Simon Brown.

Proverbs 8:34-36 Blessed is the man who hears me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at my door posts. For whoever finds me finds life, and will obtain favor from Yahweh. But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul. All those who hate me love death.” Psalm 84: 11 For Yahweh God is a sun and a shield. Yahweh will give grace and glory. He withholds no good thing from those who walk blamelessly. 12 Yahweh of Armies, blessed is the man who trusts in you. 1 John 5:5 Now who is the one overcoming the world, except the one believing that Jesus is the Son of God?

Thursday, 12 February 2015

What Came First. The Chicken or The Egg? By Simon Brown.

What Came First. The Chicken or The Egg? By Simon Brown.

     Hen, chick and egg in studio against a white background. 07-13-10 © Ornitolog82. Copyright ©2014 iStockphoto LP.
           Multicultural children hold a sign -- Add your own message. Styling by LSpindler. Copyright ©2014 iStockphoto LP. 

FACT. Just as a computer was built to ONLY do what it was designed to do. And cannot change on its own, unless the designer programs it to do different commands, which we know has an intelligent designer humans.

FACT. Just as DNA was created to ONLY do and build what it was designed to create and build. And cannot change on its own, unless the designer programs it with different molecules in the DNA, the building blocks that create life, which has an intelligent designer (GOD)

It Is A Fact. Elephants only give birth to little elephants, giraffes to giraffes, dogs to dogs, and so on for every type of living creature. DNA The building blocks of ALL life cannot and does NOT change from what it was created to build by God. FACT. Human beings have always been human beings and animals have always been animals and apes have always been apes and bananas have always been bananas and cats have always been cats and dogs have always been dogs and roses have always been roses, as God has never changed from being God. READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT Is Evolution FACT?
We all know Birds are born from eggs, so where did the first egg come from to produce the bird? Did the egg just appear from nowhere on its own?

Or where did the first chicken come from to produce the first egg? Did the chicken just appear from nowhere on its own?
One cannot be produced without the other, and one of them must have come first to produce the other. They both need one another to make each other.

Most of us know it is the DNA in the egg which is the building block. It consists of individual molecules that commands the building of the chick's body, bones, eyes, ears, beak, feet, wings and the many organs that make a cute fluffy baby chick.
However understanding the DNA, does not explain which one came first and brings us back to the beginning. Which one came first?  The chicken or the egg?

It can only be the hen Chicken that came first which produced the DNA in the egg that has the individual molecules and plans which commands the building of the chick's body.
If this is the case, which it can only be, then where did the first hen chicken appear from?

As we now know the mother chicken must of existed first to create the first egg.
And It takes DNA to create DNA, from the hen chicken passed down to the egg to build the baby chick.

Then where did the first hen chicken come from and get the complicated, perfect sophisticated DNA building blocks from in the beginning?

Did the highly complicated and sophisticated DNA in the hen chicken develop by itself over millions of years? by Evolution which means change over time, and refers to observed changes in organisms.




Evolution teach by random chance or accident these organisms changed over time into complicated, sophisticated (PERFECT) animals, birds and then humans.

Can you see how mad the THEORY OF EVOLUTION is? I wonder if I was to leave my Ford escort for a long time, would it change into a Rolls Royce?

Unless the DNA is complete, instantly, it could never develop into life to be able to change over time.

The DNA is so highly complicated and sophisticated that it could not have come into existence by random chance or by accident.

Although DNA is far more complicated and sophisticated than the inner workings of a mechanical clock, it is still clever and complex. As we know the Clockwork Mechanism did not develop itself by random chance or accident, but was created by intelligent designers called human beings.

The mechanical parts of a clock have to all be present to function.

Just as the DNA in the first hen chicken had to all be present to be passed down to the first egg to develop into the first perfect chick.

The mathematical odds of the complex clock mechanism being able to develop itself by random chance or by accident is impossible.

The mathematical odds of the complicated and sophisticated and perfect DNA developing by random chance or by accident are impossible.

As humans built the complex mechanism of the clock, so did God create the first complicated and sophisticated DNA in the first chicken that created the first egg, that built the first chick.

We are going around in circles and are again back to the beginning.
What came first. The chicken or the egg?. This is a question that evolution cannot answer.

The Bible gives us the perfect answer. God created the first birds with the ability to create eggs to reproduce after their own kind.(Genesis 1:20-22). This proves the Holy Bible was inspired by the creator GOD, THROUGH His Son Jesus Christ.

Genesis 1:20-22
King James Version (KJV)

20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

Genesis 1:20 - 22. What came first. The chicken or the egg?

         02-04-09 © andresrimaging. Copyright ©2014 iStockphoto LP.

Also read Is Evolution FACT? Mostly By Simon Brown.


ALSO READ In the Canadian Rockies, a Major Fossil Find Intensifies the Object of Darwin's Doubt -


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