Welcome dear reader to my latest article in which I attempt to share with you information which I have been researching over a period of time and which I find a fascinating subject. I presume because you are taking the time to read this you too are hungry to discover more. I like to receive feedback from you as I am open minded and willing to listen to what people have to say.
This article is written in response to some feedback that I received recently from Christians concerning Noah’s Ark being found on Mount Ararat. Having now read this feedback, I feel that in response to this alternative site, I will be adding this information to our websites.
The following information on the subject of The Search For Noah's Ark has been brought to my attention by a fellow believer in Jesus, who has acquired this information over the past 20 years in his personal research into Biblical related matters. It is presented because historical documentation and modern-day eyewitness testimonies, together with tested wood samples from Noah's Ark, photos and satellite imagery, appear to have the Ark located high atop Mount Ararat.
You will see a brief list of materials for your review and further study on this subject:
As I have said I like to be open minded and even handed when it comes to presenting information which is why in this article I would like to present to you the findings from several different sources in relation to the existence and location of Noah’s Ark.
I am aware of course that people have differing beliefs and I certainly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to voice that opinion. I like to use the spirit level of Gods Word and I believe that as long as we do that we cannot go far wrong.
Sometimes I receive feedback that is heavily critical of other Christians and I feel that to condemn other believers for their beliefs is wrong as none of us are infallible. Far better to look at the heart of a person who wants to pursue truth and has a passion for God than to be judgmental and harsh in our words just because we believe something to be different to our own views.
I am always a little shocked when I am attacked for my articles and yes I suppose a little upset. I do not like to get involved with arguments and debates on who is right or wrong. I am really interested in just presenting people with evidence and discoveries that do not contradict the Bible.
If people are strengthened and encouraged by my articles or even led to Jesus then my aim and purpose has been accomplished as all I want to do is glorify God and do the Lords will.
So, dear reader I will leave it to you to read on and make up your own mind on what you believe, keeping in mind of course that new discoveries are being made all the time as God reveals more to us in these last days.
This article is written in response to some feedback that I received recently from Christians concerning Noah’s Ark being found on Mount Ararat. Having now read this feedback, I feel that in response to this alternative site, I will be adding this information to our websites.
The following information on the subject of The Search For Noah's Ark has been brought to my attention by a fellow believer in Jesus, who has acquired this information over the past 20 years in his personal research into Biblical related matters. It is presented because historical documentation and modern-day eyewitness testimonies, together with tested wood samples from Noah's Ark, photos and satellite imagery, appear to have the Ark located high atop Mount Ararat.
You will see a brief list of materials for your review and further study on this subject:
As I have said I like to be open minded and even handed when it comes to presenting information which is why in this article I would like to present to you the findings from several different sources in relation to the existence and location of Noah’s Ark.
I am aware of course that people have differing beliefs and I certainly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to voice that opinion. I like to use the spirit level of Gods Word and I believe that as long as we do that we cannot go far wrong.
Sometimes I receive feedback that is heavily critical of other Christians and I feel that to condemn other believers for their beliefs is wrong as none of us are infallible. Far better to look at the heart of a person who wants to pursue truth and has a passion for God than to be judgmental and harsh in our words just because we believe something to be different to our own views.
I am always a little shocked when I am attacked for my articles and yes I suppose a little upset. I do not like to get involved with arguments and debates on who is right or wrong. I am really interested in just presenting people with evidence and discoveries that do not contradict the Bible.
If people are strengthened and encouraged by my articles or even led to Jesus then my aim and purpose has been accomplished as all I want to do is glorify God and do the Lords will.
So, dear reader I will leave it to you to read on and make up your own mind on what you believe, keeping in mind of course that new discoveries are being made all the time as God reveals more to us in these last days.
What is the truth?
How did Noah's Ark survive the greatest storm ever?
Why did the Titanic sink in the calmest weather ever?
Is Global warming real?
Where is Noah's Ark?
Does it matter where Noah's Ark rested?
Does the existence or non existence of Noah's Ark affect a believers’ faith?
How can there be two different sites with Noah's Ark?
Why have some Christians condemned Ron Wyatt and his claims?
What does Henri Nissen say in his book - Noah's’ Ark Uncovered?
Sodom and Gomorrah - has it been found?
What are the brimstone and sulphur, balls we found?
Is the existence or non- existence of the ark a salvation issue?
What does the Bible say about judging others?
What must we do to be sure we are saved?
I would say that to find Noah's Ark would be a wonderful dream come true. But has it been already found? Some say it has and some dispute any claim or new information that points to its present day existence.
Please read on to discover the questions answered in this article
Time and again people of all beliefs have embarked upon journeys far from their homelands, journeys that took them through dangerous terrain, to the highest mountains of Turkey, in search of the remains of one of the most famous biblical stories from ancient days. Noah’s ark has fascinated many as they imagined Noah building the ark day by day, perhaps enduring the ridicule of those who mocked him, who could not understand what he was doing. It was the greatest boat ever built by human hands and yet its construction was divinely inspired. It was built with one purpose in mind – to save the human race!!
The account of the story can be found in the book of Genesis, written by Moses thousands of years ago.
Was Noah a master ship builder – we don’t know, but there is no doubt that the boat that he worked day and night to build, sailed and survived the greatest storm in human history.
Compare it with that other boat made famous by the fact that it didn’t complete its course despite being hailed at the time as ‘the unsinkable ship that even God himself could not sink’.
The Titanic set off on its ill fated journey, its maiden voyage carrying 2,228 people on board all confident in the promise that this was the safest ship ever built.
"Not even God could sink the Titanic," was the boast of those who put their confidence in a ship built by men.
Sadly 1500 souls perished after the ship collided with a huge iceberg and it instantly took in water as part of the ship was ripped open.
Today we also have the deadly tendency to have excessive pride in our own resources. "As we travel through life we may think who really needs God anyway? I can make it on my own."
"Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18.
Pride and wickedness was what our Creator saw as his eyes went to and fro the earth looking for a good man. What had man become? His heart must have been grieving as he surveyed all he had created.
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart.
7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. Genesis 6:5- 8.
You and I may have destroyed the earth totally if we were God but thankfully our God is a God of mercy and he did not give up on the human race. His love for us is eternal.
Noah’s righteousness and obedience became the vessel that God was able to use to rescue mankind from the evil it had become. He gave mankind the opportunity to start again.
Many have questioned the story of Noah and the Ark. They find it hard to believe and question how a lamb could lay down next to a lion or how a chicken would not be eaten by a fox.
They focus on these things rather than believe that God who was maker of heaven and earth was more than capable of overseeing its continuing existence by taking care of every detail.
"I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27.
The story of Noah has been handed down through generations and is the oldest surviving Babylonian story ever found. It was preserved on a clay tablet and written in Semitic language(part of the greater Afroasiatic language family) that was spoken in ancient Mesopotamia.
It is apparently the only story that was documented as history or legend in almost every region on earth. A man named H.S. Bellamy in Moons, Myths and Men believes there are stories of the great flood that were recorded by 500 Flood legends worldwide.
The story of Noah’s ark is more than a legend as we have the evidence of the story imprinted on solid clay cuneiform tablets which confirms that the biblical story of Noah as told in Genesis is indeed fact.
How much more evidence is out there? Some people have had their imaginations fired with a passion to prove its existence and have dreamed of being able to find the ark, to locate the remains of this divine boat, designed by God and built by human hands.
The Apostle Paul wrote ‘Prove all things’ and this involves being open minded to discoveries that emerge and provide wide ranging evidence of the accuracy of Gods Word.
Physical archaeological evidence confirms historical facts, that confirm Biblical history, and adds weight to being able to prove to the world the accuracy of the Bible.
Bible Discoveries are important as they challenge the concept of evolution that is being presented as factual in our schools and accepted by many as scientifically backed up by evidence.
Bible Discoveries also strengthens the believer as Archaeology proves the Bible, helping to provide evidence which in turn shores up faith.
Evidence of course is also invaluable as a resource that Christians can use as we witness the good news of Jesus Christ. Sceptics are often moved when presented with evidence that confirms the Bible and it can help them move forward in taking that first step of faith.
I will show you the two most popular, heated and debated sites with links and videos to their articles, believed to be the sites and remains of Noah's Ark. However it is down to you to decide which site is the genuine site, or indeed whether it even matters.

There is a site on the mountain Durupinar, 20 miles south of Mt. Ararat, believed by some to be the biblical landfall of Noah's Ark, with a boat shaped form about 500 feet long and 160 foot wide at 7000 feet high.
It is believed to be as long as two football fields and 25 miles from the Russian border and first seen and discovered in mid May of 1948 by a local Kurdish shepherd boy named Reshit Sarihan at üzengiliit in Turkey and was also in the Life Magazine in September of 1960 which a good friend Val Smith sent to me.

A Turkish pilot Sevkit Kurtis was said to have taking this photo of the boat shaped formation in 1959.
This boat shaped formation is believed by many to be the famous Noah’s Ark but disputed aggressively by others. It has a numbers of interesting points to consider. Investigated by Ron Wyatt in 1977 with his sons Ronny and Danny after reading the Life Magazine they humbly left their homes travelling far off the beaten track to discover any remains and evidence of the most famous boat in history.
How did Noah's Ark survive the greatest storm ever?
Why did the Titanic sink in the calmest weather ever?
Is Global warming real?
Where is Noah's Ark?
Does it matter where Noah's Ark rested?
Does the existence or non existence of Noah's Ark affect a believers’ faith?
How can there be two different sites with Noah's Ark?
Why have some Christians condemned Ron Wyatt and his claims?
What does Henri Nissen say in his book - Noah's’ Ark Uncovered?
Sodom and Gomorrah - has it been found?
What are the brimstone and sulphur, balls we found?
Is the existence or non- existence of the ark a salvation issue?
What does the Bible say about judging others?
What must we do to be sure we are saved?
I would say that to find Noah's Ark would be a wonderful dream come true. But has it been already found? Some say it has and some dispute any claim or new information that points to its present day existence.
Please read on to discover the questions answered in this article
Time and again people of all beliefs have embarked upon journeys far from their homelands, journeys that took them through dangerous terrain, to the highest mountains of Turkey, in search of the remains of one of the most famous biblical stories from ancient days. Noah’s ark has fascinated many as they imagined Noah building the ark day by day, perhaps enduring the ridicule of those who mocked him, who could not understand what he was doing. It was the greatest boat ever built by human hands and yet its construction was divinely inspired. It was built with one purpose in mind – to save the human race!!
The account of the story can be found in the book of Genesis, written by Moses thousands of years ago.
Was Noah a master ship builder – we don’t know, but there is no doubt that the boat that he worked day and night to build, sailed and survived the greatest storm in human history.
Compare it with that other boat made famous by the fact that it didn’t complete its course despite being hailed at the time as ‘the unsinkable ship that even God himself could not sink’.
The Titanic set off on its ill fated journey, its maiden voyage carrying 2,228 people on board all confident in the promise that this was the safest ship ever built.
"Not even God could sink the Titanic," was the boast of those who put their confidence in a ship built by men.
Sadly 1500 souls perished after the ship collided with a huge iceberg and it instantly took in water as part of the ship was ripped open.
Today we also have the deadly tendency to have excessive pride in our own resources. "As we travel through life we may think who really needs God anyway? I can make it on my own."
"Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18.
Pride and wickedness was what our Creator saw as his eyes went to and fro the earth looking for a good man. What had man become? His heart must have been grieving as he surveyed all he had created.
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart.
7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. Genesis 6:5- 8.
You and I may have destroyed the earth totally if we were God but thankfully our God is a God of mercy and he did not give up on the human race. His love for us is eternal.
Noah’s righteousness and obedience became the vessel that God was able to use to rescue mankind from the evil it had become. He gave mankind the opportunity to start again.
Many have questioned the story of Noah and the Ark. They find it hard to believe and question how a lamb could lay down next to a lion or how a chicken would not be eaten by a fox.
They focus on these things rather than believe that God who was maker of heaven and earth was more than capable of overseeing its continuing existence by taking care of every detail.
"I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27.
The story of Noah has been handed down through generations and is the oldest surviving Babylonian story ever found. It was preserved on a clay tablet and written in Semitic language(part of the greater Afroasiatic language family) that was spoken in ancient Mesopotamia.
It is apparently the only story that was documented as history or legend in almost every region on earth. A man named H.S. Bellamy in Moons, Myths and Men believes there are stories of the great flood that were recorded by 500 Flood legends worldwide.
The story of Noah’s ark is more than a legend as we have the evidence of the story imprinted on solid clay cuneiform tablets which confirms that the biblical story of Noah as told in Genesis is indeed fact.
How much more evidence is out there? Some people have had their imaginations fired with a passion to prove its existence and have dreamed of being able to find the ark, to locate the remains of this divine boat, designed by God and built by human hands.
The Apostle Paul wrote ‘Prove all things’ and this involves being open minded to discoveries that emerge and provide wide ranging evidence of the accuracy of Gods Word.
Physical archaeological evidence confirms historical facts, that confirm Biblical history, and adds weight to being able to prove to the world the accuracy of the Bible.
Bible Discoveries are important as they challenge the concept of evolution that is being presented as factual in our schools and accepted by many as scientifically backed up by evidence.
Bible Discoveries also strengthens the believer as Archaeology proves the Bible, helping to provide evidence which in turn shores up faith.
Evidence of course is also invaluable as a resource that Christians can use as we witness the good news of Jesus Christ. Sceptics are often moved when presented with evidence that confirms the Bible and it can help them move forward in taking that first step of faith.
I will show you the two most popular, heated and debated sites with links and videos to their articles, believed to be the sites and remains of Noah's Ark. However it is down to you to decide which site is the genuine site, or indeed whether it even matters.

There is a site on the mountain Durupinar, 20 miles south of Mt. Ararat, believed by some to be the biblical landfall of Noah's Ark, with a boat shaped form about 500 feet long and 160 foot wide at 7000 feet high.
It is believed to be as long as two football fields and 25 miles from the Russian border and first seen and discovered in mid May of 1948 by a local Kurdish shepherd boy named Reshit Sarihan at üzengiliit in Turkey and was also in the Life Magazine in September of 1960 which a good friend Val Smith sent to me.

A Turkish pilot Sevkit Kurtis was said to have taking this photo of the boat shaped formation in 1959.
This boat shaped formation is believed by many to be the famous Noah’s Ark but disputed aggressively by others. It has a numbers of interesting points to consider. Investigated by Ron Wyatt in 1977 with his sons Ronny and Danny after reading the Life Magazine they humbly left their homes travelling far off the beaten track to discover any remains and evidence of the most famous boat in history.
A boat shaped formation,
Huge drogue style anchor stones with anchor holes.
Remains associated with Noah and his family.
Grave marker showing 8 figures.
Carvings that Ron found above the Ark.
Petrified deck timber found with radar. Sectioned, it revealed lamination.
Metal rivets and brackets found.
Rib Timbers
Horizontal Deck Support Timbers
Deck Support Timbers.
Huge drogue style anchor stones with anchor holes.
Remains associated with Noah and his family.
Grave marker showing 8 figures.
Carvings that Ron found above the Ark.
Petrified deck timber found with radar. Sectioned, it revealed lamination.
Metal rivets and brackets found.
Rib Timbers
Horizontal Deck Support Timbers
Deck Support Timbers.
Because the Bible states, Noah's Ark LANDED upon the mountains of Ararat." (Gen 8:4 KJV) not Mount Ararat.
The "mountains of Ararat" is plural and therefore means mountainous region. The word translated for Ararat is translated as Armenia later in the book of Isaiah and is usually so referenced.
" upon the mountains of Ararat." Many explorers have looked on Mt. Ararat for the remains of Noah's Ark. The Bible however, does not say that Noah's Ark landed on Mt. Ararat. It says that the Ark landed upon the mountains of Ararat. (mountains plural) An examination of the Hebrew manuscripts of Genesis reveals that actual wordage is that Noah's Ark landed upon the mountains of Urartu. (The whole mountainous region in far eastern Turkey. READ MORE
Evidently in 1977 the Turkish Government officially declared it to be "Noah's Ark" in June 1987 and established the “Noah’s Ark National Park” with a Visitors Centre overlooking the site which can still be visited today.
Here is one of the best websites and video in support of this site of Noah's Ark

Here is a brief list of materials for your review and further study on this subject:
1) PDF File from out of print book Chapter 11B, which provides the text from item 4 below.
2) Dr. Patton YouTube Link on Noah's Ark Video Presentation.
3) Dr. Patton text & photo summary, taken from the item 2 above YouTube Video.
"Dr. Don Patton Discusses The Ark on Mount Ararat" (Jan 24, 2012 email sent to Simon).
4) DVD material published by Group Productions: Ancient Secrets Of The Bible Collectors Series.
- Noah's Ark: What Happened To It?- Noah's Ark: Fact Or Fable?
Here is some useful information and photos that back this up.
Excerpted Transcript taken from Dr. Don Patton's video presentation on Noah's Ark
George Hagopian lived at the base of the mountain. When he was 10 and 11 years of age, he traveled up the mountain according to his account, with his uncle, who carried him up to see the Ark. His family and the people he knew were very familiar with Ark being there. He, together with Elfred Lee, produced drawings of what he saw as a youth. This was the view in 1910 as he saw it - very effective in its length to width proportions.
We compare that with another account. This is a drawing of a Russian photograph. Russian aviators in 1917 saw the Ark sticking out of a glacier. The drawing is very similar to George Hagopian's account.
Another account comes from Ed Davis. We know Ed Davis has been up the mountain because of his description of the mountain. Ed saved the life of a son of one of the Cheiftains of the Kurdish village, during WW2. Ed was adopted and was taken up to see the Ark from 100 yards away. By this time, it had broken in two. When we compare the eyewitness accounts, we see they are very similar to each other.
A friend of mine did go up without permits, leaned over the edge of the cliff and took photographs, without being able to look. He emptied the camera, shot all the rolls of film. Not as well-focused as it ought to be, but I think I know what we're looking at here. This certainly justifies the conclusion that there is good evidence that the Ark is there.
Perhaps better evidence comes from Satellite imagery. Unfortunately, it is highly classified. I have been told about it, and we have the coordinates.
There is enormous evidence (including photos, wood samples, and satellite imagery, and many eyewitnesses over the centuries that match one another in their description) that one can reasonably conclude, beyond doubt, that the Ark still rests high atop Mt. Ararat.
Guys like (the great artist and scholar) Elfred Lee, the great Randall Price, and the great Dr. John Morris, the great Dr. Walter Brown.
These guys have dedicated their entire lives to Noah's Ark!
Here are many links recommended that I would recommend.
1829 Friedrich Parrot, Ph.D.
1969-1987 Elfred Lee, MFA Degree in Art, SEARCH Foundation – Elfred Lee Photos
1971-1989 John Morris, Ph.D. in Geological Engineering, Institute for Creation Research (ICR) President – John Morris Photos
1984-2010 Richard Bright, Ph.D., Commercial Airline Pilot – Richard Bright Photos
Dr. Randall Price, Ph.D. Distinguished Research Professor
Executive Director - Centre for Judaic Studies
Visit Website
Read Special Report
Where There Dinosaurs on Noah's Ark? p-1 Dr. Don Patton
Read More
The Ark of Noah - Dr. Don Patton
Here are now some other views for you to peruse
Clarke's Commentary on the Bible
The mountains of Ararat - that Ararat was a mountain of Armenia is almost universally agreed. What is commonly thought to be the Ararat of the Scriptures has been visited by many travelers, and on it there are several monasteries. For a long time the world has been amused with reports that the remains of the ark were still visible there; but Mr Tournefort, a famous French naturalist, who was on the spot, assures us that nothing of the kind is there to be seen. As there is a great chain of mountains which are called by this name, it is impossible to determine on what part of them the ark rested; but the highest part, called by some the finger mountain, has been fixed on as the most likely place. These things we must leave and they are certainly of very little consequence.
Guys like (the great artist and scholar) Elfred Lee, the great Randall Price, and the great Dr. John Morris, the great Dr. Walter Brown.
These guys have dedicated their entire lives to Noah's Ark!
Here are many links recommended that I would recommend.
1829 Friedrich Parrot, Ph.D.
1969-1987 Elfred Lee, MFA Degree in Art, SEARCH Foundation – Elfred Lee Photos
1971-1989 John Morris, Ph.D. in Geological Engineering, Institute for Creation Research (ICR) President – John Morris Photos
1984-2010 Richard Bright, Ph.D., Commercial Airline Pilot – Richard Bright Photos
Dr. Randall Price, Ph.D. Distinguished Research Professor
Executive Director - Centre for Judaic Studies
Visit Website
Read Special Report
Where There Dinosaurs on Noah's Ark? p-1 Dr. Don Patton
Read More
The Ark of Noah - Dr. Don Patton
Here are now some other views for you to peruse
Clarke's Commentary on the Bible
The mountains of Ararat - that Ararat was a mountain of Armenia is almost universally agreed. What is commonly thought to be the Ararat of the Scriptures has been visited by many travelers, and on it there are several monasteries. For a long time the world has been amused with reports that the remains of the ark were still visible there; but Mr Tournefort, a famous French naturalist, who was on the spot, assures us that nothing of the kind is there to be seen. As there is a great chain of mountains which are called by this name, it is impossible to determine on what part of them the ark rested; but the highest part, called by some the finger mountain, has been fixed on as the most likely place. These things we must leave and they are certainly of very little consequence.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
The ark rested. - It is stranded on some hill in Ararat. This country forms part of Armenia. As the drying wind most probably came from the east or north, it is likely that the ark was drifted toward Asia Minor, and caught land on some hill in the reaches of the Euphrates. It cannot be supposed that it rested on either of the peaks now called Ararat, as Ararat was a country, not a mountain, and these peaks do not seem suitable for the purpose. The seventh month began usually with the new moon nearest the vernal equinox, or the 21st of March. "The tenth month" The waters ceased to prevail on the first of the ninth month. The ark, though grounded six weeks before, was still deep in the waters. The tops of the hills began to appear a month after. The subsiding of the waters seems to have been very slow.
Both Josephus in about 70 A.D. and Marco Polo about 1300 A.D. mention its existence on the mountain, but their reports are based on others' accounts. Josephus remarks that its remains are on display for all to see without need of an organized exploration.
Sadly for a long time there has been a great battle and debate with certain Christian groups, some who are creation ministries, against the claims made by Ron Wyatt mostly supported by Seventh Day Adventists & Ron Wyatt Followers including many pastors and Christians in the UK who I know who believe and support some of Ron Wyatt's discoveries.
This battle reminds me of the scientists who believe in Global warming. Yet certain Christians refuse these claims saying the world has always been the same and there is no Global warming. I believe Man may be blind to the knowledge of our Great God, but I don't believe that man is blind to the bad things we have sown on the earth which have contributed to our climate change. Such as the effect of greenhouse gases (GHGs) like fridges and aerosol cans which were created and emitted by humans. Here are just some facts of Global warming.
National Geographic Society.
Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) around the world since 1880, much of this in recent decades, according to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. The rate of warming is increasing. The 20th century's last two decades were the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for several millennia, according to a number of climate studies. And the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that 11 of the past 12 years are among the dozen warmest since 1850. READ MORE
Causes of Global Warming by National Geographic Society.
The IPCC meets every few years to review the latest scientific findings and write a report summarizing all that is known about global warming. Each report represents a consensus, or agreement, among hundreds of leading scientists.
One of the first things scientists learned is that there are several greenhouse gases responsible for warming, and humans emit them in a variety of ways. Most come from the combustion of fossil fuels in cars, factories and electricity production. The gas responsible for the most warming is carbon dioxide, also called CO2. Other contributors include methane released from landfills and agriculture (especially from the digestive systems of grazing animals), nitrous oxide from fertilizers, gases used for refrigeration and industrial processes, and the loss of forests that would otherwise store CO2. READ MORE
We have hundreds of leading scientists that believe in Global warming, yet many still argue against the evidence. I believe that time will tell on these things and it is God that we look to for our future.
Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. Luke 17:33. King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
Lets not look back but forward and focus above in the new things to come that have been promised by God.
No matter what man does to save this planet, God has made it clear he will be destroying all old things including the heavens and the earth. So Christians who dispute and argue over these things I believe are pointless.
No matter what man does to save this planet, God has made it clear he will be destroying all old things including the heavens and the earth. So Christians who dispute and argue over these things I believe are pointless.
Whether or not there is Global warming does it matter any longer? In the first mode by the will of God, he destroyed the world with water, and soon it will be a single word, a breath of command from the Creator who will renew the world by fire.
Whether or not Noah's Ark rested on Mt Ararat, or a site on the mountain, of Durupinar does it matter? As Christians we all like to have great tools when we are witnessing to our ‘neighbour’
However, aren't we doing more damage than good to our ‘neighbour’ by shouting at other faiths and not showing love and respect for each others beliefs. My friend once said to me ‘It is no wonder the unbelievers are laughing at the church’.
Many Christians believe the tomb of Jesus to be at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre while other Christians believe the tomb of Jesus to be at the Garden Tomb.
Should Christians condemn each other for what they believe? Does it matter what tomb Jesus was laid in? Does this affect our salvation? NO. There are many good Christians who have never been to the Holy land and some who know nothing about any Tombs of Jesus. Yet there are many born again believers who are saved by their faith, and not by seeing, I admire these type of Christians.
As I have been researching I have come across the fact that Ron Wyatt was a Seventh Day Adventist and it is that fact alone that seems to be a stumbling block where other Christians are concerned. I find it incredible that some people judge him purely on his beliefs rather than on his work.
I have spoken to many Seventh Day Adventists by email who have worked with Ron including Ron Wyatt's widow Mary Nell, in which they have all said to me, that both themselves and Ron himself are and was telling the absolute truth.
I have found them very sincere and helpful and they even sent my friend, Bob Mitchell a Bible teacher, many photos of the Red Sea crossing site which they claim Ron discovered, to use for FREE so he could make a documentary.
When I asked them about this situation and why so many Christians say Ron was not telling the truth, even condemning him on Christian TV, they go silent as if to say let God be the judge. I admire them for their humility and humble attitude.
I believe no-one should point their finger, shout, threaten and condemn anyone for what they believe.
There is one Lawgiver who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another? James 4:12 (NKJ)
I personally believe that it grieves the heart of God when we condemn and judge one another especially where we are talking about non-biblical issue.
For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; it is he who will save us. Isaiah 33:22.Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door! James 5:9.
Jesus made it clear that we are to love one another. Matthew 22:39 says to ‘Love your neigbour as yourself’. While Proverbs 11:9 says ‘A hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour’.
This is precisely what we as Christians do when we condemn people who are dead for what they believe as in Ron’s case over Noah's Ark, a non biblical subject. Just as the verse above states WE destroyeth his neighbour’.
I believe that we should keep an open mind rather than find out that we condemned some one when we could be wrong. Let us be humble and respect what others believe. Is it right to criticise anyone who has a desire to prove the Bible is true? God knows our hearts, Let God be the judge.
Maybe we should listen to Clark's Commentary which states These things we must leave, and they are certainly of very little consequence.
For example I have always believed it was Ron who discovered the split rock as told in Exodus 17:6. However after some research it seems it was discovered by Penny and Jim, born again Christians I understand Split Rock Research discovered it first in April of 1992, when they found the split rock in Horeb for the first time. Jim and Penny’s work found them living in the desert for 12 years and they have unearthed an amazing trail of biblical evidence buried beneath the sands. They have amassed a tremendous volume of photographic and video evidence relating to Moses and to the Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt. They are involved in both preservation, cataloguing and educational distribution of their discoveries. It is also evident that Penny and Jim have some disagreements with Ron's claims and his discoveries regarding The Red Sea Crossing Site.
This excellent book is available for FREE. Order your copy Now
Watch The Exodus Case Interviews with Lennart Moller
There is also a good film coming out which seems to confirm some of Ron's work to be true, called THE EXODUS CONSPIRACY,
Research and discoveries by Penny and Jim have proven to be reliable and credit worthy. They travel far and wide revealing the evidence and reliability of the Red Sea of Moses, Crossing Site and Mount Sinai being in Saudi Arabia.
Their comments regarding Ron Wyatt’s work areas follow:
When speaking of Ron’s claims, there are many we have no knowledge of. For instance, since we are not involved in the Noah’s Ark project at all, we do not know whether he is correct or not. We stick to the finds we know of, in Saudi Arabia, and because of our 8 years experience there, have come to some differing conclusions than Ron, who only had limited time there in a very small area. We do believe Ron was correct about the golden calf altar; the fact that this mountain in Arabia is Mt. Sinai, that the cave is Elijah’s Cave, that the Israelites encamped out in the valley in front of this mountain. Ron also agreed with us that the split rock we found and shared with him was indeed, the rock Moses struck at Horeb. So, on those points we definitely agree. We also believe that Nuweiba was the point that the Israelites began their sea crossing (of the Gulf of Aqaba), and that the pillars on either side of this point were likely erected later as a memorial to mark the crossing site. So we are in agreement with many things, as you can see. Penny Caldwell – Split Rock Research Foundation.
I also received a email from a Christian, a Professional engineer, B.A.Sc. graduated from the University of Toronto. He wrote to me saying:
Hi Simon,
I am enthralled by Penny Caldwell and the Mt. Sinai team of researchers (Dr. Lennart Moller, Bob Cornuke, etc.) No question at all about the Mt. Sinai findings. He stated to me.
I would also recommend a wonderful book called Noah's Ark Uncovered written by Henri Nissen who trained in the Danish school of journalism and has written thousands of articles as well as 7 books. I found this book to be excellent to read. He goes into this subject in great depths and explains the many ark hunters views, who are for and who are against.
Henri Nissen has traveled to the site of Durupinar to research the boat shaped object. His book took him thousands of hours to write and gives detailed information of what he saw at the Durupinar Site and the surrounding area. He also writes of Ron Wyatt.
He talks about the site of Noah's ark on Mount Ararat and George Hagopian that as a child had seen the Ark on Mt. Ararat. Please note that in Hagopian's memory the Ark is nearly square with only slightly rounded edges and includes a box with a row of windows set on top. The dimensions were bigger than those in the Bible as well. Noah's Ark Uncovered, Page 165.
Research and discoveries by Penny and Jim have proven to be reliable and credit worthy. They travel far and wide revealing the evidence and reliability of the Red Sea of Moses, Crossing Site and Mount Sinai being in Saudi Arabia.
Their comments regarding Ron Wyatt’s work areas follow:
When speaking of Ron’s claims, there are many we have no knowledge of. For instance, since we are not involved in the Noah’s Ark project at all, we do not know whether he is correct or not. We stick to the finds we know of, in Saudi Arabia, and because of our 8 years experience there, have come to some differing conclusions than Ron, who only had limited time there in a very small area. We do believe Ron was correct about the golden calf altar; the fact that this mountain in Arabia is Mt. Sinai, that the cave is Elijah’s Cave, that the Israelites encamped out in the valley in front of this mountain. Ron also agreed with us that the split rock we found and shared with him was indeed, the rock Moses struck at Horeb. So, on those points we definitely agree. We also believe that Nuweiba was the point that the Israelites began their sea crossing (of the Gulf of Aqaba), and that the pillars on either side of this point were likely erected later as a memorial to mark the crossing site. So we are in agreement with many things, as you can see. Penny Caldwell – Split Rock Research Foundation.
I also received a email from a Christian, a Professional engineer, B.A.Sc. graduated from the University of Toronto. He wrote to me saying:
Hi Simon,
I am enthralled by Penny Caldwell and the Mt. Sinai team of researchers (Dr. Lennart Moller, Bob Cornuke, etc.) No question at all about the Mt. Sinai findings. He stated to me.
I would also recommend a wonderful book called Noah's Ark Uncovered written by Henri Nissen who trained in the Danish school of journalism and has written thousands of articles as well as 7 books. I found this book to be excellent to read. He goes into this subject in great depths and explains the many ark hunters views, who are for and who are against.
Henri Nissen has traveled to the site of Durupinar to research the boat shaped object. His book took him thousands of hours to write and gives detailed information of what he saw at the Durupinar Site and the surrounding area. He also writes of Ron Wyatt.
He talks about the site of Noah's ark on Mount Ararat and George Hagopian that as a child had seen the Ark on Mt. Ararat. Please note that in Hagopian's memory the Ark is nearly square with only slightly rounded edges and includes a box with a row of windows set on top. The dimensions were bigger than those in the Bible as well. Noah's Ark Uncovered, Page 165.
Here are some interesting notes made by Henri in his book, Australian Archaeological author Gray has undergone a huge task in collecting information about Ron's discoveries. Henri states that Wyatt did not always publish his evidence and critics have accused him of lying or having very little information. Gray who was originally skeptical of Wyatt's extraordinary find concluded after his research that all of Wyatt's claims were true.
Henri also mentions about Ron Wyatt credibility. ‘We have to give it to Baumgardner, Lee, and other critics that Ron Wyatt can at times appear less than credible. He jumps to conclusions too quickly and does not always base them on facts but rather on a certain kind of intuition or was it conceit?
Henri also mentions about Ron Wyatt credibility. ‘We have to give it to Baumgardner, Lee, and other critics that Ron Wyatt can at times appear less than credible. He jumps to conclusions too quickly and does not always base them on facts but rather on a certain kind of intuition or was it conceit?
Henri Nissen continues to say:
Some of his evidence can be easily dismissed either because he was unable to present it or because he had it examined in such a way that doubt could be sown in with the results, he continues to say in his June the 1st 2000 newsletter. Bill Fry writes about an old wall in the village Kazan which Ron claimed to have blue-green tiles finished with a painting of the Ark and animals on it. When Bill saw the wall in June of 2000 there were no paintings. Later, in May 2001, he returned and the wall was completely destroyed by the villagers! Bill contacted the authorities and questioned the village heads. They claimed that they took the wall down to be free from visitors. If that is how the locals think then maybe we have an explanation as to why so many things have disappeared or have been destroyed. Later Bill asked one of the village leaders wife's what had happened. She said that at one point precious stones were found in the wall probably Christian Byzantine. He asked if there was anything else special about the wall. Yes, a few years ago there were some tiles on it, almost blue-green. It’s this type of experience that convinces me that Ron was telling the truth, remarks Bill Fry. Noah's ark uncovered, Page 307.
If this is the case, of the books and films that support and confirm with some of Ron's work to be good and hard evidence of some truth, as it seems to be, then it is clear, then people are wrong in condemning ALL of Ron's work.
This is what I find very sad. There are many people in the world wanting evidence before they make a step of faith. I was one of them. Yet what we find is many have condemned ALL of Ron's work even though it seems clear to me some of his work has been proven by others to be true and to have merit.
I have also received an email from ---ABR, of The Associates for Biblical Research.
He wrote to me saying:
Our conviction at ABR is that any "Bible discoveries" that cannot be shown to be true by other investigators who WANT them to be true - like us - are not at all helpful in reaching atheists and sincere seekers. If those who WANT discoveries to support the Bible check them closely, yet find clear evidence they are not genuine, you can be sure that atheists will use those "evidences" not to get faith in Christ, but to attack it. They will also use it to be even more sure in their own minds that Christianity is a fake.
I expect you will not want to hear this, but the truth is that most, if not all, of the Wyatt claims have been found to be false. The problem is not that we don't understand the claims of Mr. Wyatt, and are just bad-mouthing them. We do understand them; we have researched them; and we have found very good reasons to believe they are not true. If the things Mr. Wyatt reported were real archaeology, other Christians could independently go to those places he talked about, see the same things, and draw the same conclusions. But this has not happened. The evidence is not there for others to find. Sincerely in Christ,
It is my belief that according to what I have researched that clearly some of Wyatt's work has been proven but not all of it.
He also wrote in his email to me:
It is not a single person who has reported problems with confirming Wyatt's discoveries; there are a number of people who have tried to prove the things he wrote about, and were unable to. See, for example, these two links:
So I decided to research one of the links.
When I researched one of the people from the links the Associates for Biblical Research sent me I found that they were Christian Universalists.
It is not a single person who has reported problems with confirming Wyatt's discoveries; there are a number of people who have tried to prove the things he wrote about, and were unable to. See, for example, these two links:
So I decided to research one of the links.
When I researched one of the people from the links the Associates for Biblical Research sent me I found that they were Christian Universalists.
Christian Universalism is a school of Christian theology which includes the belief in the doctrine of universal reconciliation, the view that all human beings or all fallen creatures will ultimately be restored to right relationship with God.
This is not one of my personal beliefs, but as I have said I do not condemn people for their beliefs.
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