - Electronic Archiving and Distribution: The Value of the Internet and CD-ROM Technology (.pdf format) [22k] [September 1998] (From The Dallas Meeting of American Sindonology) - Almacenamiento y Distribución Electrónica: El Valor de Internet y de la Tecnología en CD-ROM (En Español)
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - "The Role of the Internet in Current Shroud Research" (.pdf format) [31k] [June 1999] (From the 1999 Richmond Conference)
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - "Is The Shroud of Turin a Medieval Photograph? A Critical Examination of the Theory" (.pdf format) [308k] [August 2000] (From the "Sindone 2000" Orvieto Worldwide Congress) (illustrated with 7 photographs) A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the May 2000 Imaging Conference in San Felice Circeo, Italy.
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - "Science by Press Release?" An Editorial Response by Barrie Schwortz (.pdf format) [10k] [October 7, 2009] (Editorial response challenging media claims made by Prof. Luigi Garlaschelli)
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - "Science by Press Release (Again)" Another Editorial Response by Barrie Schwortz (.pdf format) [12k] [November 21, 2009] (Editorial response addressing media claims made by Barbara Frale)
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - "Turin 2010 - A Personal Report by Barrie Schwortz (.pdf format) [550k] [July 6, 2010] (Personal Report on the 2010 Exposition of the Shroud) (Includes 8 photographs)
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - Lectures in Spain, Italy and Poland - April 2011 - A Personal Report (.pdf format) [271k] [July 18, 2011] (Personal Report on April 2011 lectures in Europe) (Includes 5 photographs)
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - The Shroud in the News for Christmas 2011 - An Editorial Response by Barrie Schwortz [January 21, 2012] (Editorial response addressing the many Shroud stories that permeated the news just before Christmas 2011)
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - The History of [January 21, 2012] (En Español) (The story of how it all began).
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - Report on the STERA, Inc./University of Arizona Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory Macro Photography - 30 August 2012 [November 21, 2012] Detailed report that includes a selection of macro photographs of one of the remaining Arizona Shroud samples used to date the Shroud in 1988, along with macro photographs of a number of the reference samples they used.
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - Behind the Scenes of a New Smithsonian Channel Shroud Documentary [May 2013] This article will give you a behind-the-scenes look at the events that took place over the two days in which I participated in the taping of the program and my personal assessment of the results and conclusions that were reached.
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - Some Details About the STURP Quad Mosaic Images [June 2013]
- SCHWORTZ, Barrie M. - Answering A Skeptic (Response dated 16 May 2014 to an e-mail received from Gary A. Kentgen on 6 January 2014) [7 June 2014]
- SIEFKER, Robert W. and SPICER, Daniel S. - The Shroud: A Critical Summary of Observations, Data and Hypotheses [Updated October 2014]
- SILIATO, Maria-Grazia - The Shroud of Turin and Its Radiodating from the 1993 Rome Shroud Symposium - Translation by Dr. Augusto Monacelli [5 October 2014]
- SOONS, Petrus - "Petrus Soons Responds To Garlaschelli" (.pdf format) [16k] [October 7, 2009] (Response challenging claims made by Prof. Luigi Garlaschelli)
- SORENSEN, Richard B. - Answering the Savoy/Leonardo DaVinci Hypothesis (.pdf format) [151k] [June 2005]
- SORENSEN, Richard B. - Summary of Challenges to the Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin (.pdf format) [117k] [July 2007]
- SØVIK, Atle Ottesen - The Shroud of Turin - A Critical Assessment This article is a translation of the article “Likkledet i Torino – en kritisk vurdering," published in Teologisk Tidsskrift (Journal of Theology), no 3, 2013: 266-294 [7 June 2014]
- SPARKS, Rodger & MEACHAM, William - C-14 Debate from the Shroud Newsgroup: alt.turin-shroud [1998] Online Debate
- TATTOLI, Lucia - TSOKOS, Michael - BUSCHMANN, Claas - Could the Shroud of Turin be an effect of post-mortem changes? February 2014 issue of Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology [7 June 2014]
- VAN HAELST, Remi - The First Shroud Photo [1997]
- VAN HAELST, Remi and MORONI, Mario - Natural Factors Affecting the Apparent Radiocarbon Age of Textiles [February 1997]
- VAN HAELST, Remi - Radiocarbon Dating The Shroud of Turin - A Critical Statistical Analysis [1997] (Very technical - with 9 color illustrations)
- VAN HAELST, Remi - The Red Stains on the Lier and Other Shroud Copies [1997] (4 color photos of burn holes; 1 transmitted light color photo of ventral Shroud image)
- VAN HAELST, Remi - Radiocarbon Dating The Shroud of Turin - The Nature Report (.pdf format) [94k] [June 1999]
- VAN HAELST, Remi - A Tantalizing Photograph Of Some Oxford Samples (.pdf format) [283k] (From Collegamento pro Sindone) [2001]
- VAN HAELST, Remi - Studying Radiocarbon Papers May Solve the Enigma of the Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin (.pdf format) [72k] [Sept 2010]
- VAN HAELST, Remi - Analyzing Radiocarbon Data Using Burr Statistics [18 July 2011]
- VIKAN, Gary - Debunking The Shroud: Made by Human Hands [November 1998] with a sidebar by McCRONE, Walter C., reprinted from the Nov/Dec 1998 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review and including Letters to the Editor from a later issue. Includes previously unpublished responses by SCAVONE, Daniel, et. al., MATTINGLY, Stephen and WHANGER, Alan.
- WEHRKAMP-RICHTER, Reginald - A new detail observed on the Shroud of Turin - News of the Association Jean Carmignac, N° 50, June 2011 page 5-9. Also available in French at Un nouveau détail observé sur le Saint Linceul de Turin. (Editor's Note: Although this article is primarily scientific in nature, it concludes on a strong religious note). [Jan 2012]
- WHANGER, Alan D and WHANGER, Mary - Excerpt from “Radiological Aspects of the Shroud of Turin” (.pdf format) [431k] [September 2005] (From the 3rd International Dallas Conference) (20 color photos and illustrations)
- WILLIAMS, Jefferson B., et al. - An early first-century earthquake in the Dead Sea (2011) International Geology Review 54(10): 1219-1228. [7 June 2014]
- WILLIAMS, Jefferson B. - Earthquake Theory Comments by Jeff Williams - Comments to dated February 13, 2014 [7 June 2014]
- WILSON, Ian - An appraisal of the mistakes made regarding the Shroud samples taken in 1988 - and a suggested way of putting these behind us [June 1998] (From the 1998 Turin Symposium) - Evaluación de los errores cometidos respecto a las muestras de la Sábana Santa obtenidas en 1988 y sugerencias para superarlos (En Español)
- WILSON, Ian - "Urfa, Turkey: the urgent need for an archaeological survey of the town that (arguably) was the Shroud's home for nearly a thousand years." (.pdf format) [41k] [June 1999] (From the 1999 Richmond Conference)
- ZUGIBE, Frederick T. - The Man of the Shroud Was Washed [June 1989] (3 Illustrations) The photographs that accompany this article are somewhat graphic. Parental Discretion Advised.
- ZUGIBE, Frederick T. - Pierre Barbet Revisited [December 1995] (9 Illustrations) CAUTION: The subject of this paper is crucifixion and it contains graphic illustrations. PARENTAL DISCRETION IS ADVISED
- ZUGIBE, Frederick T. - The Jospice Mattress Cover Image (.pdf format) [342k] [November 2007] (11 Illustrations) The Jospice mattress cover image is the detailed imprint of a dead man that was left on his mattress after he died. This previously unpublished paper documents the author's in-depth scientific study of this fascinating object and the image it bears.
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WARNING. READ: Shroud of Turin and the Antichrist. Believe NOT anyone who claims to be Jesus Christ on the Shroud of Turin. We are in the LAST DAYS. The Antichrist will do whatever he can to make people believe he is God/Jesus READ FULL ARTICLE HERE AND BE NOT DECEIVED.
- Why was Jesus crucified? HERE
- Doubting Thomas and The Shroud of Turin. HERE
- Watch video and see how much God loves you. HERE
- Give your life to Jesus below and be saved.
- The Shroud of Turin Speaks for Itself by Simon Brown and Casper McCloud.
- A Tree Is Known by Its Fruit. Said Jesus. Matthew 12:33.
Barrie Schwortz Presentation on the Shroud of Turin to the Muslim faith part 1
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