Christmas blessings to all!
Remembering, Jesus is the reason for the season!
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Bible Facts, Bible Proof, Evidence of the Bible, Bible Archaeology, Is the Bible Reliable?, Is Jesus God? , Is the Trinity false?, False Bible translations , False Christ's, False teachers!, False faiths, - Ephesians 5:11 And do not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even expose them.
Christmas blessings to all!
Remembering, Jesus is the reason for the season!
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GOD the Son and Jesus as Michael the Archangel are false Christ's!
There is only salvation in believing Jesus is the Christ, the SON of The ONE TRUE GOD! John 17:3.
The truth is as simple as BLACK and WHITE.
Jesus is NOT GOD, or Michael the Angel, but is the MAN Christ.
But when people have been so deceived by their false teachers and leaders, they are simply BLINDED, and cannot SEE the LIGHT or the WHITE!
How many of you haven't got enough food?
How many complain about the cost of living rising and never ending?
Then think about giving to the poor, and GOD will give to you much more, and you will overcome the rising cost of living, because GOD sees your kind heart, and that you care for others, and so GOD will care for you!
Don't listen to the unbelievers who don't know God, and who say DON'T SEND MONEY TO THE POOR.
Also DONT listen to some of the RICH people, who get richer, by being tighter. They have had their reward, and cant take their money with them when they die,
Contrary, to the fact that when we bless others, GOD blesses us with REWARDS that do last forever.
It's quite odd how there are some Christians who tell me NOT to send money to POOR people who are abroad, contrary, to what GOD and Christ actually taught!
I would like to know what Bible these people read.
Look at what my little £25 did for Angel's mother, who was ill!
In fact, the more money I send to the poor abroad, the richer I become.
I have never been so well-off for over 22 years now. BLESS MY FATHER who art in heaven, through Christ!
Just as the Word of God tells us, to give and help the poor, and see what God does for you.
The amount of unbelievers mocking me because I send money to my girlfriends poor family, and yet they can't pay their bills, while I have never been so well off for 22 years, and now I am ordering a lovely new land cruiser, all because God is blessing me so much in every possible way, just as the bible tells us:
Jesus told his followers to give to everyone who asks (Luke 6:30), to give to those who can't repay (Luke 14:13 – 14) and to freely give what we have freely received (Matthew 10:8). Paul established the principle that what we reap is a reflection of what we sow (2 Corinthians 9:6).
In fact, the Word of God is full of teachings about how we must help the poor instead of looking down on them as many I know.
You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to borrow. Matthew 5:42
The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25. 3. “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” – James 2:14-26
Try it yourself, and don't listen to people who don't know the word of GOD, but listen to GOD and His Christ, and see what they can do for you!
I find the more people who complain to me because I help the poor, I want to help the poor more!
I am Simon Brown.
May GOD bless you!
Here is a scripture that many believe proves Jesus is GOD.
Let's also have a look at a comment I received below:
In Mark 10:18 Jesus says that there is none good but God. This is in response to someone who comes up to Him asking a question, calling Him "good teacher." Jesus responds by saying "Why do you call me good? Only God is good!" There have been several people, including some Jews, who have said this verse shows Jesus is not God. However, what they fail to realize that Jesus acknowledges Himself as good. In John 10:11 Jesus acknowledges that He is the good shepherd. According to Mark 10:18 this makes Him God. If the JW's can show a verse calling anyone good who is not God, I will show you a contradiction. People in the Bible have been called "righteous" or "perfect", but this is implied with forgiveness from God. Can the JW's show me any verse saying that anyone who is not God is "good?" Using that word? I make a gentleman's friendly wager that they can't. I defy any JW reading this to show me a verse calling anyone who isn't God "good!" The thing that most JW's fail to acknowledge is that Jesus is called "good" using that very word.
Now I have done my own research to see HOW and WHY many Christians seem to believe Mark 10:18 proves Jesus is GOD.
Lets have a closer LOOK at Mark 10:18.
Berean Literal Bible
And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good, 👉except God alone.👈
Did you see what I saw here 👉except God alone.👈
The Greek word for ALONE tells us in the Strong's Concordance means:
heis: ONE
Original Word: εἷς, μία, ἕν
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: he is
Phonetic Spelling: (hice)
Definition: ONE.
Usage: ONE.
So here in Mark 10:18 Jesus is confirming how His Father GOD is The ONLY One True GOD ALONE by Himself, and Jesus is excluding Himself from being GOD by Jesus saying 👉except God alone.👈
To be ALONE, means to be ONE being, ONE PERSON, by yourself, on your own, which is not difficult to understand, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear as Jesus said!
What Jesus tells us here in Mark 10:18 confirms with countless other teachings throughout the whole Bible including what Jesus tells us in places like John 17:3
Berean Literal Bible
Now this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.
As we have also seen, there is nothing whatsoever saying GOD is TWO or THREE persons called the Trinity!
May I now leave you with our brother Kel from the Trinity Delusion.
By our brother Kel at Trinity Delusion
Jesus clearly denies he is God here in this verse by insisting only God is good. Since there is only one God, his God, Jesus was necessarily referring to HIS God. Being addressed as "GOOD Teacher," Jesus responds that no one is GOOD but God alone. He is responding to being called "Good TEACHER." Hence, the subject matter is not moral goodness but his good teaching. Jesus tells us many times his words and his teaching were not his own but the Father's who sent him. By contrasting himself with God, and by saying no one is good but God alone with respect to his teachings, Jesus was denying that he is God.
It is written in the prophets, "And they shall all be taught by God."
Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to me.
John 6:45
FULL ARTICLE by our brother Kel from the Trinity Delusion.
Watch Video on YOUTUBE and have your say!
The MANY FALSE Translations of Proverbs 8:22:
The FALSE Trinitarian Translations of John 1:1 to 14.
The FALSE Trinitarian translations of John 1:10.
The FALSE Translations of John 1:15 & John 1:30.
The False Translations of John 8:58.
The FALSE Trinitarian Translation of 1 John 3:16 In The King James Bible!
1 John 5:7. The GREATEST Trinitarian FORGERY In History.
1 Timothy 3:16 The FALSE Trinitarian Translation.
Trinity teacher David Pawson says (Gods) created the world!
The Biblical Facts Jesus Is Not GOD Or An Angel, Or Pre-existed His flesh!
WHY John 1:1 is not about Jesus!
WHEN did Jesus BEGIN to EXIST?
The Trinitarian Doctrine of The Immortal Soul Is FALSE!
The FALSE Christian Teachings of Luke 23:43 Going To Heaven!
The Christian deception of Matthew 10:28!
The FALSE DOCTRINE About A Separable Immortal (SOUL).
Part 4. The true meaning of Matthew 25:46.
Part 3. The true meaning of Mark 9:44, Mark 9:46,Mark 9:48.
Part 2. The true meaning of Revelation 20:10.
Is The "Helper" In John 14:16 The THIRD person of the TRINITY?
Dr Grady McMurtry, says 2 Corinthians 5:8 proves the saints are in HEAVEN!
Dr Grady McMurtry's FALSE TEACHING on HELL!
According to Dr. Grady, John 14:9, John 10:30, PROVES Jesus is GOD Almighty!
EXPOSING Dr. Grady S. McMurtry On Revelation TV!
WHY Jesus did not Pre-exist His flesh!
Question? DID GOD send a PREEXISTING Jesus?
Jehovah Witnesses.
The Biblical Facts Jesus Is Not GOD Or An Angel, Or Pre-existed His flesh!
Is Jesus Michael The Archangel!
The Jehovah’s Witnesses Wrong Teaching of John 1:1!
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The Jehovah’s Witnesses Wrong Teaching of Colossians 1:15!
Archbishop of Canterbury Preaches A FALSE Christ!