Hi Simon,the reason people are cuing to get into hell is because,its free & they do not have to think about right or wrong===not until its d/bed time anyway.As for dinasaurs==we have the world of man==the world of the wild beasts======the world of the tame beasts (farm animals etc)===the world of the birds ======there was a covering angel lucifer,i believe his domain was the dinosaurs,untill he sinned,thes were wiped out by the Lord God.As for the 99% ape dna,we also have 50% of the bannana,i can assure you i am not 1/2 a bannana===as for the 4 billion year old earth==the moon moves away from the earth at nearly 3'' per year=i can't quote the exact measurement at the moment====can somebody tell me where in relation to the earth ,the moon was 4 billion years ago.====God bless you my friend====Neil=====written from a smart tv,1 letter at a time=== great fun.
768 27/9/2014 | RE: Doubting Thomas and The Shroud of Turin. By Simon Brown. |
Jeremy |
| one of the reason why they do not believe in the Shroud is because the Pope himself does not aknowledge it
as the burial cloth of Jesus.
one thing that would seal it , is that 100lb of anointing was put on the body of Jesus John 19:39-40
of which a request to test if the ointment resin of which there would have been is still on the Shroud has been denied , this would have sealed it and if any pigment was on the Shroud again denied
the other thing is that it is locked away so no one can see it , great to have faith in something that you cannot even see or look at
the other thing which I find a bit odd is the coins over the eyes this is not a Jewish custom and expecially an image of Pilate , and it was Jews who buried Him not Romans, this has never been heard of coins put over the eyes
Now the evidence yes it is of a crucified man , and bearing all the marks of crucifiction but we still cannot say if it is the Body of The Lord Jesus , possibly the spear in the side.
of reading what you have said and Ian Wilson and earlier documentation 1920 of which the Pope then did consider it
all they come up with then was it was 3 D and not heard of at that time of period 2000 years ago been able to see the image they were painting they would not have seen it , this itself shows that it is genuine ( this is for sure )and it was not painted on as suggested this testing clearly shown in the experiments and that an image can be transferred through ammonia in the body which excrits it self through great lengths of pain, sorry but I cannot recall the name of the substance they call it and can leave an image as like a photo as in the Shroud this is a fact or bright light which was seen by one of the guards on resurrection morning
in the end who knows only God
blessings Jeremy
767 27/9/2014 | Re: Doubting Thomas and The Shroud of Turin. By Simon Brown. |
Andy |
| Good work simon !
As you know I myself I am unsure either way in regards to the shroud but I totally respect the work you are doing to present and prove the case for its authenticity and admire you greatly for your enthusiasm patience tenacity and passion for your belief on this issue !
Love you brother lets meet this week ? Xxx
Sent from my iPad
766 27/9/2014 | Re: Doubting Thomas and The Shroud of Turin. By Simon Brown. |
Jan. |
| i think for many older christians - because the catholic church had it and claimed it as real - many did not believe it - the catholic church seems to collect relics
as for descendants from monkeys - just tell people why do humans have a prostrate gland and all male apes do not have one
as for israel - ted cruz - a christian senator was speaking to a group of supposed christians - younger ones and they all booed mr cruz off the stage because he was saying all christians should supposet israel - so among young christians there is resentment towards the jews - remember before hitler took over germany - it was considered christian - both prostenant and catholic and apparently they already had resentment against the jews in germany - now france has that same resentment and i think here in usa its true too - jews are fleeing russia and the ukraine for fear of persecution
why do the rest of the world resent jews - because they represent that there is a God and Jesus was jewish -
just when you think usa cant get any more crazy - a man studying to be a muslim in olkahoma - was fired from work and came back and beheaded one woman and shot another one
because obama continues to let anyone come across our border - members of many terror groups are here probably including ISIS
we have evolution to thank for young people today who do not believe in the creation and the flood as spoken in the bible - yet in mountains they find sea shells and fossils of fish - how do you explain that
i have a video by kent howard where he shows dinosarus and man did live together -
many of my christian friends are home schooling their kids because of the common core being taught in the schools now here in usa
our precept teacher has made the comment several times that we are blessed to have bible study but it could all be taken away in a flash
have a blessed weekend
765 25/9/2014 | John |
Smithb537 |
| I think you have noted some very interesting points , appreciate it for the post. fbgcbeckebdafdaa
764 22/9/2014 | Subject: ORDER FOR SODOM AND GOMMORAH |
| Good day,
As a new new member in the family of Christ i grown a strong desire to know more about the Bible. In due course, i wish to order for the free book on Sodom and Gomorrah. I AM , MOUNTAIN OF FIRE AND MIRACLES MINISTRIES (CROWN OF GLORY) ZONAL HEADQUARTERS, NIGERIA.
763 13/9/2014 How DNA Destroys Evolution
762 6/9/2014 | Subject: Re: Historicity of Jesus for unlearned unbelievers. |
Steve & Coral. |
| Great Post again Simon, thank you so very much. I read everything you post, please keep up the great work.
Steve & Coral.
I hope your family is fit and well my friend.
God Bless
759 2/9/2014 | Christian Books. |
Mr. Syed |
| Sir,
I'm a Pakistani student here in Ohio. I'm Muslim by faith but am extremely interested in Christian faith and the study of its different dimensions. I have many Christian friends and I also sometimes attend the church for seeking spiritual peace. However, it hasn't been the case by far.
I saw your religious books on your website today and found myself compelled to read them. Could you please send me some of your literature to my postal address? Being a student, it's never easy to pay extra outside the budget. I'm sorry I can't pay for the shipping cost or afford to buy; so please do me this favor. It would be great if you considered my request. I hope some generous person can make donation for this literature. Please add some good books - if not more then at least those offered free of cost at your website. |
758 2/9/2014 | Re: Dead sea scrolls Fragments found outside the Bible that confirms with Jesus teaching |
Steve |
| Thank you Simon, this was a fascinating article, we loved reading it. Even though we both know the Lord is with us, it is still great to read of evidence that is brought forth to boost us and to throw mud in the eye of the unbeliever, so that they too might see.
Thank you both for this post my dear friend
757 26/8/2014 | Subject: Re: UNBELIEVERS COMMENTS, Atheist, and Religion. |
Ian |
| Hi Simon,
I believe you when you have said in the past about the kind of mails you receive,
but i think your letting some of these comments to be getting to you and their winning,
just spam or block them,
Best wishes, Ian
Subject: Re: UNBELIEVERS COMMENTS, Atheist, and Religion.
756 26/8/2014 | Subject: Re: UNBELIEVERS COMMENTS, Atheist, and Religion. |
rb |
| Shalom my friend !
As you state, the evidence for Y'shua is overwhelming to those seeking with a sincere heart. I know you say the doubter/arguers/debaters strengthen you....BUT Please don't let those ugly/perverse remarks (demons masquerading as people) get to you! It is PROOF that you are planting GREAT seed! Why would they even read the stuff you post and take the time to spew such vitriol back at you for the LOVE you share? They are closed in the tiny box of their fleshly brain, unaware of the hundreds of dimensions in the Spirit realms surrounding them. (even Stephen Hawking hasn't a clue, because he traps himself in his brain) God made the Truth simple and evident to the ones seeking with a sincere heart. Those others would't know Jesus if He walked up to them with a big red hat. The only thing to do is to ignore them and never read those as they can affect your soul. The real test of Truth is coming and NONE will escape it, and there won't be any neutrality then. You are a great person and I am SO blessed by your stuff and make DVD's of them and spread them around.
755 26/8/2014 | Subject: Movie of Sodom and Gomora with DVD |
Felix |
| Hi,
Good Afternoon! God Bless us always..
I'm very interested of the discovery of Sodoma and Gomora.
754 26/8/2014 | Turbulent times we live in. |
Pastor Ric D.T. Wilson. |
| Thank you kindly for the information flow and your boldness in presenting cutting edge archaeology and thought. This research is vital yet many in mainstream churches continue to despise such information. As a researcher I know it is true and will tell others about these important matters. May God bless and protect you all in this end time work. |
753 25/8/2014 | UNBELIEVERS COMMENTS, Atheist, and Religion. |
Diana |
| Simon, I want to commend and encourage you for your braveness in the face of insults and persecution. I so wish I had courage to boldly profess my faith to my lost friends and family. Pray for my fear of persecution to go. Please. I actually feel scared when I hear atheists' seething words but I shouldn't. Keep going in your God-given work!
South Australia
UNBELIEVERS COMMENTS, Atheist, and Religion.
752 24/8/2014 | UNBELIEVERS COMMENTS, Atheist, and Religion. |
Kathy |
| Dear Simon,
I feel sorry that you have so many horrible mail from unbelievers or people who
even don't want to investigate.
In don't know if you remember our correspondence together a few months ago.
Still i have not started writing but i continue to study the Bible and discover
amazing things,
Hoping that our Father will guide me to my direction and way, just as he did for
you and your family.
Do not lose confidence because of those discouraging mails.
I wished i could support you!
UNBELIEVERS COMMENTS, Atheist, and Religion. http://www.realdiscoveries.info/UNBELIEVERS_COMMENTS.php
751 23/8/2014 | UNBELIEVERS COMMENTS, Atheist, and Religion. |
Gerry |
| Hi Simon, this makes very sad reading, these people really do hate us, again proving the word of God.
God bless you both.
UNBELIEVERS COMMENTS, Atheist, and Religion. http://www.realdiscoveries.info/UNBELIEVERS_COMMENTS.php
750 23/8/2014 | UNBELIEVERS COMMENTS. |
Jeremy |
| Do not debate just declare God Gen 1:1 ( which is time space and matter and the Bible is the only book that declares these things and stars moons sun and galaxies and the Flood , the Tower of Babel
Ask just one question how a price of rock which is dead and has no life it can produce life eg human, plant and animal and also plants
There has never been any DNA which has showed a link between monkeys and humans which you would think there would be if there were a possibility of being related.
Apparently a fish come out of the sea and all life come from them that you call is blind faith ,so please don't insult my intelligence dead things do not produce life and if you go along with the big bang
Where did it come from and who made it
If I was to put the workings of a watch in a draw would it in 100 yrs became a watch
If it was so why isn't it happening today.
There has never been found the missing link which you would think there would be and all that has been declared to be have been found to be complete rubbish
Eg Lucy and the Piltdown man found in Sussex
Blessings Jeremy.
bullfinch |
| Hi Simon and Emma
Yes it looks like it is all taking place, it's quite ironic that the guillotine was invented by a Scottish preacher as a means of humane killing.
747 9/8/2014 | Re: Real Discoveries Online Store - Order |
Rob. |
| Just this afternoon we received the book in good order. Thank you so much! It
looks very interesting.
Greetings, Rob
746 9/8/2014 | Subject: sir we need a children books |
Shilo |
| sir how i can get the children books
745 5/8/2014 | Enquiry Solomon FREE DVD's |
Rev Solomon |
| Dear Brother Simon,
Shalom to you, I have received your beautiful DVDs about our Bible. Really it is useful to me and my teaching ministry. Thank you so much your DVDs. May God bless you and your ministry.
Thanking you,
Yours in His service,
Rev Solomon
744 27/7/2014 | Re: Historical description of Jesus. |
Sue. |
| Dear Simon
My spirit felt upset when I started to read this.... it does not
witness to me as being accurate.... and then as I read on.... I
discovered this "man" had long hair... I did write to you once before
mentioning this - but did not receive a reply...
I Corinthians 11:14-15 says, "Doth not even nature itself teach you,
that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame (disgrace) unto him? But
if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given
her for a covering."
Surely, if Christ had long hair it would have brought shame or disgrace
to His precious name?
Also, using pictures, images and videos of someone pretending to be
Jesus would surely be breaking the second of God's Commandments -
would it not? Exodus 20:3-4 says, "Thou shalt have no other gods
before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any
likeness of any thing that is in heaven above...." If this passage
forbids making an image or statue of Jesus, then it certainly also
forbids making any picture of Him or allowing a man in a video to
(mis)represent Him. Am I correct? It is not just the worship of the
image that God forbids - it is also the making of it.
As I said before...I would be interested to know your thoughts on this
In His precious name
http://www.realdiscoveries.org/modules/articles/item.php?itemid=5 |
743 26/7/2014 | Subject: Lawz - Aqaba- Nile Delta research. |
Glenn |
| Hello,
I am sure that you are familiar with various published finds and published events at Jabel al Lawz, Neweiba as it concerns the biblical exodus.
I have made many discoveries pertaining to these geographical areas. This has transpired over the past three years.
However, I am sorry to say that there is little if any cooperation from those who have been to the places. Sharing extends very little past what is published. Once it becomes evident that my research and finds are of substance, cooperation and communication is cut off. This has been to the extent that I suspect a conspiracy (in the sense of monopolization of control credit or of some other type). This, to the extent that on one occasion, I was informed during a conversation that, "Protocols are in place". This I took as a threat.
Anyhow, if you know of any Christians who are willing to work together as it concerns research and analysis of these subjects, please do let me know.
May God Bless You.
742 23/7/2014 | Subject: Mail order. |
Eric |
| Good Morning
I want to place an order, Payment will be remitted by credit card. Do you ship to Singapore. Email me with your website
741 21/7/2014 | Subject: AW: THE FIG TREE and Emma Brown picking figs. |
erwin |
| amen, brother. many christians are so ignorant of the comming of the lord, how can we expect that the gentiles will listen to our warnings? awake, church out of your sleep and your lukewarm state and get ready to stand for all what is written in the book!
thank's simon for your awakening call....... love in christ, erwin.
740 21/7/2014 | Subject: when Jesus returns |
jan |
| i would say all the things are now in place for Him to return
i dont know which book it was but He said the generation that was back in the land when israel was a nation again would be that generation - israel as a nation is now 66 years old and we all were born in that generation - some of us before 1948
that is what i go by
and things are moving in russia for them to come down against irsrael
its sad because so many american christians are so worried about what is happening to america - it seems we quickly sliding away
but God is in control of everything here in usa and its true we may become a muslim nation and everything we hold dear for freedom will be gone - maybe in my lifetime - i was born in 1938
i look at billy graham who is 20 years older than me - wont it be great for him to be raptured alive -
anyway my thoughts may not agree with others
i have a christian friend who is messanic christian tho she is not jewish but she goes by the feast days - 4 blood moons this year - already had one and another one coming in sept - then 2 more next year - she believes it has a lot of significant this time
she believes Jesus will come back during the feast of the tabneracles in the fall - maybe before 2020 - tho i know we are not suppose to set a date
so studying the jewish holidays makes a lot of sense
739 20/7/2014 | John |
Smitha284 |
| Hi, yup this post is truly fastidious and I have learned lot of things from it ddfegdebecckfdga |
738 19/7/2014 | Re: It is about me, Simon today picking cherries. |
Ian |
| 'I don't want Peaches' children wrapped up in the Geldof life': Bob Geldof says he hopes his tragic daughter's sons grow up away from the 'soap opera' of his family
Hi Simon,
Is Bob Geldof right? is life a soap opera? I been told that God knows who is going to Heaven and Hell before we are born.
When I look at my life and the same kind of people who didn't know each other that I some how manage to attract .
When I look at my pastor and his wife who has now been told her cancer is spreading and has less than a year to live leaving to sons. Neils older brothers wife also had cancer and died three years ago leaving two daughters.
When I see world events like the weather, wars and mass migration,
When I read the story of Adam and all the events over the next two or three thousand years to find out the Jesus is a decendant..
What do you think Simon is life just a stage and we are acting out the final performance and God is the only one who knows when the show will end?
I do believe in God more than ever and on a personal note I'm am the most happy with every aspect of my life which is unusual for me, even though I am slightly prepared that what God gives he can take away.
Thanks for your emails Simon, nice cherries i had a very good crop of strawberries this year.
Best wishes, Ian
737 14/7/2014 | Enquiry Chikkala. |
Chikkala. |
| I am a christian preacher and a teacher, I have been born again in 1999.I know
the local languages like kannada, tamil, telugu, hindi and english. I would like
to work with you, in india gospel is needed. to reach the gospel to the
people,written matter is needed.If gods will , i would like work with your
ministery. waiting for your reply.
736 13/7/2014 | Re: It is about me, Simon today picking cherries |
Jennie |
| Hi Simon,
Thanks for the picture,
Wow a bumper crop of cherries this year PTL.
I was looking on You Tube as a friend told me of an item titled
(Obama orders guillotines).
I dont know if this is true,plus the other articles about a mysterious
massive prison on the border of Arizona and Mexico.From google earth
there can be seen what looks like many pits and box car cages with
shackles and hundreds of white vans.The place is empty at the moment
but I wondered if you had any thoughts on this.I dont know how long
this will be on You Tube.
Thank you again for your very interesting emails.
Love in Jesus,
735 13/7/2014 | It is about me, Simon today picking cherries. |
Bill de Paus |
| Hi Simon. You are a blessed man, working in the garden which the Lord makes grow. I too find it very rewarding working with God's creation. I recently bought a half acre block in the country ( toodyay western australia) and I am building a new house there with beautifull soil on the block. I believe God is pressing in my spirit to do this, to grow my own food and harvest all the rainwater. I recentley saw a movie available on the internet called "back to eden the movie" and there was a christian guy to whom God showed him to grow your own food the easy way, like it was when Adam en Eve lived in the garden of Eden.
This movie has inspired me greatly. Maybe you have seen it, if not please watch it. It is God given knowledge.
https://www.google.com.au/search?sourc ... I7ADRA_enAU468&gws_rd=ssl
if this does not work, google back to eden film.
Greetings from Bill de Paus
http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs ... rchive/1117913505841.html
734 13/7/2014 | It is about me, Simon today picking cherries. |
John. |
| Had some cherries just awhile ago - very sweet - reminds me of my grandmother. When I was a kid she had a cherry tree outside the side door of her kitchen. I remember her picking big oval bowls full then making cherry cobler for the whole family.
Great pictures! Blessings, John
http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs ... rchive/1117913505841.html |
733 13/7/2014 | It is about me, Simon today picking cherries. |
Rob & Holli |
| Hi Simon,
Just got back from Cincinnati where my wife Holli and I went shopping, and saw your kind email with the LOVELY cherries and cute Bichon Frise dog! Thanks for sharing! And wish I could have some of those cherries, because that's my favorite fruit!
His Best to you and Emma!
Rob & Holli
http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs ... rchive/1117913505841.html
732 9/7/2014 | Help contacting Dr. Lennart Moller. |
David |
| Dear Simon, my name is David Coe and I am with the organizing group of the Nation Prayer Breakfast in Washington. Can you help me with any contact information for Dr. Moller? I hope this is not a problem. I was hoping to invite him to the breakfast this year to be a presenter. Thank You, David
730 6/7/2014 | Inquiry for Advertising rates? |
Dr. Joseph A Resnick |
| Is it possible to purchase ad space on your web site? If so, could you please quote a price? We have copies of The Coins of Christ (see: http://tinyurl.com/nhg8z9n) that we would like to make available to the faithful. Please advise. Thank You.
Dr. Resnick
729 16/6/2014 | Have a beautiful week. |
Pat Allastair. |
| May God convert your discomforts to comforts,
your pains to gains,
your minimum to maximum,
your losses to profits,
your tears to smiles,
your sorrows to pleasures,
your bad-wishers to wel-wishers,
your debts to credits and
your good dreams to realities
and above all make these Everlasting!
happy new week |
728 9/6/2014 | Thankyou so much for your kindness. |
Kerensa |
| Hi Simon,
Thankyou so much for your kindness.
I will continue to promote your ministry among all my contacts because I think your DVDs on Sodom and Gomorrah and the Garden Tomb are the best I have seen.
I especially want to thank you for your research proving the Garden Tomb site on old maps and also that Golgotha is the highest point on Mt Moriah. That is really powerful evidence.
May God continue to bless you, your wife and daughter in your ministry.
727 8/6/2014 | Subject: "The Rich Man and Lazarus" |
| Dear Mr and Mrs Brown,
3 1/2 years ago I received a vision from God . At the time it seemed like I was seeing a movie in my mind. I was wide awake.
I have since taken what I saw and written a book that is in the process of being published by Xulon Press, a Christian Publishing company.
I am seeking permission from you to use one frame from your movie for the front cover of the book.
The frame I would like to use is where The Rich Man is reaching his hand out to Abraham and Lazarus.
I would be happy to provide you more information about the book and myself if you desire.
I would be happy to call you any time so we could discuss this. I have been praying and looking for a picture that would go along with the story of the book.
I believe God directed me to your film.
God bless you and thank you for considering my request
726 8/6/2014 | Subject: REQUEST FOR PERMISSION |
Kerensa |
| Dear Simon,
I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 1:2.
Over the last six month I have put some presentations on the Discoveries on the internet www.bibletruthrevealed.com and I am now compiling the information in those presentations into a book. As with my youtube videos it is my intention to use the Discoveries as a means of presenting the simple fundamentals of the Bible.
My intention is primarily to compile the book for the benefit of the poor in the third world countries. For this reason I am writing to ask your permission to use RealDiscoveries photographs of Sodom and Gomorrah for inclusion in the book as evidences of Bible truth. All images will be attributed to RealDiscoveries.
Your approval of the use of your photographs in my book would be greatly appreciated. Many people will be benefited by them in confirming the truthfulness of God’s Word. I’m sure that the Lord will delight in seeing His children help each other to fulfill their calling to do what He has placed in their heart. As I am trying to complete the book and work a regular job I have time constraints and would therefore appreciate a response from you within two weeks if possible.
If I don’t hear from you I will continue working on the book and attribute the pictures to RealDiscoveries.
I have watched all three of your DVD's and have been vigorously promoting them among my contacts.
I pray that the Lord blesses you as you continue with your ministry.
724 5/6/2014 | Re: Request for Books |
Lalrinpuia |
| Dear Simon,
I have received the DVDs. Very thanks for your gift. And one thing,
could you please send me a DVD, "101 Scientific Facts and Knowledge?" |
723 1/6/2014 | The (ENORMOUS) problem with the theory of Evolution. |
John |
| You know evolution is hell's distraction from the truth. First, if it were true, you would see billions of "in-between" species. They don't exist. Evolution is the godless religion.
721 27/5/2014 | Send feedback |
Ernest |
| Hi Simon,
you surely will be blessed for your teachings. Your videos are well made and put
together. I too have a ministry like you with over a 100K visitors a month. I am
a non profit and my whole goal is to spread the word around the world.
I teach the scriptures and let the word speak to those that can hear. I would
like permission to use your videos to help teach others if its allright with
you. I am only one person working on my site http://propheciesfordummies.com/
and your videos cover many subjects that will make teaching so much easier to
understand. Thank you
720 26/5/2014 | confirming address from Dennis |
Dennis |
| Hi Mr. Simon Brown it was very nice of you to get back to me as quick as you did that just shows me that you truly care, Thank you! Now to confirm my address for you, it is Dennis ------------------------ U.S.A . Again thank you my brother in Christ!
719 25/5/2014 | Subject: the garden tomb and the great stone dvd |
Dennis |
| Hi Mr. Simon Brown this is Dennis ---- from United States e-mailing you to inform you of the dvd that I have purchased from you "the Garden Tomb and The Great Stone " that I did not receive it yet and it's been probably almost a couple of weeks now. I know the dvd was free but the shipping was $7 and change airmail, I'm not sure how long it takes for airmail. You said in your e-mail to me that if I don't receive it within 7 days to let you know, so, I am letting you know. Thanks, and Godbless, and keep glorifying the Lord! Dennis |
718 24/5/2014 | Subject: a must to see, from Bill de Paus, Perth Aus. |
Bill |
| Hi Simon, thank you for forwarding so much material, I really enjoy all of it.
If You and your Wife are keen gardeners then watch this guy who listened to God how to grow food the easy way! Its amazing.
God bless, Bill de Paus
717 19/5/2014 | I was intrigued when an illuminated |
David |
| Hi there,
I was intrigued when an illuminated appeared in my vision during a meditation a
few months ago which led me on a path of realizing Jesus to be a prominent being
guiding and watching over me...Most people may find intrigue in this as my
Mother is Jewish, Father is Baha'i and I am not a follower of any religious
background...I am writing to you in the hope that you can lead me in the right
direction to find a list of all of the prophecies stated in the Bible...I really
do look forward to hearing from you...All the best
Australia, Melbourne
715 10/5/2014 | Hi Simon: |
John Locke. |
| What evolutionists don't understand that is the curse Adam brought on the earth. What physically happened to the earth when it was cursed? Fast aging process?
Anyway, just a thought on this.
PS - Very happy to see your email about being broadcast on TBN.
Yes, people who criticize being on TBN is not only silly, but very narrow minded. The disciples criticized Jesus for "eating with sinners" but he came "not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance" - Christians act goofy sometimes. In other words if a STRIPPER BAR played your videos or Jesus Live Network I would say PRAISE THE LORD, SOMEONE MAY GET SAVED! The Gospel is to be preached to every creature. Our calling is to GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH.... They should abandon their religious ideas and get on board with Jesus.
When the earth was "cursed" or the "ground" as it says in Genesis 3:17 I believe at the point Adam sinned something very quickly happened to the earth. What did CURSED mean? Also, Noah's Flood could have had an impact on the earth aging as it seemed to with humans. Remember the longer life for human beings span before the flood? Afterwards, possibly because of the (in theory) vapor canopy gone, which protected the earth and inhabitants from harmful ultraviolet rays??
Just some thoughts...
714 10/5/2014 | Dear Simon & Emma |
Sue. |
| I received this great book today... thank you so much.
Our Lord bless you and your ministry
Sue xx |
Ian. |
| Hi Simon,
Thank you for email, I've just got back from setting up my DJ set ready for tonight, and found time to read the articale and watch your video
presented by Lauren, very interesting,
At my church when we have been discussing Gods creation, in the beginning everything was made good, and we were once good, may be it all went
wrong when we were intruduced to the fallen angels many thousands of years ago and may be given some bad gens, which is just my own thoughts.
Best wishes,
712 6/5/2014 | John |
Smithk579 |
| Great blog! I am loving it!! Will come back again. I am taking your feeds also aecagdegafkfcfde
711 5/5/2014 | I was reading in a thin monthly news |
Ian |
| Hi Simon,
I was reading in a thin monthly news paper yesterday called the Good News, about some 3700 year old tablets describing the floods,
I looked up the article in the Daily Mail,
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetec ... oracle-reeds-bitumen.html
It also says there is going to be a TV documentary this year which we may find interesting.
Just wondering if you had any information on these tablets or whether you think I should take no notice,
Best wishes to you and your family,
710 29/4/2014 | Appreciation! |
Ojetade |
| Dear sir,
i want to really appreciate you for the fulfilment of your promise. Despite you are selling most of these materials. May God bless you more.
These materials are fantastic it exposes so many things in the Bible and are of course teachable indeed implies the name of your ministry.
Mr Simeon Brown, i saw your message requesting for me to add you on Linkendin. Actually i am not there before but only on facebook. You can also add me too
my personal email address -------
i will be happy to hear more from you even to be partner with your ministry here in Nigeria to extend the gospel
thanks God bless you
Yours truely
709 28/4/2014 | Free-Dvd |
Rita |
| Hello.
I´m sending this mail to know how can I make a buy from you on some exemples of your book " The Shroud od Turin speaks for itself" as well as the free DVD offers there. A friend gave me this books and some friends, interested on the subject, also wanted it; but seen as it is they asked me to contact direct, and see if It was possible to arrange just one order...
I Live in Portugal. If this is possible send me an answer and I will tell you how many I want...
Thanks for everything
By for know
Rita |
708 28/4/2014 | Dear Sir/Madam, |
| > Dear Sir/Madam,>
> Greeting to you in the precious name of Jesus Christ. I hope you are
> fine. The reasons why I contacting you are as below.>
> My name is Lalrinpuia. I’m from Mizoram, one of the North
> Eastern states of India (Tribal State). I am studying Theology at
> Bible College. I came to this College with
> leaving my homeland (Mizoram) to study theology here. This college is
> quite far from Mizoram. I have to spend more than 4 days to
> reach this college by Sumo and Train. No direct Train and Sumo
> services are here.>
> Due to high costs of traveling from my place to our college
> and college fees etc, I do not have enough money to buy theological
> study materials and even to connect internet to help my theological
> studies.>
> Please send me Study Bible, Bible Dictionary, Bible Commentary, any
> theological books or Christian literatures that can help my
> theological studies, if possible. I request you kindly to accept my
> letter. I’m waiting for your kind response with hope.>
> Sincerly
706 22/4/2014 | Subject: Enquiry Mary |
Mary |
| I am so happy to have found your site. Thank you for all the hard work you do. I
have tried to place an order.
The ad said 10 videos for 6.oo. How do I get this site to finalize my order? The
site does not seem to work.
705 21/4/2014 | Subject: RE: Jesus Is Now The Reason For The Easter Season. HAPPY EASTER. |
Lee Jones |
| Happy Easter to you to Simon and Emma, Thank you for all your emails and video's,I've been a believer for just over 5 years now. I Went to ISRAEL Last year with revelation tv last year and went in the Garden Tomb,I believe that was where he was buried, I Was Baptised in the river Jordan as well. GOD BLESS, Lee.
704 19/4/2014 | RE: Jesus Is Now The Reason For The Easter Season. HAPPY EASTER. |
Jeremy |
| Read 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 the early church kept the Passover as instructed by
the Apostle Paul and did so untill 350 ad when it changed to a pagan festival
what a great shame because they are the Lords not just for the Jews but all
Blessings Jeremy |
703 17/4/2014 | Greetings in Christ name. May God's peace and grace be multiplied to you. |
Pastor Ricky |
| Sir:
Greetings in Christ name.May God's peace and grace be multiplied to you.
Last year I was asking for copies of dvd's you offered free in your website. It arrived long in our country Philippines and I really don't know why. However, I thank God for it. I already made some copies and gave it to friends. I even gave copies to an evangelistic team who conducted evangelistic rally in different places in our country. They're using your film during their rallies. May God use your films in winning the lost for Christ.
Thank you very much for your films. May God use you more for the glory of His
In Christ,
Pastor Ricky
702 15/4/2014 | Subject: Orders |
Edmond |
| Hi,
I tried ordering the DVDs and books but the system says there is no shipping method chosen. I live in Singapore. Do you ship the DVDs and books to Singapore?
701 15/4/2014 | Helllo |
| Helllo
Thankyou for your welcome to me. I look forward to receiving future information
700 10/4/2014 | Please can I request of you to send me your DVD’s |
Mike |
| Dear Simon
Please can I request of you to send me your DVD’s
1. With Thomas Reed & Pastor McCloud
2. Simon Brown & David Jacobs
My Address is UK.
These are advertised on your web site http://www.realdiscoveries.info/FREEDVDFILMS.php
but we are told to email you directly in order to obtain.
I am willing to pay any costs involved.
Thank you in advance
699 10/4/2014 | Hello |
Arman |
| Hello .Hi Simon it be really lovley to meet up with you lot!!You see our scedule is not very busy Payen does a bit of gardening and i do odd security jobs over the weekends mostley ..So please let us (well me) know,when you are in town or fewer occessions when you round town ' we will meet up. :)
God Bless |
Maureen. |
| H I Simon, I don,t think you can believe everything that you see on the internet. Anything that is pre flood would have been fossilised. I think that you should check out these findings before you show them otherwise you will lose your credibility. Love & blessings. Maureen.
Sent from my iPad.
697 6/4/2014 | Subject: Noah in Ancient Greek Art. |
Val Smith  |
| Simon,
Saw your latest post http://www.realdiscoveries.info/DISCOVERY_OF_HYBRID_MAN.php
and thought you would be interested in Robert Bowie Johnson's work. He is documenting that Greek Mythology was not myth, but rather the history of the human race from the standpoint of the way of Cain. He makes a compelling case that Zeus and Hera were Adam and Eve that were enlightened by the serpent to be gods. He believes Naamah (Nammu) was married to Ham (Chiron) who had Cush (Hermes) who had Nimrod (Herakles; known to us as Hercules) It is fascinating and what made me write was that the Greeks depicted the Seth-men (from the line of Seth) as Kentaurs. (Half man and horse). I put a post under my Discoveries News column at the website.
See http://solvinglight.com/index.htm
I'm convinced, like Robert says, "mainstream anthropologists do not study the record of our origins left in art and literature. Instead, they study chimpanzees." They are thoroughly polluted by darwinism.
God Bless you, Brother,
696 3/4/2014 | Im trying to order DVD's |
Steve |
| Im trying to order DVD's but your site is too conviluted.. I want to get the new
cd on darwin
695 1/4/2014 | Long story how I came to realize who I really am |
jensweet66 |
| Long story how I came to realize who I really am but by the grace of the almighty Lion of Judah, Yeshua, King of Kings, I know what is coming! TIME IS UP! The heavens and the "little book" of Revelation, declare the King of Kings is about to appear and remove his bride. No time left!
MARCH 31, 2014
H3133-appointer- Joed.
H4056- something slaughtered, a beast (or meat, as a butchered.)
H479-These are those..
G3133-to extinguish (as fire) to pass away-fade away.
G2874-Manure, dunghill
G479- to invite in return-bid again.
add the three numbers together--8486-the South (as being on the right handoff a person facing the East) South Wind!
South Wind
H2386-to enclose: a hog (perhaps as penned)-a boar, swine.
H1074- FIRST BORN, 'baker'
H179-mournful, Obil, an Ishmaelite
G2386- a cure (the effect)
G1074- a generation, age nation time
G179-indissolubile, permanent, endless
H3639-disgrace, confusion, dishonour, reproach, shame
G3639- (to destroy) ruin ie. death, punishment, destruction
add last 2 numbers together:
H7278- Kings heap
God supernaturally led me to the book, and has sent messages through it to me. Maybe you too? Go ahead, enter your name, city, whatever you want to see, but be careful what you wish for. The book truly is sweet like honey to the mouth, but bitter in the stomach!! AS WORMWOOD!
sorry for any spelling errors etc, I'm exhausted and a little shaky.
I have been "watching" the heavens for some time, and grown in the Lord leaps and bounds. ISON was the Son, who will be rejected AGAIN!
Go to gematrix.org for calculator, and strongsconcordance.info for transfer.
Obviously when searching, enter numbers as words.
Look into tonight and tomorrow, tell me what you see
In your town, the US, etc.
Search the Cardinal Grand Cross alignment coming this next month along with the FULL moon lunar eclipse and Full MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE! Also search the word UKRAINE!
EVERYTHING on tv been telling us everything.
LOVE to you ALL, in Yeshua, Your sister, Jen
694 1/4/2014 | Dear Brother Browin, |
Pastor Stephen |
| Dear Brother Browin,
I was blessed with DVD's which you have sent few months back.
I am spiritually happy with your fellowship. Kindly continue to be in touch.
Praise God.
Pastor Stephen |
693 31/3/2014 | Calvary greetings to you in Jesus name. |
Ojetade |
| Dear Sir,
Calvary greetings to you in Jesus name.
After visited your site today, i discover teachable, helpful materials that are
good for believers.
I hereby request for free Dvd that helpful via my postal address: Nigeria.
I shall be glad to hear soon from you.
692 29/3/2014 | Subject: Re: Same-sex marriage now legal in the UK. |
John |
| Hi
Psalm 2 comes to mind.
The campaign to legalise SSM is NOT about equality at all. It is about abolishing marriage all together! Prominent gay writer Masha Gessen attacked those who claim that redefining marriage to include same-sex couples will not diminish the importance of traditional marriage, saying: ‘It is a lie to say the institution of marriage won’t change … We want to abolish marriage.’
http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs ... rchive/1116952756196.html
691 29/3/2014 | Subject: Enquiry Rao. |
Rao |
| Greetings and Good wishes
I wish to read books on Biblical Discoveries by Ron Wyatt's and so on.
Kindly let me have an access to them.
690 26/3/2014 | Hey Simon bro, |
Andy |
| Hey Simon bro, Caspar asked me to tell you that we did a little interview on his Fringe show. My name is Andy Jennings from Brum, vocalist with Dissident Prophet. Strange... my wife and I watched a couple of your videos last year. The one about Sodom and Gomorrah was used by the Lord to help bring our drummer to salvation. He found it fascinating.
He repented and was saved in October... the day that Lou Reed died.
In Jesus
689 25/3/2014 | Subject: Shipping cost for order? |
Rose |
| Hello,
I am wanting to place an order, and was wondering how much shipping would be? Your website says around $10.73 US dollars, I believe, but when I go to check out, it's around $76.45 US dollars. Not sure I'm doing it right.
Rose |
688 24/3/2014 | Subject: RE: MOST SHOCKING ALIEN ABDUCTION of Corina Saebels |
Diana |
| Thanks, look forward to viewing.
Some say abductions are the result of dissociative identity disorder/sra trauma induced images rather than actual alien abductions though. Just wondering...
687 23/3/2014 | I want to place an order in your store, |
Eric |
| My name is Eric,I want to place an order in your store,I will like to know if you ship to Singapore. Do you have credit card facility?Get back to me with your website.I will await your prompt response.
Best Regards,
685 19/3/2014 | Subject: Re: [revival] 5 WAYS PROSPERITY GOSPEL is HURTING AFRICA!! |
John Hayworth |
| Hi Simon
I, too, receive Andrew Strom's mailings.
Here in Manchester there are quite a number of these African Prosperity/Word of Faith churches. Sometimes we encounter them when we are out preaching the Gospel. They never come out to preach the Gospel. Whenever they come out it is to promote some "Apostle" or some "Prophet", pushing "Miracle Annointings" and such. Last year one of these pastors was exposed in the Manchester Evening News for selling "Miracle Oil" which, he claimed, could "Heal all manner of ailments including cancer"! Turns out it was cheap Olive Oil mixed with blackcurrant cordial both bought at his local Aldi store!
http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.u ... church-sells-olive-692705
Another of these churches was issued with an order from the council to turn off their amplification during their meetings because there had been a number of complaints by local residents. Within two weeks of this happening two thirds of the congregation had disappeared! Just thinking about this gets me riled up as they prey on vulnerable and unstable people promising them Health and wealth as long as they contribute at least one tenth of their Gross income to the "ministry"!
However, possibly the most cynical of all these groups does not hail from Africa but from Brazil; The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God which was founded by an former lottery salesman by the name of Edir Macedo. According to their accounts (which are published on the Charity Commission's website--as are the accounts of every group that is registered as a charity) in one year they spent 7 Million pounds on something called "Procurement of Services"! In Brazil this group is building a life-size replica of Solomon's Temple with an overall budget of $200,million! Perhaps this is the "Service" they needed to "procure"?
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/New ... .aspx/138994#.Uynad16ej6w
In Christ
On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Simon Brown <mrsimonbrown@aol.com> wrote:
Hello friends this is interesting below. PROSPERITY GOSPEL.
by J. Lee Grady
I´m not an African, but in 2008 some Nigerian friends gave me a
Yoruba name ("Akinwale") because I have been to that country
so often. My visits there, along with trips to Uganda, Kenya,
Malawi, South Africa and Egypt, planted a deep love for Africa in
my heart. My first grandson´s arrival this year from Ethiopia made
the connection even stronger.
I´m often asked to describe how God is moving in Africa today.
Since I´m an optimist, I usually tell of the large churches, the
passionate praise and the intense spiritual hunger that
characterizes African Christianity. But there is also a dark side,
and I think it´s time we addressed one of the most serious threats
to faith on the continent.
I´m talking about the prosperity gospel. Of course, I know a slick
version of this message is preached in the United States-and I
know we are the ones who exported it overseas. I am not minimiz-
ing the damage that prosperity preaching has done in my own
country. But I have witnessed how some African Christians are
taking this money-focused message to new and even more
dangerous extremes.
Here are five reasons the prosperity message is damaging the
continent of Africa today:
1. It is mixed with occultism. Before Christianity came to Nigeria,
people visited witch doctors and sacrificed goats or cows to get
prosperity. They poured libations on the ground so the gods would
hear their prayers. Today similar practices continue, only the juju
priest has been replaced by a pastor who drives a Mercedes-Benz.
I am aware of a pastor who buried a live animal under the floor of
his church to win God´s favor. Another pastor asked his congregants
to bring bottles of sand to church so he could anoint them; he then
told the people to sprinkle the sand in their houses to bring
blessings. The people who follow these charlatans are reminded
that their promised windfall won´t materialize unless they give
large donations.
2. It fuels greed. Any person who knows Christ will learn the joy
of giving to others. But the prosperity gospel teaches people to
focus on getting, not giving. At its core it is a selfish and
materialistic faith with a thin Christian veneer. Church members
are continually urged to sow financial seeds to reap bigger and
bigger rewards. In Africa, entire conferences are dedicated to
collecting offerings in order to achieve wealth. Preachers boast
about how much they paid for suits, shoes, necklaces and
watches. They tell their followers that spirituality is measured
by whether they have a big house or a first-class ticket. When
greed is preached from the pulpit, it spreads like a cancer in
God´s house.
3. It feeds pride. This greedy atmosphere in prosperity churches
has produced a warped style of leadership. My Kenyan friend
Gideon Thuranira, editor of Christian Professional magazine, calls
these men "churchpreneurs." They plant churches not because
they have a burden to reach lost souls but because they see dollar
signs when they fill an auditorium with chairs. A selfish message
produces bigheaded opportunists who need position, applause
and plenty of perks to keep them happy. The most successful
prosperity preacher is the most dangerous because he can
convince a crowd that Jesus died to give you and me a Lexus.
4. It works against the formation of Christian character. The
prosperity message is a poor imitation of the gospel because it
leaves no room for brokenness, suffering, humility or delay. It
offers an illegal shortcut. Prosperity preachers promise instant
results and overnight success; if you don´t get your breakthrough,
it´s because you didn´t give enough money in the offering. Jesus
calls us to deny ourselves and follow Him; prosperity preaching
calls us to deny Jesus and follow our materialistic lusts. There
is a leadership crisis in the African church because many pastors
are so set on getting rich, they can´t go through the process of
discipleship that requires self-denial.
5. It actually keeps people in poverty. The government of Malawi
is currently under international scrutiny because of fraud carried
out by top leaders. The saddest thing about the so-called
"Cashgate" scandal is that professing Christians in the administ-
ration of President Joyce Banda have been implicated. One of
these people stole millions of kwacha from the government and
hid the cash in a teddy bear! Most people today in Malawi live on
less than $1 a day, yet their leaders have been known to buy
fleets of cars and huge plots of land with money that was not
theirs. Sadly, the prosperity gospel preached in Malawi has
encouraged pastors and leaders to follow the same corrupt pattern.
As a result, God´s people have been financially exploited.
When Jesus described false prophets as wolves in sheep´s
clothing, He warned us to examine their fruit. Matthew 7:17 says,
"So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad
fruit" (NASB). What is the fruit of prosperity preaching?
Churches have been growing rapidly in many parts of Africa today,
yet sub-Saharan Africa is the only region in the world where
poverty has increased in the past 25 years. So according to the
statistics, the prosperity gospel is not bringing prosperity! It is a
flawed message, but I believe God will use selfless, broken African
leaders to correct it.
-Lee Grady is the former Editor of Charisma Magazine.
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PO Box 69-001,
Auckland 0645,
New Zealand.
684 19/3/2014 | Enquiry Gerald |
Gerry |
Hi Simon and Emma,
Just to let you know that I have had to open a new account as my isp is now different to last time I ordered.
I will be back soon to order as at the moment I am too tired to concentrate.
God bless you both
683 18/3/2014 | Request some of your free DVD's please |
Paul |
| Request some of your free DVD's please . These will really assist to spread the
word of God in our communities as well as our congregations .
Paul Malawi .
682 18/3/2014 | Request a Jesus DVD |
Paul |
| Request a Jesus DVD or some of your free DVD's.
Paul, Malawi.
681 17/3/2014 | Good stuff guys |
Arman |
| Good stuff guys,God Bless you all,I live in Hastings sow some
familiar faces (while watching with a friend your videos the Sodom and
Gomora one)like Alex Poal there they would know me too I think with
Alex from Jesus Army and Poal through sport and so on.
so yeah I would be up for doing some stuff with you be part of
the Christian walk..
I got some ideas of my own could tell you about if we were to meet
Oh by the way Rolly and Rosie
680 17/3/2014 | Go to tell you something the Youtube in the UK blocks your videos |
Arman |
| Go to tell you something the Youtube in the UK blocks your videos.and
number of other countries they seem to be too threatened by your
videos the sons of satan..so need sort of program or explanation on
website how to look at some of the stuff usin likes of Tor or IP
blocker programs.
yep since Alex is there I could be there as well with you.I'm in
Jesus Army at the moment.please send me an email and I will be in
touch. Bless you
679 17/3/2014 | I have been trying to order the book THE EXODUS CASE |
Jerry |
| I have been trying to order the book THE EXODUS CASE but need to establish a
user name and password. Could not find any where to do that on your web site.
Jerry |
683 18/3/2014 | Request some of your free DVD's please |
Paul |
| Request some of your free DVD's please . These will really assist to spread the
word of God in our communities as well as our congregations .
Paul Malawi .
682 18/3/2014 | Request a Jesus DVD |
Paul |
| Request a Jesus DVD or some of your free DVD's.
Paul, Malawi.
681 17/3/2014 | Good stuff guys |
Arman |
| Good stuff guys,God Bless you all,I live in Hastings sow some
familiar faces (while watching with a friend your videos the Sodom and
Gomora one)like Alex Poal there they would know me too I think with
Alex from Jesus Army and Poal through sport and so on.
so yeah I would be up for doing some stuff with you be part of
the Christian walk..
I got some ideas of my own could tell you about if we were to meet
Oh by the way Rolly and Rosie
680 17/3/2014 | Go to tell you something the Youtube in the UK blocks your videos |
Arman |
| Go to tell you something the Youtube in the UK blocks your videos.and
number of other countries they seem to be too threatened by your
videos the sons of satan..so need sort of program or explanation on
website how to look at some of the stuff usin likes of Tor or IP
blocker programs.
yep since Alex is there I could be there as well with you.I'm in
Jesus Army at the moment.please send me an email and I will be in
touch. Bless you
679 17/3/2014 | I have been trying to order the book THE EXODUS CASE |
Jerry |
| I have been trying to order the book THE EXODUS CASE but need to establish a
user name and password. Could not find any where to do that on your web site.
Jerry |
678 15/3/2014 | I received the DVDs |
I.David |
| I received the DVDs sent by you with safe and I thank you so much for
them.We are preparing for using them to as many as possible.After using
them I will send the photos and evidences for your joy and
satisfaction.These CDs are going to give revival among the doubtful
believers and I thank God for that.
We surely pray for you sincerely. God bless you.
Yours in Christ,
677 12/3/2014 | Re: Real Discoveries Online Store |
Jason |
| Hi Simon and Emma,
First of all congratulations on a brilliant website !
I have just registered with your online store as I wanted to
order 10 dvd's but the shipping costs were wrong so I wasn't
sure what to do ?
Kind regards
676 12/3/2014 | I have received the materials |
| I would like to inform you that, I have received the materials you
sent to me on the date of 20/02/2014, I received it on the date of
am much interested and appreciated with quality work done, also am
ever ready ready to receive any kind of materials from your outfit
which will help us.
thank you very much
675 11/3/2014 | What Came First. The Chicken or The Egg? |
Kathy |
| Dear Simon,
It is a while since i wrote you, i first wanted to watch all your videos and in that time i think i must have seen most of them...after that i did not know what to write you because it was so much that i would not know where to start with.
Well, one word to start and finish with, FANTASTIC.
I am also studying the question of the predictions for the people of Israel. Some prophecies came already true (1949 for ex.), red moons falling together with jewest highdays as well in the following 2 years!
But on the other hand, "Israel" can not be taken too litterally (just as the 12 tribes are not nominated all exactly), we who are believing in Jesus as our savier, are his people, coming from the seed of David or not, circumcised or not but absolutely well circumcised in our mind
What do you think about the coincidence of blood moons and eclipses with Jewish feasts?
Wishing you all the good,
674 10/3/2014 | Gnosticism |
John Hayworth |
| Gnosticism was something that the Apostle John was dealing with in all his writings. The Gnostics could not accept that Jesus Christ was God manifested in the flesh. This is one reason that the Gnostic writings did not enter both Old and New Testament scriptures. Another reason is that the authorship is of dubious origin. Comparing these with the ones that were accepted the style is very different and the date that they were written means that they cannot be included as being authentic. The four Gospels are all from the 1st Century and are authored by Apostles of Christ or disciples of the Apostles.
The Gospel of the Lord only dates back to the second century and appears to be a version of the Gospel according to Luke, but altered to give credence to the idea that the God of the Old Testament scriptures is different from the one that is revealed in the New. This belief was mainly taught by Marcion of Sinope who was born in 44 AD and died in 160 AD. Marcionism died out in the 5th century however it did see a form of revival in the 12th century with the Cathars and latterly in the 20th century in Nazi Germany. The latter revival was mainly because of Anti-Semitism, and Marcionism found favour amongst certain of the churches in Germany at that time.
The Gospel of Truth dates to the 3rd century. This gnostic gospel promotes the doctrine of Valentinus of Phrebonis. Valentinus denied the humanity of Jesus stating that the body of Jesus was supernatural. This is contrary to the teaching of the Apostle John who declared quite plainly that the "Word became Flesh" when speaking of the Lord Jesus.
The Gospel of Thomas, rather than being a narrative like the 4 New Testament Gospels, is a collection of sayings. This book was only discovered in December of 1945 amongst a collection of documents in the Nag Hammadi library in Egypt. Its text continuously reflects Gnostic teachings by continuously referring to Jesus's sayings as "secret" and "mysterious", which were common gnostic catchphrases.The earliest copy of this text dates from the 4th century and is a Coptic text probably translated from Syriac. There are some early fragments that date from the 2nd century. The earliest mention of this book is found in the writings of Hyppolitus of Rome and Origen of Alexandria (Both considered to be early church fathers) both of whom reject it as hertetical. It is obvious that the author of this book is not the Apostle by whose name it is known. Thomas travelled out of the Middle East to Asia finally arriving in India where it is believed that he suffered a martyr's death. In India the Mar Thoma Syrian Church traces its history back to the work of the Apostle Thomas in India. The Gospel of Thomas does not feature in their Canon of divinely inspired scriptures!
The Gospel of Peter promotes an idea similar to Marcionism in that Jesus only appeared to be human and that His human form was merely an illusion. This doctrine is called Docetism from the Greek Dokein meaning "to seem". The Greek word for apparition is idokesis. The followers of this doctrine were called Docetai which means (illusionists). Docetism was a commonly held belief amongst some mid seventh century sects and is probably where Muhammad got his christology from.
The Gospel of Mary dates from the 5th Century. It was discovered in 1896.
The Gospel of Judas is considered to be of second century origin. This Gospel asserts that only Judas was taught the true Gospel by Jesus and none of the other Apostles were. The earliest copy of this book is written in Coptic, whereas the entire New Testament canon is written in Greek, even the earliest manuscripts.
The Gospel of Philip was written in the latter part of the second century and, therefore, cannot be the work of Philip who lived and died during the first century. This book insinuates a Jesus that was intimately involved with Mary Magdalene. It contains some very strange statements such as;
Echamoth is one thing and Echmoth, another. Echamoth is Wisdom simply, but Echmoth is the Wisdom of death, which is the one who knows death, which is called "the little Wisdom".
Adam came into being from two virgins, from the Spirit and from the virgin earth. Christ therefore, was born from a virgin to rectify the Fall which occurred in the beginning.
As Jesus perfected the water of baptism, he poured out death. For this reason we go down into the water but not into death, that we may not be poured out into the spirit of the world.
Modern scholars have stated that this book does follow Valentian theology which denies the humanity of Jesus. |
673 10/3/2014 | Soil on Shroud of Turin Is Same Soil Outside Garden Tomb |
GoodShepard007 |
| Simon, you are just like me, you really get into this stuff. I love it. Good commentary. I am sure the Lord took note of it.
We know for a forensic fact the person placed in the Shroud was brutally scourged and crucified and was dead. We know that this form of punishment was abolished in 337AD. We know that this body was separated from the cloth BEFORE DECOMPOSITION SET IT. Meaning within less than 72 hours after being placed in the Shroud the body was separated from the linen and left the most bizarre image Science has ever studied. 3D INFO ENCODED INTO THE LINEN, X RAY QUALITY, MIRROR HORIZONTAL EFFECT, HIGHLY PIXELATED IMAGE.
We know for a forensic fact that a human body will not leave behind such a image on a linen cloth without some kind of extraordinary event making it possible.
These are only a few established facts in which we can begin to draw some conclusions from.
1. Person in Shroud was born at the very latest in the 3rd century.
2. Person was exposed to a powerful, unknown source light & electromagnetic energy when separated from the cloth.
3. The Image strongly suggests the light source comes from the person in the Shroud, as if every pore of the person in The Shroud fired off laser beams and the body was electrified, a advanced form of Kirlian photography.
It can be proved beyond any reasonable doubt, the soil found on the foot area of the man in the shroud matches soil samples that were taken from tombs and area outside the Damascus Gate. Of course The Garden Tomb is in that area. What people are not realizing is that these soil samples were examined using High-resolution Ion Mass Spectroscopy where one can see the specific amounts of strontium, iron or absence of what would normally be present in the soil/calcite such as lead.
This type of evidence is not unlike having a fingerprint to match to another. These samples matched up! IT IS ROCK SOLID EVIDENCE. (LITERALLY)
NONE of the other soil/calcite samples taken from various locations in and outside of Jerusalem matched the soil on the Shroud. NONE.
(There are also mineral deposits on the back of The Shroud consistent with what would be found in a tomb in Israel)
WE CAN ALSO CONCLUDE BEYOND ANY REASONABLE DOUBT THE MAN IN THE SHROUD MADE VIOLENT CONTACT WITH THE SOIL. ( The rare soil/calcite was also observed on the tip of the nose) And of course the nose on the man in the shroud is abraded, as would occur from a fall. There are also abrasion and compression in the knees, especially on one side.
(Where the knee struck the ground)
Hey Simon how is it going in the UK?
We could hand over the case file with all the forensic evidence on the Shroud and Head cloth to any forensic detective in the world and they will ALL say the same thing. The person who's head made contact with the Sudarium in Spain is the same person who head made contact with the Shroud that is in Turin Italy.
IT IS THE SAME PERSON. There is no reasonable doubt,
Whether that forensic detective is in the UK or China, in the US or Italy, whether they are black or white, green skin or yellow,
We know for a historical fact the head cloth existed in 6th century. IMMEDIATELY ELIMINATE THE CARBON DATING AS BEING ACCURATE.
We know the head cloth was officially authenticated as belonging to Jesus many centuries ago. Official documentation, physical evidence that still exists in Spain at the Cathedral of San Salvador, we can go and look at it, examine it,
There is not 1 museum in the world that would not immediately put in on display and call it "The Sacred Sudarium of Our Lord Jesus" without doubt or question.
The head cloth authenticated, authenticates the Shroud at the same time, whether someone likes that or not, that is the way that it is.
In the same way the Sun rises in the east and sets in the West, The Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Jesus and physical evidence of his resurrection.
But of course that could not be Jesus.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR0-Pw ... =UUrHRtJu3O3yBkfqxzA8BADg
672 10/3/2014 | Soil on Shroud of Turin Is Same Soil Outside Garden Tomb |
steve young |
| I believe that Jesus was resurrected in the tomb and that he left this his burial cloth for the children of the future, knowing that in this modern day that we live in would come to pass, and that mankind, would have the knowledge and understanding to decipher the reason and the purpose for the cloth.
It was to remain as proof of his life, and as proof of his crucifixion and as proof of his death and proof of his miraculous heavenly powers, that created the image on the cloth at the very instant of his resurrection, thus proving that he was not just a mere man as many have said, named Jesus who was enacting out the scriptures, but that he was in fact the Christ, the savoir of mankind, who gave his life to save us from our sins.
He was in fact the Son Of God, and that we may know by our understanding, shown to us by the shroud that he is still with us. Even to this day he is still our shepherd, caring and guiding us, and those who know his voice shall hear him and come to him, for the sheep know the voice of their shepherd and shall trust and come to him.
I never fail to be amazed by all these nuggets of information that come from god, in this our modern 21st century age.
It was told that Jesus said to his disciples, when he came to them in the upper room after he had risen, and when he invited Thomas to examine the holes in his wrists and in his side " You believe” Jesus said ,“ because you see, How great are those who will believe without seeing".
This shroud was meant to be found and preserved right from the day of Jesus crucifixion; it was I believe all Gods plan. This is god’s way of letting us, you and I see, here in the 21st century, so that we also may be witnesses to his life and to his death. And so by seeing the powerful miracle of the shroud, we should understand the powers he had at his disposal to do the miracles’ in his lifetime. For this shroud proves beyond all logical reasoning that he was not just a man, but a man with powers beyond our limited understanding, that he was and that he is the Christ, the son of god.
No we ourselves were not there at the crucifixion of Jesus, to see and witness and so have the foundation to believe, but my friends, we are here today 2000 years later and we are able to witness the Miracle of the shroud of Turin.
It has now been well established in scientific circles that it is almost miraculous the way the image has been produced on the cloth.
Only a brilliant burst of radioactive light from something equal to a nuclear explosion would be able get anything remotely similar to the shrouds image, as was shown by the shadow of a man whose shadow was burnt into the wooden planking of a hut at Hiroshima.
Anything that powerful and intense must have come from god; even our own modern day scientists are left scratching their heads.
I find it impossible that any averagely educated man or woman cannot understand, after due care to the facts relating to the shroud of Turin and comparing them with Jesus who was crucified 2000 years ago. The two go hand in hand; everything written in the bible in the New Testament, and the scriptures of the Old Testament has been proven true.
I think that if we have eyes to see and ears to hear there is as much proof for us, that God is with us now, here today as there was back 2000 years ago when the disciples witnessed the miracles of Jesus healing the sick, giving sight to the blind and raising the dead.
The Shroud of Turin is a miracle in itself, in its own right. So children of little faith, how many miracles do you need to see to believe?
"Let he who has eyes see and let he who has ears hear and let he who has a heart perceive and understand"
Jesus has left us all a secret message, a code if you like to speak to all men and women who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
The message is encoded in the shroud of Turin. It is there for us all to see. It will not be here for ever my friends, as it is fading as we speak and this is why it is only brought out on few occasions so as to protect it from the atmosphere and ultra violate light.
Again we see Jesus (Yeshua) telling us, “Walk in the light, while you have the light”. The shroud is the light...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR0-Pw ... Dg&feature=share&index=10
671 10/3/2014 | The Shroud of Turin |
steve young |
| never fail to be fascinated by all theses nuggets of gold that come from god, in this our modern age. Jesus said to his disciples," You believe because you see, How great are those who will believe without seeing", I think this is gods way of letting us see. No we were not there at the crucifixion, to see and witness and so believe, but we are here today 2000 years later to witness the Miracle of the shroud of Turin. It has now been established that it is almost miraculous the way the image has been produced on the cloth, only a brilliant burst of radioactive light from something equal to a nuclear explosion would be able get get anything remotely similar to the shrouds image, as was shown by the shadow of a man that was burnt into the wood walling at Hiroshima. Anything that powerful and amazing must have come from god, even our own scientists are baffled. I think that if we have eyes to see and ears to hear there is as much proof that God is with us now, as there was back 2000 years ago when the disciples witnessed the miracles of jesus. The Shroud of Turin is a miracle in itself. Oh children of little faith, How many miracles do you need to see to believe.
"Let he who has eyes see and let he who has ears hear and let he who has a heart perceive and understand"
670 10/3/2014 | The visible evidence of Jesus on the Shroud of Turin. |
Perplexedearthling1 |
| I had a few months ago left Christianity because I could not reconcile contradictions in Bible, Science, certain moral teachings, early Christian blatant forgeries, among other reasons. In the last weeks, though, thanks largely to the Internet, a gift from on High, I have discovered hidden codes in the Bible, of general and scientific interest as well as the revelation in Isaiah 46 of "Jesus Saviour" in the form of a Cross. Furthermore, I have spent days researching the Shroud of Turin showing that the chance that this is NOT Jesus Christ is 1 in 282 billion ! His Blood is clearly distinguished between that spilt while living and post-mortem. The Light and great force radiated from within His Body and is not on the electro-magnetic spectrum. His Chromosomes are in accordance with a Virgin Birth. Many, many other relevant, fascinating and scientific facts. He is the Truth, the Way and the Life. Forget New Age, mediaeval manuscripts or Eastern teaching that He never died on the Cross. Forget ETs lifting Him. His Radiance came from within ! Worry not about whether you understand the Scriptures to any level or even agree with Christians on all matters. Trust in Jesus Christ alone ! Truly fully God and fully man. Thank God that He has given us, as the above clip so simply and eloquently puts it, His Calling-Card ! May this truth flood the earth. Best wishes to all and God bless.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTnreS ... e_view_type#gpluscomments
669 10/3/2014 | Jesus Christ is Lord |
Dr.Michael Sampson.Th.D |
| The prophecies are being fulfilled |
667 4/3/2014 | I always point out that the fruit of the Spirit |
John |
| Hi Simon
I always point out that the fruit of the Spirit contains self-control. Much of these manifestations overcome people and they often testify as to being unable to speak, to drive for example. Rodney Howard-Browne would tell people to stop praying and simply let "the spirit take over"! No guesses as to what sort of spirit he led people into surrendering control to!
The only instance in the scriptures that I can find of where God did anything remotely like this is in the Book of Isaiah:
Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. (Isaiah 29:9-14)
It was called a "Blessing" sent by God! Well, it was sent by God, but it was no blessing, rather a judgement as Isaiah prophesied in the above scripture.
I firmly believe that we are in the days of the Great Falling Away that Paul prophesied would come before the revealing of the man of sin (2 Thes 2:3). This apostasy is all but complete here in UK. This year thousands of churches will be joining together under the banner of "Hope Together" (which has been promoted and steered behind the scenes by both Canterbury and the Vatican). This all is part of the global strategy of "Evangelisation"! In 2008 we witnessed a dry-run for this, but this year the Roman Catholic Church is fully integrated.
We see the invasion of both Mysticism and the Occult in the churches. Hope Together recommends, as a prayer resource for children and families, Labyrinth Prayer:
http://www.hopetogether.org.uk/Groups ... sources.aspx#.UxWecl6ej6w
Also, this year, we will see the release of the film "Son of God" produced by a Catholic Mystic and her husband. The film is being endorsed by a number of leading churchmen, including;
"Market Driven's" Rick Warren, One of President Obama's advisers on Faith-Based and Neighbourhood Partnerships Sam Rodriguez, Cardinal Wuerl, Catholic ArchBishop José Orácio Gomez, Dominionist and Emerging Church Leader Bill Hybels, Prosperity preacher (and all round nice guy) Joel Osteen, Prosperity Preacher and Oneness Teacher T.D. Jakes, Church of Christ Pastor Max Lucado, Ecumenist Leith Anderson, promoter of Celtic Spirituality and Mysticism Erwin McManus and false prophet Pat Robertson.
These men partnered with Roma Downey and Mark Burnett in the production of the film, some even acted as advisors. This film has been created in a way that aims to make Jesus attractive to the world and fits in with the general ecumenical mission of Global Evangelisation. Judging from the broad cross section of supporters of this film the film presents a "Jesus" that "Christians" from every denomination can agree on, Roman Catholics, Evangelicals, "Protestants", Charismatics, Pentecostals etc. A Jesus that everyone can agree upon is NOT the Jesus of the Bible! A Jesus that every type of Christian can unite around is Not the Jesus of scripture but another Jesus than the one we read about in the Gospels.
Some years ago I worked in the Bullion Centre for one of the big banks. As employees we would handle, literally, millions of pounds every week. One of the things I had to become deft at doing was spotting the many counterfeit bank notes that would sometimes end up in the takings of the hundreds of businesses that were delivered to the centre by Security Companies. Smaller denominations were pretty easy to spot but occasionally some of the larger denominations (especially £50 notes) were extremely well made and harder to spot. The counterfeiter seeks to produce something so close to the real thing that not just the average person could fall for it, but even the expert!
During WWII Hitler hatched a plan to flood Britain with millions of pounds of counterfeit banknotes in an attempt to destroy the British economy. He used the world's greatest counterfeiter--a Jewish prisoner by the name of Solomon Sorowitsch--to produce bank notes so well made that they would be practically indistinguishable from the real thing. From the manufacture of the paper to the design and the inks used, so much care and attention to detail was invested in this project until the final product was created. In 2007 the story of this conspiracy was made into a feature film called "The Counterfeiters" and starred Carl Marcovics in the role of Sally Sorowitsch.
What this group of people have done is to produce a counterfeit Jesus, one so close to the real thing that many will be unable to discern what is false from what is real, but one that fits in with the culture and mentality of the Globalisation of the churches which is being spearheaded by Rome.
Now you may think that I am being overly judgemental but consider some of the comments about the film:
"In this movie, you feel like Jesus is alive, like He is in your backyard. It feels like the scenes just happened a week ago, and you were there, or you could easily go see Him. Our children are bombarded with so many bad movies and messages. The message of this film is beautiful. It's a movie you can see with the kids, and they will love it. It will help them learn what our Savior and God went through. I encourage you to see this with your kids and your friends. I was amazed how well it was done."
"Son of God is a timeless gift of cinema that calls upon people of every faith to stop and reflect on the eternal impact of Jesus Christ, and global impact of Christianity. With its rich production and timely release, Son of God is a wonderful ally in the New Evangelization. I encourage every Catholic to see this film, particularly on opening weekend."
—Tom Peterson, Founder and President, Catholics Come Home, Inc.
A word is the expression of the inward thoughts of a person. When Jesus, the Word of God, became flesh, He was the outward expression of the inward thoughts of God. We have the opportunity, to be apart of something bigger than life. The Son of God Movie has brought together the finest cinematography and greatest creativity so we can see and hear the thoughts of God. When you complete the film, you will conclude with others that Jesus was and is the Son of God.
I believe that Son of God is the finest film produced regarding the Life Of Jesus Christ in the last forty to fifty years. When you walk away, having seen the Son of God, you will understand the love of God, wrapped up in the Word that became flesh: the outward thoughts of God. I want to encourage you to participate in the soon release of movie entitled, “Son of God.” Tell your fellow-leaders about it! Let’s mobilize millions on February 28, 2014 across North American to see and hear the thoughts of God!
—Dr. James O. Davis, Cofounder/Billion Soul
“Experience the Gospel anew.”
“The movie, ‘Son of God’, seeks to make present in a powerful and engaging way the person of Jesus Christ. This film can benefit the people of God as an expression of the New Evangelization, especially during the season of Lent as we prepare to celebrate our Easter salvation in the Lord. This movie has a great potential for leading people to a closer understanding of Jesus Christ and could help those who see it come closer to an authentic encounter with God among us. One of the archdiocese’s important priorities is the work of the New Evangelization. “Son of God” is an excellent example of media’s power to experience the Gospel anew, helping us to fall in love with Jesus once again.”
—Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, San Antonio, Texas
“It is a remarkable film, and I can for see many ways in which it could be used for our works of evangelization in our own time. Many people, especially our young people, are drawn to the visual in their lives, and this film is a superb use of modern filmmaking to capture the imaginations and the hearts of all.”
—His Eminence, Cardinal Roger M. Mahoney, Archbishop Emeritus of Los Angeles
In Christ
666 3/3/2014 | send me a copy of your films |
| Please kindly send me a copy of your films through postal mail.
I have been trying to download from the internet but it doesn't go
well with me.
thank you
665 3/3/2014 | Praise the Lord |
John |
| Good day to u Sir
My name is John from Chennai in South India.......
I have contacted with u some time ago seeking your permission to translate ur work into indian languages......
We wish to bring out a dvd which will be 45 minutes of only the archaeological evidence of the Old testament and 45 minutes of the New Testament.......as we want this work to reach pastors and people who are in the remote corners of India to make the people know more about the Lord and the Bible truths......a visual treat .....
We seek ur permission for the same and we request you to pray that this work that we wish to undertake as a team will lift the Name of Our Lord......
All Glory To Our Lord
664 1/3/2014 | Re: DVDs |
Regina |
| Grace and Peace to you Mr Brown,
Since yesterday, I had an opportunity to listen to the DVDs. I had told myself that I will never watch them until I have paid what was due. So I started watching them yesterday
I just finished all the episodes of the Parables and I have been blessed.
Now both Buried treasures 1 and 2 and the bonus one entitled The Bible is supernatural are not working. They are just flickering in black and white, but the sound is good. The other bonus once (2) you sent me that have short films on them are hard to see, kind of blurred. I hope I am not bothering you at all.
May the Lord be with you.
Regina |
663 25/2/2014 | I received the DVDs |
Regina |
| I am very very sorry to have sent you the payment so late. I received the DVDs about 3 weeks ago and I was overwhelmed with your attitude that you could send them before I even paid. May the good Lord bless you and your ministry. I have sent $20 via Paypal tonight. I know I was supposed to pay $13 but I decided to just send $20 as a way of saying I am sorry. Let me know if you have received the payment.
God bless you.
662 21/2/2014 | My Dear Beloved in Christ, |
Pastor Arezoo |
| My Dear Beloved in Christ,
Greetings to you all in the name of Jesus Christ, First of all, I give you thanks a lot for your good work you are doing for Christ.I am very glad to share with you a few words about our small Church “Love Each Other Bible Church”. I was inspired to name it because of Jesus Christ our Saviour commanded us to love. I am Pastor Arezoo Ebnahmady and we are blessed with Children.
I am the founder of Love Each Other Bible Church and started this Church in the year 2004 and Love Each Other Bible Church is a Church and we are committed to preaching the undiluted word of God to souls.
The Purpose of Our Church to proclaim the gospel of Jesus and help homeless and motherless children in rural villages
The Word of God are clearly teaching us About “Love Each Other” Jesus commanded this: That ye love one another, as I have loved you. John 15:12. In the words of our Lord, Jesus Christ (Deuteronomy 6:4-5 and Leviticus 19:18): “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
It is my duty to serve the Lord with all my heart for the reason i am writing you this letter for you to send us 19 Large Print Bibles for precious Souls in Need.We want to give these bibles to people who are serving the Lord with all their mind .You will be in our daily prayers, Thank you for your time for us. May God bless you all.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Arezoo Nigeria.
661 19/2/2014 | bible is supernatural |
Clare |
| could you please tell me how to get a free copy of the bible is supernatural.I live in vancouver bc canada.How much would the shipping be?
660 19/2/2014 | Enquiry clare |
Clare |
| how can I get the free dvd and books
659 18/2/2014 | Am very sorry |
-- |
| Dear Uncle Simon,
Am very sorry to tell you that I have try all means to copy but it
doesn't go well.
Please, look upon the Lord we are serving kindly send me some copies
through mail
Right now Ghana economy is in danger, it has affected us entirely,
I want to finance for the posting fee but inflation here is too
unbearable. President of Ghana and Ghana Commercial Bank Governor has
announced that from hence forth no one can used Ghana currency to
exchange Dollar or Pound so am handy cap that is the reasons why its
seems am worrying you.
am pleading with you take it into consideration.
hopping to hear from you.
thanks |
658 18/2/2014 | Subject: Re: REQUEST FOR BIBLICAL FILMS |
Bernard |
| Am much delighted to hear such a sweet talk from you, may God bless you.
As I explained in my first letter that we've been doing the evangelism
work here in Ghana, if you look at the nature of the here, most of the
people in the typical villages are illiterate for that matter there is
a need for us to get some materials that they can watch whiles we
explain it in their local tongue or languages for them to get us
I would be very very happy if you can supply us biblical films DVDs
even from genesis to Revelation.it will help us a lot. in short we the
DVDs our DVD player can take PALL, MP3, BLUE RAY, MP4 format,
Then also we are ever ready to abide by any rules and regulation.
We looking forward to hear from you soon
thank you
yours faithfully,
656 17/2/2014 | Hi request book |
Ms Burl |
| Hi request book please of 101 Scientific Facts & Foreknowledge/
And a copy of Discovery news magazine
655 17/2/2014 | I wish to request for Bibles, Literature's, Biblical DVDs |
Bernard |
| Dear Brethren,
I wish to request for Bibles, Literature's, Biblical DVDs and other reading materials to support Asikuma-Odoben-District Church of Christ congregation.
There are 26 Church of Christ Congregations in (AOB) District; our mission is to preach the world of God to people who are unbelievers, also to those who don't know the true church in the Bible.
These Congregations has combined, organizing Annual Gospel meetings, Quarterly Bible camp including extensive and effective evangelism to prepared ourselves for the next coming of the Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10:24-25).
Also, we have elected some preachers who preached on FM station in the AOB District.
Please, we really, really need your support to promote and improve in the God work, it is my believe that with your little support we grow in our community,our various churches and work places.
Am ever ready to provide any information you may need from us.
Than you.
(Trustee )
654 16/2/2014 | Subject: BIBLES. |
Pastor Arezoo |
| My Dear Beloved in Christ,
Greetings to you all in the name of Jesus Christ, First of all, I give you thanks a lot for your good work you are doing for Christ.I am very glad to share with you a few words about our small Church “Love Each Other Bible Church”. I was inspired to name it because of Jesus Christ our Saviour commanded us to love. I am Pastor Arezoo Ebnahmady and we are blessed with Children.
I am the founder of Love Each Other Bible Church and started this Church in the year 2004 and Love Each Other Bible Church is a Church and we are committed to preaching the undiluted word of God to souls.
The Purpose of Our Church to proclaim the gospel of Jesus and help homeless and motherless children in rural villages
The Word of God are clearly teaching us About “Love Each Other” Jesus commanded this: That ye love one another, as I have loved you. John 15:12. In the words of our Lord, Jesus Christ (Deuteronomy 6:4-5 and Leviticus 19:18): “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
It is my duty to serve the Lord with all my heart for the reason i am writing you this letter for you to send us 19 Large Print Bibles for precious Souls in Need.We want to give these bibles to people who are serving the Lord with all their mind .You will be in our daily prayers, Thank you for your time for us. May God bless you all.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Arezoo Nigeria. |
653 13/2/2014 | Enquiry David |
David |
| Dears in Christ,
I'm from India. We are doing ministries in a village areas, I want to buy your
all product such as DVD's and Books, It is really useful for our Ministries and
our church believers,but I couldn't access. please kindly help me to receive
your products.
You are Blessed
thank you,
652 10/2/2014 | FREE Book and More Investigation Needed |
Jeremiah |
| Hi Simon,
Have you considered sending your book to Richard Dawkins office in Oxford University ? He does not believe in Jesus resurrection . I found more info here you like to investigate further http://www.kotipetripaavola.com/shroudturinvideo.html
God Bless
651 8/2/2014 | free book |
Sandy |
| I am interested in acquiring your free book with photographs of your visit to
Sodom and Gomorrah.
Many thanks
650 8/2/2014 | Subject: Turin Shroud |
Maureen |
| Hi Simon, Just read your book on the Shroud, but I am a bit confused by the statement of Fred. Zugibe on page 20. No 4 It says he was the first to show that the nails pierced the upper part of the palms of the hands and not the wrist. It sounds contradictory to the fact that the nails pierced the wrist through the space of destot.Can you explain. Thank you. Maureen
648 8/2/2014 | Can i share what my dream was? |
Angeliqu |
| Gud day!! Im Angelique..i wrote to u about my dream as Jesus is coming...can i share what my dream was? Am a bit scared coz i dreamed it twice..at first i ignored it coz i thinked its just a normal dream then second dream came again...thank you and God bless..
647 6/2/2014 | Split-Rock Archaeology and Engineering on Facebook |
Apprentice Vinbeazel |
| The passage in Genesis seven, eleven about the foundations of the earth being broken up, compared with the account of the LONG Day of Joshua chapter ten...show that there are many such split-rock locations around the world that were part of these past geological upheavals...have you READ the book Earth in UPheaval by I. Velikovsky?? Great to see how much the Lord is using these discussions to impact on the young people in our churches.
645 20/1/2014 | Turin Shroud. |
Maureen. |
| I am going to give a talk on the Turin Shroud. Have you any idea how I can get a
copy of the face of Jesus at A$ or larger please. That is if it is okay to do so
please. Thank you. Maureen.
643 18/1/2014 | Greetings to you in Jesus lovely name. |
John |
| I read about you online and thank God for meeting you and knowing about you. I pray my message finds you doing well in Christ. I also hope you pray asking God to speak to you about us because we only knew through the internet.
By His grace I’m a pastor in God’s vineyard. I was born-again in July of 1985 at the age of twenty-three and married the same year and have been blessed to see God work in many different ways for the last 27 years by the grace of God. My wife Helen and I are blessed with six children. I have a certificate in College of Education and I take a primary school teaching job when I find one. My wife works at home for the children and also works as volunteer at an orphanage home. We are not rich in the things of this world but blessed in Christ. I was called into the ministry in 2007 while still in another State. We moved into Benin December 2010. When we came in here there was no single church in my quarters. My family and I would move 20 kilometers to fellowship in another church. Because it was raining season most times we would be unable to go to fellowship then we resulted to having a fellowship in my sitting room. After three weeks of fellowship three neighbours joined and then more and more people came in. We had about 12 persons in six weeks, it was then I had the calling to start a church and we moved into a rented car park. In another three months the fellowship grew to 20 and above. Today there are between 45 and fifty members in the church. The name of the church is Believers Bible Church.
I have dedicated this ministry to reach unbelievers with the gospel of Jesus Christ, teach people to become fully committed followers of Jesus Christ through discipleship, and to help people build healthy and healed families based on biblical values and principles. Most people here are from disjointed polygamous family background and hence the need to teach and focus on Christ based families. Matthew 6:33 is a powerful scripture in my life. When I trust God enough to pursue His will for my life first, everything else follows!
My major purpose of writing is to seek your help in the area of God’s word the bible. In need your help for an Electronic Bible, preferably Franklin Electronic Bible in KJV preferably. This bible uses battery and has a lot of Daily devotional studies, convenient to use and portable. In the part of town where I live we have little electricity supply. To study at night using lamp is always difficult. The electronics bible has it own light which makes it easy to read without lamp or candle. In addition, it has calculator and clock. My pastor friend has one which was bought for him as gift from canada by his younger Brother schooling there, and it is a very wonderful bible. He bought it from cbd and because they would not ship to Nigeria directly he said they ship it to him in Canada and he then sent via Express mail international to Nigeria. The link he bought it from is http://www.christianbook.com/kjv-fran ... 44338/pd/98297?event=CPOF .Please I beg that you send me one and three for my assistant pastor and two other elders making it four I’m requesting. This would be a great seed you sow into our lives and as we open it each time to read it we would be praying for you asking God to open new chapters of blessing in your life. This would be the greatest blessing and gift any one has given me owe you my prayers. It is not available for sale here and even if we cannot afford it. If you have one or two Christian books you may add. This is our need and nothing else. You can send this to us through the post office. It is very light weight and easy to post. Insured mail or express mail international would be better and safer. My postal Nigeria.
We would be delighted to have you come to visit us, as much would be accomplished for the Lord in our working together. Also pray for the persecuted Christians in Nigeria. Many are killed because of their faith. Pray that the Lord gives the Christians the courage, strength and determination through THE HOLY SPIRIT to stand in the face of opposition from the muslims. I will be checking my email for your reply. I do not have personal internet and I’m writing from a commercial email café but will check often. Write soon and God bless you.
Yours in Christ,
642 14/1/2014 | Subject: Azores Pyramid |
John |
| Dear Simon
I thought that this might be of interest.
Portuguese news sites are reporting on the apparent discovery, last year, of a man-made subaquatic pyramid between the islands of São Miguel and Terceira in the Azores in Portugal. The underwater pyramidal structure was found by a private yacht owner, Diocleiano Silva, who spotted the strange shaped object on sonar at a depth of 40 metres while sailing in the area.
The structure is said to be perfectly squared and oriented by the cardinal points. It is thought to be approximately 60 metres tall with a base of around 8,000 square metres. The Portuguese Hydrographic Institute of the Navy is currently analysing the data to determine whether it is in fact man-made or not.
People are already speculating that this pyramid is linked to the lost city of Atlantis. When I lived in the Azores in the mid 1970's people there would speak of local legends linking the archipelago with Atlantis, especially the amazing Sete Cidades crater. At the bottom of this large volcanic crater is a small village surrounded by green pastures nestled by two lakes that are separated by a causeway. One lake is blue and the other is green. At first I thought that this was caused by one lake reflecting the blue sky and the green lake reflecting the surrounding green landscape. Upon investigating close-up (I stood on the causeway and looked over either side at both lakes) I could see that one lake was indeed green and the other was blue!
Lagoa das Sete Cidades
641 13/1/2014 | hello brother Brawn |
Hugo |
| want you to help me with the research and discovery of the sword of solomon, king solomon sword is in england, look on your page in the data but did not find the post.
* I hope you collect and search for confirmation of the sword of solomon in England.
*photograph is the ark of the covenant was Israel, the people of the temple intituto save and confirm.
640 13/1/2014 | Subject: online orders |
Regina |
| Hello Mr Brown,
I have ordered some DVDs on line but when I click the checkout button nothing happens, it just remains there under shopping cart. It does not take me to checkout page. What do I do? I really need the DVDs urgently more especially the parable one to use.
Thanks for your help
639 11/1/2014 | Subject: Re: Watchers 8 Exclusive - Implant Removal with Dr. Leir. MUST READ. |
John |
| Dear Simon
Thank you for the interesting article about the experiences of Dr. Roger Leir and the strange objects he has removed from a number of people who suspect (or even believe) were implanted by Extra Terrestrial beings.
I did a search on Google for any more information concerning these "implants". Much of what I found were articles that mentioned Dr. Leir but I did want to find some articles that were not about his work but rather about the implants themselves. I was curious to see whether, or not, there had been some more in depth forensic analysis of these objects, after all it is easy to claim that something is Extraterrestrial in origin, but unless it can be shown through scientific analysis that an object is not of this earth then it would be easy to dismiss such claims. Quite a number of articles I encountered came from some quite bizarre sites, from people who promote some very strange ideas in deed so I trolled the internet looking for some more reasonable articles. I found three very interesting articles indeed.
The first caught my attention was entitled "The Truth About Alien Implants". It was from a UFO site however I was a little disappointed that the article didn't actually answer any questions that a person might have. I found that I was left none the wiser. Here's the link:
http://www.ufoencounters.co.uk/truth- ... mplants-human-bodies.html
Then I found an article by Doctor Susan Blackmore, a a freelance writer, lecturer and broadcaster, and a Visiting Professor at the University of Plymouth. She has a degree in psychology and physiology from Oxford University (1973) an MSc and a PhD in parapsychology from the University of Surrey (1980). In her articles she explains how she was able, with help from colleagues at the university sciences department, to actually do some scientific analysis of an implant. Her article is here:
Unfortunately her analysis was not conclusive--much to her disappointment.
Then I came across a pdf of a scientific report concerning the scientific analysis of another implant, this time an implant taken from one of Dr Leir's patients. This was very detailed, included some close up photos taken of the object as well as others from one of those machines that magnifies items hundreds of times. One of these photos compares the surface of the object with another from the surface of a meteorite and the two look almost identical. So it is very possible that the object did originate from space. I did notice, however, that the object taken from the subject was not of any uniform shape. It appears to be like a tiny pebble, rough and jagged. So I am wondering if the object is, in fact, a meteorite that embedded itself into the toe of the subject. It is entirely possible as thousands of meteorites enter our planet's atmosphere every year. Most of them burn up before reaching the ground however some do. These meteorites are usually very small and don't leave much of a mark, so it may be that it is one of these that was removed from this particular gentleman. You can read the full report here:
http://www.openminds.tv/wp-content/up ... mith-Implant-Analysis.pdf
I do know that as we approach the Day of the Lord Satan is working overtime to get people to believe anything, and everything, that will distract people from the truth of Christ. One of these areas is through science. Many people are more likely to accept a scientific explanation for things. Swiss author Erich Von Daniken was probably the first to promote the idea that the ancient gods, as well as the visions of the Prophets in the Bible, were Alien visitations. He has a very popular series that is transmitted on television and his ideas have inspired a number of popular cult SciFi films and TV series such as "Star Gate" and "Agents of Shield".
It is quite possible that the appearance of Anti Christ may even be linked to such an idea as people are more likely to believe in the visitation of Aliens than the visitation of God's Angels, especially with the plethora of films that we have seen released over recent years such as "Close Encounters", "Escape to Witch Mountain", "ET", "The Day the Earth Stood Still", "Cocoon", "Contact" etc. We shall see!
God Bless
John |
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